
    专业排名 综合排名 学校名称 项目名称 所属院系 项目类型 学制/学分
    35 32 麦吉尔大学 Master of Science (M.Sc.) Earth and Planetary Sciences Faculty of Science MS Thesis 45
    Master of Science (M.Sc.) Earth and Planetary Sciences : Environment MS Thesis 48
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Earth and Planetary Sciences PhD /
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Earth and Planetary Sciences: Environment PhD /
    17 31 多伦多大学 MScAC inEarth Sciences Department of Earth Sciences MScAC-Coursework and thesis 2-3年
    MSc in Earth Sciences Department of Earth Sciences MSc-Course-based 2-3年
    MSc in Earth Sciences Department of Earth Sciences MSc-Coursework and project 2-3年
    PhD in Earth Sciences Department of Earth Sciences PhD 5-7年
    15 51 英属哥伦比亚大学 Master of Science in Earth and Environmental Sciences (MSc) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences MSc /
    Doctor of Philosophy in Earth and Environmental Sciences (PhD) Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences PhD /
    51-100 90 阿尔伯塔大学 MSc in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Faculty of Science MSc-Course-based /
    MA in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Faculty of Science MA-Thesis /
    PhD in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Faculty of Science PhD /
    151-200 140 麦克马斯特大学 MSc in Earth and Environmental Sciences Faculty of Science MSc /
    PhD in Earth and Environmental Sciences Faculty of Science PhD /
    101-150 224 皇后大学 MSc in EnvironmentalGeography(Earth Systems Sciences) MSc /
    PhD in Environmental Geography (Earth Systems Sciences) PhD /
    51-100 279 戴尔豪斯大学 MSc in Earth Sciences Faculty of Science MSc-Thesis 2年
    PhD in Earth Sciences Faculty of Science PhD 3-4年
    - 289 渥太华大学 Doctorate in Philosophy Earth Sciences Faculty of Science PhD 64月
    Doctorate in Philosophy Earth Sciences Specialization in Chemical and Environmental Toxicology Faculty of Science PhD 64月
    Master of Science Earth Sciences Faculty of Science MSc-Thesis 2年
    Master of Science Earth Sciences Specialization in Chemical and Environmental Toxicology Faculty of Science MSc-Thesis 2年
    Master of Science Earth Sciences Specialization in Environmental Sustainability Faculty of Science MSc-Thesis 2年
    Master of Science Earth Sciences Specialization in Science, Society and Policy Faculty of Science MSc-Thesis 2年
    151-200 210 西安大略大学 MSc in Earth Sciences Department of Earth Sciences MSc-Course-based 1年
    MSc in Earth Sciences Department of Earth Sciences MSc-Research-based 2年
    PhD in Earth Sciences Department of Earth Sciences PhD 4年
    101-150 152 滑铁卢大学 Earth Sciences - MSc Faculty of Science MSc-Thesis /
    Earth Sciences - MSc Faculty of Science MSc-Research Paper /
    Earth Sciences - MSc (Water) Water Institute, Faculty of Science MSc-Thesis /
    Earth Sciences - MSc (Water) Water Institute, Faculty of Science MSc-Research Paper /
    Earth Sciences - PhD Faculty of Science PhD /
    Earth Sciences - PhD (Water) Water Institute, Faculty of Science PhD /
    101-150 346 维多利亚大学 MSc in Earth and Ocean Sciences School of Earth and Ocean Sciences MSc /
    PhD in Earth and Ocean Sciences School of Earth and Ocean Sciences PhD /
    - 651-700 卡尔顿大学 M.Sc. Earth Sciences Department of Earth Sciences M.Sc.-Thesis /
    M.Sc. Earth Sciences with Specialization in Chemical and Environmental Toxicology Department of Earth Sciences M.Sc.-Thesis /
    Ph.D. Earth Sciences Department of Earth Sciences PhD /
    Ph.D. Earth Sciences with Specialization in Chemical and Environmental Toxicology Department of Earth Sciences PhD /
    - - 新布伦瑞克大学 MSc in Earth Sciences Faculty of Science MSc-Thesis 2年
    PhD in Earth Sciences Faculty of Science PhD 4年
    - 441-450 约克大学 MSc in Earth & Space Science Department of Earth and Space Science & Engineering (ESSE) MSc-Thesis 2年
    MSc in Earth & Space Science Department of Earth and Space Science & Engineering (ESSE) MSc-Non-Thesis 2年
    PhD in Earth & Space Science Department of Earth and Space Science & Engineering (ESSE) PhD 4年
    - 651-700 温莎大学 Ph.D. in Earth Sciences Faculty of Science PhD /
    M.Sc. in Earth Sciences Faculty of Science M.Sc.-course-based 1年
    151-200 701-750 纽芬兰纪念大学 Master of Science in Earth and Environmental Sciences (MSc) Faculty of Science MSc /
    Doctor of Philosophy in Earth and Environmental Sciences (PhD) Faculty of Science PhD /
    - - 布鲁克大学 Master of Science in Earth Sciences: Geology Faculty ofMathematicsand Science MSc-Thesis 2年
    Master of Science in Earth Sciences: Earth Science Faculty of Mathematics and Science MSc-Thesis 2年






    Wed Jun 06 18:01:58 CST 2018