
    综合排名 学校名称 项目名称 所属院系 项目类型 学制/学分
    31 多伦多大学 Master of Social Work Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work MSW-Coursework 2年
    PhD in Social Work Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work PhD 4-6年
    32 麦吉尔大学 Master of Science, Applied (M.Sc.A.) Couple and Family Therapy (Non-Thesis) (60 credits) Faculty of Arts MS-Non-Thesis 60
    Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) Social Work (Thesis) (45 credits) Faculty of Arts MSW-Thesis 45
    Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) Social Work (Thesis): Gender and Women's Studies (45 credits) Faculty of Arts MSW-Thesis 45
    Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) Social Work (Non-Thesis): Gender and Women's Studies (45 credits) Faculty of Arts MSW-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) Social Work (Non-Thesis): International Partner Program (45 credits)-intermittently Faculty of Arts MSW-Non-Thesis 45
    Master of Social Work with Bachelor of CivilLaw& Bachelor of Laws (Joint M.S.W. & B.C.L./LL.B.) Social Work (Non-Thesis) & Law (132 credits) Faculty of Arts Joint M.S.W. & B.C.L./LL.B.-Non-Thesis 132
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Social Work: McGill/UdeM/UQAM (offered jointly by McGill, Université de Montréal, and Université du Québec à Montréal) Faculty of Arts PhD /
    51 英属哥伦比亚大学 Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work (PhD) Faculty of Arts PhD 4年
    140 麦克马斯特大学 Graduate Diploma (G.Dip.) in Social Work Faculty of Social Sciences G.Dip.-Course-based 1年
    Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) Faculty of Social Sciences M.S.W.-Thesis 1年
    Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) Faculty of Social Sciences M.S.W.-Course-based 1年
    Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Social Work Faculty of Social Sciences Ph.D. 4年
    279 戴尔豪斯大学 Master of Social Work Faculty of Health MSW-Thesis 1年
    Master of Social Work Faculty of Health MSW-Non-Thesis 1年
    289 渥太华大学 Doctorate in Philosophy Social Work Faculty of Social Sciences PhD 4年
    Master of Social Work Faculty of Social Sciences MSW-Course-based 2年
    217 卡尔加里大学 Master of Social Work (MSW) Faculty of Social Work MSW-Coursework and Capstone 1-2年
    Master of Social Work (MSW) Faculty of Social Work MSW-Thesis 2-3年
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Social Work Faculty of Social Work PhD 4年
    551-600 曼尼托巴大学 M.S.W.in Social Work Faculty of Graduate Studies M.S.W.-Thesis 2年
    M.S.W.in Social Work Faculty of Graduate Studies M.S.W.-Coursework 2年
    Ph.D.in Social Work Faculty of Graduate Studies Ph.D. 4年
    M.S.W.in Social Work - Indigenous Knowledges Faculty of Graduate Studies M.S.W.-course with thesis 2年
    M.S.W.in Social Work - Indigenous Knowledges Faculty of Graduate Studies M.S.W.-Course with project 2年
    152 滑铁卢大学 Social Work - MSW Faculty of Applied Health Sciences MSW-Coursework 1年
    346 维多利亚大学 Master of Social Work (MSW) School of Social Work MSW /
    651-700 卡尔顿大学 M.S.W. Social Work School of Social Work M.S.W.-Thesis 2年
    M.S.W. Social Work School of Social Work M.S.W.-Non-Thesis 2年
    Ph.D. Social Work School of Social Work PhD /
    Ph.D. Social Work with Specialization in Political Economy School of Social Work PhD /
    441-450 约克大学 Master of Social Work School of Social Work MSW-Non-Thesis 5学期
    Master of Social Work School of Social Work MSW-Non-Thesis 2年
    PhD in Social Work School of Social Work PhD 4年
    - 劳里埃大学 Social Work (MSW) Faculty of Social work MSW-Non-Thesis 1-2年
    Social Work (PhD) Faculty of Social work PhD /
    801-1000 瑞尔森大学 Social Work (MSW) Faculty of Community Services MSW-Non-Thesis 1年
    - 里贾纳大学 Master of Social Work (MSW) Faculty of Social Work MSW-Thesis 30
    Master of Social Work (MSW) Faculty of Social Work MSW-Non-Thesis 30
    Master of Indigenous Social Work (MISW) Faculty of Social Work MISW 30
    651-700 温莎大学 Ph.D. in Social Work School of Social Work Ph.D. /
    M.S.W. in Social Work School of Social Work MSW 1-2年
    M.S.W./J.D. in Social Work School of Social Work M.S.W./J.D.
    - 北英属哥伦比亚大学 Master of Social Work School of Social Work MSW-Thesis 33
    Master of Social Work School of Social Work MSW-Non-Thesis 33
    Aboriginal Child and Youth Mental Health Graduate Certificate School of Social Work G.Cer. /
    - 劳伦森大学 Social Work (MSW) Faculty of Graduate Studies MSW-Thesis 1.5年
    - 湖首大学 Master in Social Work (MSW) School of Social Work MSW-Thesis 2年
    Master in Social Work (MSW) School of Social Work MSW-Non-Thesis 2年
    MSW: Gerontology School of Social Work MSW-Thesis 2年
    MSW: Gerontology School of Social Work MSW-Non-Thesis 2年
    MSW: Women's Studies School of Social Work MSW-Thesis 2年
    MSW: Women's Studies School of Social Work MSW-Non-Thesis 2年
    - 蒙克顿大学 Maîtrise en travail social Faculté des arts et des sciences sociales M.T.S.-Non-Thesis 2年






    Thu Jun 07 05:06:47 CST 2018