
    专业排名 综合排名 学校名称 项目名称 所属院系 项目类型 学制/学分
    23 32 麦吉尔大学 Master of Arts (M.A.)Psychology Faculty of Science MA Thesis 45
    Master of Science (M.Sc.) Psychology Faculty of Science MS Thesis 45
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Psychology Faculty of Science PhD /
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Psychology: Behavioural Neuroscience Faculty of Science PhD /
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Psychology: Language Acquisition Faculty of Science PhD /
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Psychology: Psychosocial Oncology Faculty of Science PhD /
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Counselling Psychology (Non-Thesis): Professional/Internship (60 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 60
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Counselling Psychology (Non-Thesis): Project (60 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 60
    Master of Arts (M.A.) School/Applied Child Psychology (Non-Thesis) (60 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Non-Thesis 60
    Graduate Diploma (Gr. Dip.) School/Applied Child Psychology (Post-Ph.D.)-currently suspended Faculty of Education
    Master of Education (M.Ed.); Educational Psychology (Non-Thesis) (48 credits) Faculty of Education M.Ed.-Non-Thesis 48
    Master of Arts (M.A.); Educational Psychology (Thesis) (48 credits) (Note that the School/Applied Child PsychologyMajor(Non-Thesis) is 60 credits.) Faculty of Education MA-Thesis 48
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.); Educational Psychology Faculty of Education PhD /
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Counselling Psychology Faculty of Education PhD /
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) School/Applied Child Psychology Faculty of Education PhD /
    18 31 多伦多大学 MA/PhD Degree - Counselling andClinical Psychology(Field: Clinical Psychology) Faculty of Arts & Science MA/PhD /
    MA in Counselling and Clinical Psychology Faculty of Arts & Science MA Thesis /
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Counselling and Clinical Psychology Faculty of Arts & Science PhD /
    Doctor of Education in Counselling Psychology Faculty of Arts & Science DEd /
    Master of Education in Counselling Psychology Faculty of Arts & Science Med /
    Master of Education in Guidance & Counselling Faculty of Arts & Science Med-Non-Thesis 2年
    Master of Education in Global Mental Health & Counselling Psychology Faculty of Arts & Science Med-Non-Thesis 1.3年
    Master of Education in Counselling & Psychotherapy Faculty of Arts & Science Med-Non-Thesis 2年
    Master of Arts in Developmental Psychology & Education Faculty of Arts & Science MA Thesis 3 sessions
    Master of Education in Developmental Psychology & Education Faculty of Arts & Science Med-Non-Thesis 4 sessions
    Doctor of Philosophy in Developmental Psychology & Education Faculty of Arts & Science PhD 4年
    Master of Arts in Psychology Faculty of Arts & Science MA 3 sessions
    Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology Faculty of Arts & Science PhD 4年
    Master of Arts in School & Clinical Child Psychology Faculty of Arts & Science MA 6 sessions
    Doctor of Philosophy in School & Clinical Child Psychology Faculty of Arts & Science PhD 5年
    13 51 英属哥伦比亚大学 Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology (MA) Faculty of Education MA-Coursework and Thesis 2年
    Master of Education in Counselling Psychology (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework /
    Doctor of Philosophy in Counselling Psychology (PhD) Faculty of Education PhD 4年
    Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (PhD) Faculty of Arts PhD 4年
    Master of Arts in Psychology (MA) Faculty of Arts MA-Coursework and Thesis 2年
    Doctor of Philosophy in School Psychology (PhD) Faculty of Education PhD 4年
    Master of Arts in School Psychology (MA) Faculty of Education MA-Coursework and Thesis 2年
    Master of Education in School Psychology (MEd) Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework + Major Project/Essay /
    101-150 224 皇后大学 Psychology - PhD Faculty of Arts and Science PhD 4年
    Psychology - MSc Faculty of Arts and Science M.Sc.-Coursework and thesis 2年
    101-150 90 阿尔伯塔大学 MA in Psychology Faculty of Arts MA-Thesis 2年
    MSc in Psychology Faculty of Arts MSc-thesis 2年
    PhD in Psychology Faculty of Arts PhD 4年
    MEd in Educational Psychology Faculty of Arts MEd-Thesis 4年
    MEd in Educational Psychology Faculty of Arts MEd-Course-based 6年
    PhD in Educational Psychology Faculty of Arts PhD 6年
    101-150 217 卡尔加里大学 Master of Science (MSc) in Clinical Psychology Faculty of Arts MSc-Thesis 1年
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Clinical Psychology Faculty of Arts PhD 5-6年
    Master of Counselling (MC) in Counselling Psychology Werklund School of Education MC-course-based 3年
    Master of Science (MSc) in Counselling Psychology Werklund School of Education MSc-Thesis 2年
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Counselling Psychology Werklund School of Education PhD 4年
    Master of Science in Psychology Faculty of Arts MSc-Thesis 2年
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Psychology Faculty of Arts PhD 4年
    Master of Education (MEd) in School and Applied Child Psychology Werklund School of Education MEd-coursework and internship 3年
    Master of Science in School and Applied Child Psychology Werklund School of Education MSc-coursework and thesis 2年
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in School and Applied Child Psychology Werklund School of Education PhD 4年
    101-150 140 麦克马斯特大学 Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Psychology Faculty of Science M.Sc.-Thesis 2年
    Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Psychology Faculty of Science Ph.D. 4年
    101-150 224 皇后大学 MSc in Psychology MSc /
    PhD in Psychology PhD /
    201-250 279 戴尔豪斯大学 MSc Psychology Faculty of Graduate Studies MSc-Coursework and thesis 1年
    MSc in Psychology & Neuroscience Faculty of Graduate Studies MSc-Coursework and thesis 1年
    PhD in Psychology Faculty of Graduate Studies PhD 4-5年
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Psychology & Neuroscience Faculty of Graduate Studies PhD 4-5年
    251-300 289 渥太华大学 Master of Education (MEd) in Counselling Psychology Faculty of Education MEd-Coursework 36
    Master of Education (MEd) in Counselling Psychology Faculty of Education MEd-Research Paper 36
    Master of Arts in Education (MA) in Counselling Psychology Faculty of Education MA-Coursework and Thesis 30
    Doctorate in Philosophy Psychology Faculty of Social Sciences PhD 4年
    Doctorate in Philosophy Psychology Specialization in Canadian Studies Faculty of Social Sciences PhD 4年
    51-100 210 西安大略大学 M.Sc.in Psychology Department of Psychology M.Sc.-coursework and thesis 2年
    PhD in Psychology Department of Psychology PhD 4年
    Clinical Science and Psychopathology (CSP)
    Cognitive, Developmental, and Brain Sciences (CDBS)
    Industrial/Organizational Psychology (I/O)
    Social, Personality and Developmental Psychology (SPDP)
    - 451-460 萨斯喀彻温大学 M.A. in Psychology Department of Psychology M.A.-Project and/or thesis 2年
    Ph.D.in Psychology Department of Psychology Ph.D. 4年
    - 551-600 曼尼托巴大学 M.A.in Psychology Faculty of Graduate Studies M.A.-coursework and thesis 2年
    M.A.in School Psychology Faculty of Graduate Studies M.A.-non-thesis 2年
    M.A.in School Psychology Faculty of Graduate Studies M.A.-thesis 3年
    Ph.D. in Psychology Faculty of Graduate Studies Ph.D. 4年
    Ph.D. in School Psychology Faculty of Graduate Studies Ph.D. 4年
    101-150 245 西门菲莎大学 MA in Psychology Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences MA /
    PhD in Psychology Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences PhD /
    MA in Clinical Psychology Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences MA /
    PhD in Clinical Psychology Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences PhD /
    Counselling Psychology MA Faculty of Education MA coursework/thesis 3年
    Counselling Psychology MEd Faculty of Education MEd course work/comprehensive examination 2年
    101-150 152 滑铁卢大学 Psychology - MA Faculty of Arts MA-Research Paper 2年
    Psychology - MA Faculty of Arts MA-Thesis 2年
    Psychology - MASc (Applied Psychology) Faculty of Arts MASc-Research Paper 5学期
    Psychology - MASc (Developmental and Communication Science) Faculty of Arts MASc-Research Paper 1年
    Psychology - PhD Faculty of Arts PhD 4-6年
    251-300 346 维多利亚大学 MA in Counselling Psychology Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies MA-project-based 2年
    MA in Counselling Psychology Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies MA-thesis based 27
    PhD in Educational Psychology Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies PhD 48
    MSc in Psychology Department of Psychology MSc /
    PhD in Psychology Department of Psychology PhD /
    Cognition & brain science (including an accelerated option)
    Lifespan development
    Social psychology
    Clinical psychology (specializing in lifespan development or neuropsychology)
    Individualized programs
    - 491-500 贵湖大学 MA in Psychology College of Social & Applied Human Science MA /
    MSc in Neuroscience & Applied Cognitive Science College of Social & Applied Human Science MSc /
    PhD in Psychology College of Social & Applied Human Science PhD /
    Clinical Psychology: Applied Developmental Emphasis
    Applied Social Psychology
    Industrial Organizational Psychology
    Neuroscience & Applied Cognitive Science
    251-300 651-700 卡尔顿大学 Master of Cognitive Science Institute of Cognitive Science MCS-Research Project /
    Master of Cognitive Science Institute of Cognitive Science MCS-Thesis /
    Master of Cognitive Science with Specialization in Data Science Institute of Cognitive Science MCS-Research Project /
    Master of Cognitive Science with Specialization in Data Science Institute of Cognitive Science MCS-Thesis /
    Ph.D. Cognitive Science Institute of Cognitive Science PhD /
    M.A. Psychology Department of Psychology M.A.-Thesis /
    Ph.D. Psychology Department of Psychology PhD /
    Ph.D. Psychology with Concentration in Quantitative Methodology Department of Psychology PhD /
    - - 新布伦瑞克大学 MA/PhD in Psychology (Fredericton) Faculty of Arts MA/PhD 5-6年
    PhD in Psychology (Fredericton) Faculty of Arts PhD 5-6年
    MA in Psychology (Saint John) Faculty of Arts MA-Thesis 2年
    PhD in Experimental Psychology Faculty of Arts PhD 4年
    - 701-750 纽芬兰纪念大学 MEd in Counselling Psychology Faculty of Education MEd-Thesis 1-2年
    MEd in Counselling Psychology Faculty of Education MEd-Non-Thesis 1-2年
    51-100 441-450 约克大学 MA in Psychology Faculty of Graduate Studies MA-Thesis 2年
    MA in Psychology Faculty of Graduate Studies MA-Non-Thesis 2年
    PhD in Psychology Faculty of Graduate Studies PhD 5年
    - - 劳里埃大学 Psychology (MA) Faculty of Science MA /
    Psychology (MSc) Faculty of Science MSc-Thesis 2年
    Psychology (PhD) Faculty of Science PhD 3年
    201-250 431-440 康考迪亚大学 Psychology (MA) Faculty of Arts & Science MA-Thesis 1年
    Psychology (MA) Faculty of Arts & Science MA- Clinical Training 1年
    Psychology (PhD) Faculty of Arts & Science PhD 90
    - 801-1000 瑞尔森大学 MA in Psychology: Clinical Psychology Faculty of Arts MA-Thesis 2年
    PhD in Psychology: Clinical Psychology Faculty of Arts Ph. D. 6年
    MA in Psychology: Psychological Science Faculty of Arts MA /
    PhD in Psychology: Psychological Science Faculty of Arts Ph. D. /
    - - 里贾纳大学 MA in Psychology: Clinical Psychology Faculty of Arts MA-Thesis /
    MA in Psychology: Experimental and Applied Psychology (EAP) Faculty of Arts MA-Thesis /
    PhD in Psychology Faculty of Arts Ph. D. /
    Master of Educational Psychology (MEd EPSY) Faculty of Education Med-Thesis 30
    Master of Educational Psychology (MEd EPSY) Faculty of Education Med-Non-Thesis 30
    - 651-700 温莎大学 M.A./Ph.D. in Psychology Department: Psychology Ph. D. 6-7年
    Clinical Psychology /
    Applied Social Psychology /
    - - 布鲁克大学 Master of Arts in Psychology Faculty of Social Sciences MA-Thesis 2年
    PhD in Psychology Faculty of Social Sciences Ph. D. 4年
    - - 北英属哥伦比亚大学 MSc in Psychology Psychology Department MSc-Thesis 2年
    PhD in Psychology Psychology Department Ph. D. /
    - - 莱斯布里奇大学 PSYCHOLOGY (MA) FACULTY OF ARTS & SCIENCE MA-Thesis 2年
    - - 川特大学 Master of Arts in Psychology M.A.—Health School of Graduate Studies MA-Thesis 2年
    Master of Arts in Psychology M.A.—Developmental School of Graduate Studies MA-Thesis 2年
    Master of Arts in Psychology M.A.—Cognition/Perception/Neuroscience School of Graduate Studies MA-Thesis 2年
    Master of Science in Psychology M.A.—Health School of Graduate Studies MS-Thesis 2年
    Master of Science in Psychology M.A.—Developmental School of Graduate Studies MS-Thesis 2年
    Master of Science in Psychology M.A.—Cognition/Perception/Neuroscience School of Graduate Studies MS-Thesis 2年
    - - 阿卡迪亚大学 Psychology (MSc) Faculty of Pure & Applied Science MS-Thesis 2年
    - - 圣玛丽大学(加拿大) MSc in Applied Psychology (Industrial/Organizational Psychology) Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research MSc-Thesis 2年
    MSc in Applied Psychology (Forensic Psychology Stream) Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research MSc-Thesis 2年
    PhD in Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research Ph. D. 3年
    - - 劳伦森大学 Psychology (MA) Faculty of Graduate Studies M.A.Ps.-Thesis
    - - 安大略理工大学 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Forensic Psychology Faculty of Social Science and Humanities Ph. D. 4-5年
    Master of Science in Forensic Psychology Faculty of Social Science and Humanities MS-Thesis 2年
    - - 湖首大学 Master of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology Department of Psychology M.A.Ps.-Thesis 2年
    MA Clinical Psychology: Gerontology Specialization Department of Psychology M.A.Ps.-Thesis 2年
    MA Clinical Psychology: Women's Studies Specialization Department of Psychology M.A.Ps.-Thesis 2年
    Master of Science degree in Psychological Science Department of Psychology MS-Thesis 2年
    MSc Psychological Science: Gerontology Specialization Department of Psychology MS-Thesis 2年
    PhD Clinical Psychology Department of Psychology Ph. D. 3-5年
    PhD program in Psychological Science Department of Psychology Ph. D. 3-5年
    - - 蒙克顿大学 Doctorat en psychologie Faculté des sciences de la santé et des services communautaires Ph. D. 3年
    Doctorat professionnel en psychologie Faculté des sciences de la santé et des services communautaires D. Psy. 4-7年
    Maîtrise ès arts (psychologie) Faculté des sciences de la santé et des services communautaires M.A.Ps.-Thesis 2年






    Thu Jun 07 00:01:14 CST 2018