阿尔比恩学院(Albion College)成立于1835年,位于密歇根州小镇阿尔比恩(Albion)郊区,是一所四年制小型私立文理学院。开设本科课程。该校是男女合校,提供校园住宿。*(1)
电话:(517) 629-1000*(2)
邮寄地址:611 E. Porter, Albion, MI 49224*(2)
- 新英格兰学校及学院协会(NEASC)
- 中部各州学院及学校协会(MSACS)
- 中北部学院及学校协会(NCACS)
- 西部学校及学院协会(WASC)
- 西北学院及大学认证委员会(NWCCU)
- 南部学院及学校协会(SACS)
79 |
学费(/年) |
$41,040 |
3月1日 |
SAT平均分 |
1430 - 1840 |
食宿(/年) |
$11,610 |
semester |
平均GPA |
3.4 |
申请费 |
$0 |
是否提供ESL课程 |
No |
申请人数 |
2,803 |
录取率 |
79.5% |
是否提供奖学金 |
Yes |
四年毕业率 |
56% |
小班比例(<20) |
62.8% |
奖学金申请简易程度 |
60% |
六年毕业率 |
65% |
中班比例(20-49) |
37.2% |
课业轻松程度 |
50% |
新生保持率 |
80% |
大班比例(>50) |
- | 教师博士学位比例 |
91% |
毕业2年平均薪水 | $30,500 | 就业率 | 72% | 校友网络认可度 | 100% |
校园安全事件 | Criminal Offenses -- On-Campus | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
谋杀 | Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter | 0 |
0 |
0 |
过失杀人 | Negligent manslaughter | 0 |
0 |
0 |
强奸 | Rape | N/A |
N/A |
3 |
乱伦 | Incest | N/A |
N/A |
0 |
强奸幼童罪 | Statutory Rape | N/A |
N/A |
0 |
猥亵 | Fondling | N/A |
N/A |
0 |
性侵犯-强迫 | Sex offenses - Forcible | 3 |
3 |
N/A |
性侵犯-非强迫 | Sex offenses - non-forcible (incest and statutory rape only) | 0 |
0 |
N/A |
抢劫 | Robbery | 0 |
1 |
1 |
暴力袭击 | Aggravated assault | 0 |
0 |
0 |
盗窃 | Burglary | 2 |
2 |
1 |
汽车盗窃 | Motor vehicle theft | 1 |
0 |
0 |
纵火 | Arson | 0 |
0 |
0 |
班级排名 |
分段 |
占比 |
分段 |
占比 |
3.75以上 |
27% |
TOP10% |
21% |
3.5-3.74 |
23% |
TOP25% |
52% |
3.25-3.49 |
14% |
TOP50% |
84% |
3.0-3.24 |
21% |
50%以下 |
16% |
2.50-2.99 |
14% |
75%以下 |
3% |
2.49以下 |
1% |
支出项目 |
项目英文名 |
2016-2017学年费用 |
学费 |
Tuition and fees |
$41,040 |
住宿费用 |
Room and board |
$11,610 |
书本费 |
Books and supplies |
$700 |
个人花费 |
Estimated personal expenses |
$550 |
交通费 |
Transportation expenses |
$250 |
合计 |
Estimated Total |
$54,150 |
#17 Lots of Greek Life
#5 College City Gets Low Marks
#13 Town-Gown Relations are Strained
#17 Best Science Lab Facilities*(4)
1. The education
2. Professors
3. Unlimited meal plan
4. Small campus size
5. Painting the Rock
6. $25 Eat Shop cards
7. Advanced technology in the classrooms and on campus
8. 24-hour Ferg Lab
9. How easy it is to study abroad or off campus
10. Frat parties
1. The library closes at 2 a.m.
2. Food at Baldwin
3. Impossible process to live off campus
4. Small-town size
5. Alcohol policies
6. No emergency contraceptives offered on campus
7. Bats and squirrels
8. Eat Shop closes at 1 a.m.
9. Lack of diversity
10. Parking tickets*(5)
专业名称 |
专业英文名称 |
专业名称 |
专业英文名称 |
个性化专业 |
Individually DesignedMajor |
Anthropology |
法律、司法与社会 |
Law, Justice, and Society |
人类学/社会学 |
Anthropology/Sociology |
数学 |
艺术-工作室艺术方向 |
Art (Studio Art) |
数学/经济学 |
Mathematics/Economics |
ArtHistory |
数学/物理 |
Mathematics/Physics |
运动训练 |
Athletic Training |
Music |
Biochemistry |
神经科学 |
Neuroscience |
生物学 |
Biology |
Philosophy |
商学与组织 |
Business and Organizations |
物理 |
Physics |
政治科学 |
传播研究 |
Communication Studies |
Public Policy |
经济学与管理 |
Economics andManagement |
公共政策与服务 |
Public Policy and Service |
教育学-小学与高中教育方向 |
Education, Elementary and Secondary |
工程学预科 |
Pre-Engineering |
English |
Pre-Law* |
Environmental Sciences |
社会工作预科 |
Pre-Social Work |
环境研究 |
Environmental Studies |
医学预科与卫生科学预科 |
Pre-Medical Professions and Health Sciences |
伦理研究 |
Ethnic Studies |
牙医预科 |
Pre-Dentistry |
运动科学 |
Exercise Science |
医学预科 |
Pre-Medicine |
兽医学预科 |
Pre-Veterinary Medicine |
French |
物理治疗预科 |
Pre-Physical Therapy |
地球科学 |
Geological Sciences |
其他卫生专业 |
Other Health Professions |
German |
Religious Studies |
History |
社会学 |
Sociology |
人类服务 |
Human Services |
Spanish |
国际问题研究 |
International Studies |
可持续研究 |
Sustainability Studies |
Women's and Gender Studies |
Theatre |
(1) Albion College College Board
(2) Albion College Wikipedia
(3) Albion College USNEWS
(4) Albion College Princeton Review
(5) Albion College College Prowler
(6) PROGRAMS OF STUDY Albion College