
    综合排名 学校名称 项目名称 所属院系 项目类型 学制/学分
    31 多伦多大学 MSc in Exercise Sciences Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education MSc-Coursework and thesis 2-3年
    PhD in Exercise Sciences Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education PhD 4-6年
    32 麦吉尔大学 Master of Arts (M.A.) Kinesiology and Physical Education (Thesis) (45 credits) and Master of Science (M.Sc.) Kinesiology and Physical Education (Thesis) (45 credits) Faculty of Education MA-Thesis & MS-Thesis 90
    Master of Arts (M.A.) Kinesiology and Physical Education (Non-Thesis) (45 credits) and Master of Science (M.Sc.) Kinesiology and Physical Education (Non-Thesis) (45 credits)-currently not offered Faculty of Education /
    51 英属哥伦比亚大学 Doctor of Philosophy in Kinesiology (PhD) Faculty of Education PhD 4年
    Master of Arts in Kinesiology (MA) Faculty of Education MA-Coursework and Thesis 2年
    Master of Kinesiology (MKin) Faculty of Education MKin-Coursework +MajorProject/Essay /
    Master of Science in Kinesiology (MSc) Faculty of Education MSc-Coursework and Thesis 2年
    224 皇后大学 Kinesiology and Health Studies - PhD Faculty of Arts and Science PhD 4年
    Kinesiology and Health Studies - MA Faculty of Arts and Science MA 2年
    Kinesiology and Health Studies - MSc Faculty of Arts and Science MSc 2年
    90 阿尔伯塔大学 MA in Kinesiology Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation MA-Thesis /
    MA in Kinesiology Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation MA-Course-based /
    MSc in Kinesiology Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation MSc-Thesis /
    Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Kinesiology Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation PhD /
    140 麦克马斯特大学 Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Kinesiology Faculty of Science M.Sc.-Thesis 2年
    Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Kinesiology Faculty of Science Ph.D. 4年
    279 戴尔豪斯大学 MSc in Kinesiology Faculty of Graduate Studies MSc-Thesis 2年
    289 渥太华大学 Doctorate in Philosophy Human Kinetics Faculty of Health Sciences PhD 4年
    Doctorate in Philosophy Human Kinetics Specialization in Canadian Studies Faculty of Health Sciences PhD 4年
    Master of Arts Human Kinetics Faculty of Health Sciences MA-Thesis 2年
    Master of Arts Human Kinetics Specialization in Women's Studies Faculty of Health Sciences MA-Thesis 2年
    Master of Human Kinetics Concentration in Intervention and Consultation Faculty of Health Sciences MHK-Coursework 16月
    Master of Science Human Kinetics Faculty of Health Sciences MSc-thesis 2年
    210 西安大略大学 MSc in Kinesiology School of Kinesiology MSc-coursework and thesis 12-18月
    MA in Kinesiology School of Kinesiology MA-thesis 1年
    MA in Kinesiology School of Kinesiology MA-course-based 1年
    PhD in Kinesiology School of Kinesiology PhD 4年
    217 卡尔加里大学 Master of Kinesiology (MKin) in Kinesiology Faculty of Kinesiology MKin-course-based 2年
    Master of Science (MSc) in Kinesiology Faculty of Kinesiology MSc-thesis 2年
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Kinesiology Faculty of Kinesiology PhD 4年
    451-460 萨斯喀彻温大学 Ph.D.in Kinesiology College of Kinesiology Ph.D. 4年
    M.Sc.in Kinesiology College of Kinesiology M.Sc.-Project and/or thesis 2年
    551-600 曼尼托巴大学 M.A. in Kinesiology and RecreationManagement Faculty of Graduate Studies M.A.-Coursework and research 2年
    M.Sc.in Kinesiology and Recreation Management Faculty of Graduate Studies M.Sc.-Coursework and research 2年
    152 滑铁卢大学 Kinesiology - MSc Faculty of Applied Health Sciences MSc-Thesis 2年
    Kinesiology - MSc (Coursework) Faculty of Applied Health Sciences MSc (Coursework) 1年
    Kinesiology - PhD Faculty of Applied Health Sciences PhD 5-6年
    Kinesiology - PhD (Aging, Health and Well-Being) Faculty of Applied Health Sciences PhD 5-6年
    Kinesiology - PhD (Work and Health) Faculty of Applied Health Sciences PhD 5-6年
    346 维多利亚大学 MA in Kinesiology Department of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education MA-thesis 2-3年
    MA in Kinesiology Department of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education MA-non-thesis 2-3年
    MSc in Kinesiology Department of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education MSc-thesis 2-2.5年
    MSc in Kinesiology Department of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education MSc- non-thesis 2-2.5年
    PhD in kinesiology Department of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education PhD 3年
    - 新布伦瑞克大学 MScESS in Kinesiology Faculty of Kinesiology (Fredericton) MScESS-Research-based 2年
    MASRS in Kinesiology Faculty of Kinesiology (Fredericton) MASRS-Research-based 2年
    MBA.SRM in Kinesiology Faculty of Kinesiology (Fredericton) MBA.SRM-Non-Thesis 18-24月
    MScSS in Kinesiology(Barbados) Faculty of Kinesiology (Fredericton) MScSS-Non-Thesis 1年
    441-450 约克大学 MA in Kinesiology & Health Science School of Kinesiology and Health Science MA-Course-based 6学期
    MA in Kinesiology & Health Science School of Kinesiology and Health Science MA-Thesis 6学期
    MFSc in Kinesiology & Health Science School of Kinesiology and Health Science MFSc-Non-Thesis 4学期
    MSc in Kinesiology & Health Science School of Kinesiology and Health Science MSc-Course-based 6学期
    MSc in Kinesiology & Health Science School of Kinesiology and Health Science MSc-Thesis 6学期
    PhD in Kinesiology & Health Science School of Kinesiology and Health Science PhD 4-5年
    - 劳里埃大学 Kinesiology (MKin) Faculty of Science MKin-Thesis 2年
    Kinesiology (PhD) Faculty of Science PhD /
    431-440 康考迪亚大学 Exercise Science (MSc) Faculty of Arts & Science MSc-Thesis 45
    - 里贾纳大学 Master of Science in Kinesiology and Health Studies Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies MSc-Thesis /
    PhD in Kinesiology and Health Studies Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies PhD /
    Master of Kinesiology (MKin): Clinical and Applied Movement Science Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies MSc-Practicum-based 30
    651-700 温莎大学 Ph.D. in Kinesiology Faculty of Human Kinetics PhD /
    Master of Human Kinetics (M.H.K.) Faculty of Human Kinetics M.H.K.-Thesis /
    Master of Human Kinetics (M.H.K.) Faculty of Human Kinetics M.H.K.-Non-Thesis /
    - 布鲁克大学 Master of Science in Kinesiology Faculty of Applied Health Sciences MSc-Thesis 2年
    Master of Professional Kinesiology (MPK) Faculty of Applied Health Sciences MPK-Non-Thesis 1年
    - 湖首大学 MSc degree in Kinesiology School of Kinesiology MSc-Thesis 2年
    MSc in Kinesiology: Gerontology Specialization School of Kinesiology MSc-Thesis 2年
    Graduate Diploma in Professional Kinesiology School of Kinesiology G.Dip 1年
    - 尼普森大学 Master of Science in Kinesiology School of Graduate Studies MSc-Thesis 2年






    Thu Jun 07 01:52:54 CST 2018