排名 | 专业名称 | 专业英文名 | 职业早期薪水 | 职业中期薪水 |
1 | 石油工程 | Petroleum Engineering | $92,300 | $182,000 |
2 | 电气工程与计算机科学 | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS) | $101,200 | $152,300 |
3 | 应用经济与管理 | Applied Economics and Management | $60,900 | $139,600 |
3 | 运筹学 | Operations Research | $78,400 | $139,600 |
5 | 公共会计 | Public Accounting | $60,000 | $138,800 |
6 | 化学工程/材料科学与工程 | Chemical Engineering/Materials Science & Engineering | $74,500 | $137,800 |
7 | 计量商业分析 | Quantitative Business Analysis | $67,900 | $136,200 |
8 | 药学 | Pharmacy | $66,300 | $133,200 |
9 | 航空航天 | Aeronautics & Astronautics | $74,000 | $133,100 |
10 | 系统工程 | Systems Engineering | $74,000 | $132,900 |
11 | 电力工程 | Electrical Power Engineering | $73,100 | $130,700 |
12 | 精算数学 | Actuarial Mathematics | $61,900 | $130,500 |
13 | 航空航天研究 | Aerospace Studies | $50,300 | $130,300 |
14 | 化学工程 | Chemical Engineering | $73,500 | $128,900 |
15 | 精算科学 | Actuarial Science | $64,700 | $128,700 |
16 | 信息与计算机科学 | Information & Computer Science | $70,300 | $127,600 |
17 | 航空工程 | Aeronautical Engineering | $71,600 | $125,900 |
18 | 运营与信息系统管理 | Operations & Information Systems Management | $63,800 | $125,100 |
18 | 政治经济 | Political Economy | $58,200 | $125,100 |
20 | 海事工程 | Marine Engineering | $74,700 | $125,000 |
21 | 计算机系统工程 | Computer Systems Engineering | $74,600 | $124,800 |
22 | 核工程 | Nuclear Engineering | $73,100 | $124,500 |
23 | 计算机科学与工程 | Computer Science (CS) & Engineering | $74,000 | $124,000 |
24 | 企业会计与财务 | Corporate Accounting & Finance | $61,200 | $123,600 |
25 | 电气与计算机工程 | Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) | $73,900 | $123,300 |
26 | 计算机工程 | Computer Engineering (CE) | $74,600 | $123,200 |
27 | 计量经济学 | Econometrics | $60,700 | $123,000 |
28 | 建筑科学 | Building Science | $51,100 | $122,500 |
29 | 机电一体化 | Mechatronics | $70,200 | $122,300 |
30 | 定量经济学 | Quantitative Economics | $62,000 | $121,900 |
31 | 外交事务 | Foreign Affairs | $52,200 | $121,800 |
31 | 焊接工程 | Welding Engineering | $76,900 | $121,800 |
33 | 经济学与数学 | Economics and Mathematics | $65,000 | $121,400 |
33 | 电气工程 | Electrical Engineering (EE) | $71,800 | $121,400 |
35 | 认知科学 | Cognitive Science | $64,100 | $121,100 |
35 | 控制工程 | Control Engineering | $69,900 | $121,100 |
37 | 地球物理学 | Geophysics | $56,900 | $120,600 |
37 | 药理学 | Pharmacology | $55,000 | $120,600 |
39 | 仪表与控制工程 | Instrumentation & Control Engineering | $69,000 | $120,500 |
40 | 计算与应用数学 | Computational & Applied Mathematics | $69,700 | $120,100 |
40 | 海上运输管理 | Marine Transportation Management | $67,800 | $120,100 |
42 | 航天工程 | Aerospace Engineering | $70,700 | $119,800 |
43 | 海洋工程 | Ocean Engineering (OE) | $65,100 | $119,700 |
44 | 天文学 | Astronomy | $54,300 | $119,600 |
44 | 机械与航空航天工程 | Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering | $66,900 | $119,600 |
46 | 化学与生物分子工程 | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering | $74,000 | $118,700 |
47 | 计算机科学与数学 | Computer Science (CS) & Mathematics | $66,800 | $118,500 |
48 | 生物科学 | Bioscience | $48,400 | $118,300 |
49 | 电气与电子工程 | Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) | $71,300 | $118,100 |
50 | 冶金工程 | Metallurgical Engineering | $79,100 | $117,700 |
51 | 航空/航天工程技术 | Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering Technology | $73,400 | $117,500 |
51 | 材料工程 | Materials Engineering | $69,100 | $117,500 |
53 | 会计与经济学 | Accounting & Economics | $61,600 | $117,400 |
54 | 工业与系统工程 | Industrial & Systems Engineering | $69,900 | $117,300 |
55 | 光学科学与工程 | Optical Science & Engineering | $67,600 | $117,100 |
56 | 计算机科学 | Computer Science (CS) | $70,700 | $116,500 |
57 | 生物医学工程 | Biomedical Engineering (BME) | $67,700 | $116,300 |
58 | 材料科学 | Materials Science | $62,700 | $116,200 |
59 | 电子与通信工程 | Electronics & Communications Engineering | $61,500 | $116,100 |
59 | 采矿工程 | Mining Engineering | $75,200 | $116,100 |
61 | 工程 | Engineering | $66,500 | $116,000 |
62 | 应用数学 | Applied Mathematics | $64,400 | $115,500 |
62 | 综合科学技术 | Integrated Science & Technology | $62,500 | $115,500 |
64 | 石油土地管理 | Petroleum Land Management | $60,600 | $115,400 |
65 | 生物工程 | Bioengineering (BioE) | $67,400 | $115,000 |
66 | 软件工程 | Software Engineering | $71,100 | $114,700 |
67 | 运营管理与信息系统 | Operations Management & Information Systems | $61,900 | $114,500 |
68 | 统计学 | Statistics | $63,700 | $114,400 |
69 | 商业分析 | Business Analysis | $59,200 | $114,300 |
69 | 计算机与信息科学 | Computer & Information Science | $60,100 | $114,300 |
71 | 物理 | Physics | $62,300 | $113,800 |
72 | 物理与数学 | Physics & Mathematics | $61,500 | $113,600 |
73 | 物理与天文学 | Physics & Astronomy | $54,000 | $112,900 |
74 | 建筑工程管理 | Construction Engineering Management | $64,800 | $112,700 |
75 | 医师助理研究 | Physician Assistant Studies | $92,900 | $112,200 |
76 | 机械工程 | Mechanical Engineering (ME) | $67,600 | $111,500 |
77 | 工业工程 | Industrial Engineering (IE) | $68,300 | $111,400 |
78 | 创业管理与市场营销 | Entrepreneurship & Marketing | $48,500 | $111,100 |
78 | 工程科学 | Engineering Science | $64,700 | $111,100 |
78 | 国际商务与金融 | International Business & Finance | $57,700 | $111,100 |
78 | 材料科学与工程 | Materials Science & Engineering | $69,200 | $111,100 |
82 | 陶瓷工程 | Ceramic Engineering | $66,300 | $110,900 |
82 | 国际经济学 | International Economics | $54,600 | $110,900 |
84 | 信息与决策科学 | Information & Decision Sciences | $60,600 | $110,800 |
85 | 金融与市场营销 | Finance & Marketing | $53,400 | $110,700 |
86 | 电信工程 | Telecommunications Engineering | $59,800 | $110,600 |
87 | 商业与经济学 | Business & Economics | $56,800 | $110,500 |
88 | 数学与统计 | Mathematics & Statistics | $59,800 | $110,000 |
89 | 造纸科学 | Paper Science | $72,400 | $109,900 |
90 | 电子工程 | Electronics Engineering | $67,600 | $109,700 |
90 | 工程物理 | Engineering Physics | $66,700 | $109,700 |
90 | 产业布局 | Industrial Distribution | $60,700 | $109,700 |
93 | 经济学 | Economics | $58,200 | $109,400 |
94 | 能源管理 | Energy Management | $64,000 | $109,200 |
94 | 结构工程 | Structural Engineering (SE) | $64,300 | $109,200 |
96 | 管理经济学 | Managerial Economics | $61,500 | $109,100 |
97 | 汽车工程 | Automotive Engineering | $60,500 | $108,700 |
97 | 商业与信息技术 | Business & Information Technology (IT) | $58,200 | $108,700 |
97 | 日语 | Japanese Language | $50,000 | $108,700 |
100 | 日本研究 | Japanese Studies | $49,200 | $108,500 |
101 | 金融与经济学 | Finance & Economics | $59,800 | $108,100 |
102 | 管理信息系统 | Management Information Systems (MIS) | $61,200 | $107,800 |
103 | 药剂学 | Pharmaceutical Sciences (PS) | $50,200 | $107,700 |
104 | 机械 | Mechanical | $66,800 | $107,600 |
105 | 应用物理学 | Applied Physics | $63,800 | $107,500 |
105 | 信息管理 | Information Management | $61,300 | $107,500 |
107 | 航空科学与工程 | Aeronautical Science & Engineering | $54,300 | $107,100 |
108 | 建筑项目管理 | Construction Project Management | $57,400 | $107,000 |
108 | 包装科学 | Packaging Science | $66,800 | $107,000 |
110 | 工业工程与管理 | Industrial Engineering & Management | $63,200 | $106,900 |
111 | 亚洲研究 | Asian Studies | $44,000 | $106,400 |
111 | 管理科学 | Management Science | $60,500 | $106,400 |
113 | 会计与税务 | Accounting & Taxation | $53,300 | $105,700 |
114 | 制造工程 | Manufacturing Engineering | $65,800 | $105,600 |
115 | 天体物理学 | Astrophysics | $64,100 | $105,400 |
116 | 工程管理 | Engineering Management | $65,800 | $105,200 |
117 | 商业经济学 | Business Economics | $54,900 | $105,100 |
117 | 信息科学与技术 | Information Sciences and Technology | $60,700 | $105,100 |
119 | 信息系统管理 | Information Systems Management | $57,600 | $104,800 |
120 | 金融与投资 | Finance & Investments | $60,500 | $104,400 |
121 | 环境卫生与安全管理 | Environmental Health & Safety Management | $58,300 | $104,200 |
121 | 修辞 | Rhetoric | $49,400 | $104,200 |
121 | 战略管理 | Strategic Management | $62,800 | $104,200 |
124 | 机器人与自动化 | Robotics & Automation | $66,500 | $104,100 |
125 | 楼宇建造 | Building Construction (BC) | $63,600 | $104,000 |
126 | 会计与计算机系统 | Accounting & Computer Systems | $60,200 | $103,800 |
126 | 结构科学 | Construction Science | $64,000 | $103,800 |
128 | 高分子科学与工程 | Polymer Science & Engineering | $69,200 | $103,700 |
129 | 计算 | Computing | $59,800 | $103,500 |
129 | 信息安全与保障 | Information Security & Assurance | $60,600 | $103,500 |
129 | 土木工程 | Civil Engineering (CE) | $61,700 | $103,500 |
132 | 数学 | Mathematics | $59,600 | $103,400 |
132 | 政府学 | Government | $52,200 | $103,400 |
134 | 生物化学与分子生物学 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology | $50,500 | $103,300 |
134 | 信息技术管理 | Information Technology Management | $59,300 | $103,300 |
136 | 金融与房地产 | Finance & Real Estate | $58,600 | $103,200 |
137 | 建设工程 | Construction Engineering | $64,500 | $103,100 |
138 | 商业物流与运输 | Business Logistics & Transportation | $54,900 | $102,900 |
138 | 建筑管理 | Construction Management | $59,700 | $102,900 |
140 | 航空科学 | Aeronautical Science | $55,300 | $102,800 |
141 | 计算机管理信息系统 | Computer Management Information Systems (CMIS) | $54,300 | $102,600 |
142 | 软件应用与编程 | Software Applications & Programming | $56,400 | $102,500 |
143 | 金融经济学 | Financial Economics | $60,600 | $102,300 |
144 | 市场营销与国际贸易 | Marketing & International Business | $49,700 | $102,200 |
145 | 信息学 | Informatics | $66,200 | $101,900 |
145 | 医学 | Medicine | $75,500 | $101,900 |
147 | 土木与环境工程 | Civil & Environmental Engineering | $61,800 | $101,800 |
148 | 大气科学 | Atmospheric Science | $47,300 | $101,600 |
149 | 环境工程 | Environmental Engineering | $59,500 | $101,300 |
150 | 欧洲研究 | European Studies | $45,200 | $101,200 |
150 | 核工程技术 | Nuclear Engineering Technology (NET) | $78,200 | $101,200 |
152 | 工业管理 | Industrial Management | $55,100 | $101,000 |
152 | 信息系统 | Information Systems (IS) | $59,900 | $101,000 |
154 | 销售与业务营销 | Sales & Business Marketing | $52,600 | $100,800 |
155 | 商业计算机信息系统(BCIS) | Business Computer Information Systems (BCIS) | $60,200 | $100,700 |
155 | 有机化学 | Organic Chemistry | $46,000 | $100,700 |
157 | 商业运营 | Business Operations | $60,500 | $100,600 |
158 | 商业计算机科学 | Business Computer Science | $50,200 | $100,500 |
159 | 商业金融 | Business Finance | $54,600 | $100,300 |
159 | 安全科学 | Safety Science | $58,800 | $100,300 |
161 | 塑料工程技术 | Plastics Engineering Technology | $63,800 | $100,200 |
162 | 商业信息系统 | Business Information Systems | $61,700 | $100,100 |
163 | 国际管理 | International Management | $49,300 | $99,900 |
164 | 金融 | Finance | $56,800 | $99,800 |
165 | 农业经济 | Agricultural Economics | $53,000 | $99,700 |
166 | 经济与政治学 | Economics & Political Science | $54,200 | $99,400 |
166 | 188体育在线客服 媒体 | Interactive Media | $50,200 | $99,400 |
168 | 计算机科学与信息技术 | Computer Science & Information Technology | $63,100 | $99,100 |
169 | 农业工程学 | Agricultural Engineering (AE) | $60,400 | $99,000 |
169 | 消费经济学 | Consumer Economics | $51,200 | $99,000 |
171 | 贸易商务 | International Business | $52,100 | $98,900 |
172 | 中文 | Chinese Language | $51,200 | $98,700 |
172 | 金融规划 | Financial Planning | $50,400 | $98,700 |
174 | 企业融资 | Corporate Finance | $61,000 | $98,500 |
175 | 建筑工程 | Architectural Engineering | $62,400 | $98,400 |
176 | 建筑施工管理 | Building Construction Management | $58,600 | $98,000 |
177 | 工程技术 | Engineering Technology (ET) | $55,300 | $97,900 |
177 | 网络工程 | Network Engineering | $57,900 | $97,900 |
179 | 计算机信息系统 | Computer Information Systems (CIS) | $56,900 | $97,800 |
179 | 国际营销 | International Marketing | $56,200 | $97,800 |
179 | 心理生物学 | Psychobiology | $45,400 | $97,800 |
182 | 电气工程技术 | Electrical Engineering Technology (EET) | $63,100 | $97,700 |
182 | 计算机信息系统 | Computer Information Systems | $55,700 | $97,700 |
182 | 房地产 | Real Estate | $56,400 | $97,700 |
182 | 分子生物学 | Molecular Biology | $50,500 | $97,700 |
186 | 运营管理 | Operations Management (OM) | $58,000 | $97,300 |
187 | 网络安全 | Cybersecurity | $63,000 | $97,200 |
187 | 制造业 | Manufacturing | $54,100 | $97,200 |
189 | 建设/贸易 | Construction Trades | $56,300 | $97,100 |
190 | 国际关系 | International Relations | $49,900 | $96,800 |
190 | 政治 | Politics | $50,600 | $96,800 |
192 | 经济与管理 | Economics & Management | $52,700 | $96,600 |
193 | 工业卫生 | Industrial Hygiene | $55,800 | $96,200 |
194 | 软件开发 | Software Development | $61,000 | $96,000 |
194 | 通信管理 | Telecommunications Management | $49,800 | $96,000 |
196 | 供应链管理 | Supply Chain Management | $59,000 | $95,900 |
197 | 机械工程技术 | Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET) | $61,200 | $95,800 |
198 | 会计与审计 | Accounting & Auditing | $55,400 | $95,700 |
198 | 网路安全 | Network Security | $57,500 | $95,700 |
200 | 创业与领导 | Entrepreneurship & Leadership | $52,300 | $95,600 |
200 | 地质工程 | Geological Engineering | $59,100 | $95,600 |
202 | 产品设计 | Product Design | $58,600 | $95,500 |
203 | 电子学 | Electronics | $57,000 | $95,400 |
203 | 食品营销 | Food Marketing | $54,500 | $95,400 |
203 | 安全管理 | Safety Management | $57,400 | $95,400 |
206 | 德国研究 | German Studies | $47,400 | $95,300 |
206 | 工业与劳动关系 | Industrial & Labor Relations | $63,800 | $95,300 |
208 | 农业经济与商业 | Agricultural Economics & Business | $51,400 | $95,200 |
208 | 空中交通管制 | Aviation Management | $48,400 | $95,200 |
210 | 生物化学 | Biochemistry (BCH) | $47,500 | $95,100 |
211 | 计算机科学与商业 | Computer Science (CS) & Business | $60,800 | $95,000 |
211 | 建筑科学与管理 | Construction Science & Management | $61,500 | $95,000 |
213 | 会计与金融 | Accounting & Finance | $55,800 | $94,900 |
213 | 比较文学 | Comparative Literature | $44,600 | $94,900 |
213 | 国际与比较政治学 | International & Comparative Politics | $46,100 | $94,900 |
216 | 东亚研究 | East Asian Studies | $46,900 | $94,800 |
217 | 物流与供应链管理 | Logistics & Supply Chain Management | $56,200 | $94,400 |
217 | 俄罗斯和东欧研究 | Russian & Eastern European Studies | $50,800 | $94,400 |
219 | 职业卫生与安全 | Occupational Health and Safety | $57,100 | $94,300 |
220 | 飞行 | Aviation | $50,000 | $94,000 |
220 | 制造技术 | Manufacturing Technology | $57,100 | $94,000 |
222 | 物理疗法 | Physical Therapy | $53,500 | $93,900 |
222 | 劳动关系 | Labor Relations | $48,900 | $93,900 |
224 | 政府与国际政治 | Government & International Politics (GVIP) | $49,800 | $93,800 |
224 | 信息技术 | Information Technology (IT) | $56,100 | $93,800 |
226 | 城市与区域规划 | City & Regional Planning | $49,700 | $93,700 |
226 | 信息科学 | Information Science (IS) | $62,600 | $93,700 |
228 | 商业与营销 | Business & Marketing | $47,800 | $93,600 |
229 | 农业综合企业 | Agribusiness | $48,000 | $93,400 |
229 | 管理学 | Management Studies | $43,500 | $93,400 |
231 | 工业设计 | Industrial Design (ID) | $52,100 | $93,100 |
232 | 化学 | Chemistry | $49,200 | $93,000 |
232 | 信息技术系统 | Information Technology (IT) & Systems | $58,600 | $93,000 |
232 | 环境卫生与安全 | Environmental Health & Safety | $54,500 | $93,000 |
235 | 电子工程技术 | Electronics Engineering Technology (EET) | $61,600 | $92,900 |
235 | 组织行为学 | Organizational Behavior | $54,000 | $92,900 |
237 | 分析化学 | Analytical Chemistry | $54,800 | $92,800 |
237 | 计算机工程技术 | Computer Engineering Technology (CET) | $60,100 | $92,800 |
237 | 食品科学和技术 | Food Science & Technology | $50,200 | $92,800 |
240 | 项目管理 | Project Management | $54,100 | $92,700 |
241 | 科学与技术传播 | Technical & Scientific Communication | $48,900 | $92,400 |
242 | 金融与银行 | Finance & Banking | $52,600 | $92,300 |
243 | 酒店管理 | Hotel Administration | $61,500 | $92,100 |
243 | 机械设计 | Mechanical Design | $57,700 | $92,100 |
245 | 生物医学科学 | Biomedical Sciences | $41,200 | $92,000 |
246 | 国际贸易与商业 | International Trade & Business | $52,300 | $91,900 |
247 | 贸易经济学 | Commerce Economics | $51,200 | $91,800 |
248 | 拉丁美洲研究 | Latin American Studies | $44,300 | $91,700 |
248 | 结构设计与建筑工程技术 | Structural Design & Construction Engineering Technology | $66,500 | $91,700 |
248 | 土木工程技术 | Civil Engineering Technology (CET) | $55,600 | $91,700 |
251 | 政府与政治 | Government & Politics | $50,000 | $91,500 |
252 | 航空飞行科学 | Aviation Flight Science (AFL) | $49,900 | $91,400 |
252 | 商业与金融 | Business & Finance | $52,800 | $91,400 |
252 | 市场行销 | Marketing | $49,200 | $91,400 |
255 | 应用统计 | Applied Statistics | $62,000 | $91,300 |
255 | 生物心理学 | Biopsychology | $50,200 | $91,300 |
255 | 工业技术 | Industrial Technology (IT) | $57,800 | $91,300 |
255 | 制造工程技术 | Manufacturing Engineering Technology | $61,500 | $91,300 |
259 | 音乐制作与工程 | Music Production & Engineering | $42,100 | $91,100 |
259 | 网络与通信 | Networks & Telecommunications | $52,900 | $91,100 |
261 | 化学与环境科学 | Chemistry & Environmental Science | $46,000 | $91,000 |
261 | 微生物学与免疫学 | Microbiology & Immunology | $51,500 | $91,000 |
263 | 帐目 | Accounts | $57,000 | $90,900 |
263 | 风险管理 | Risk Management | $59,600 | $90,900 |
265 | 环境科学与政策 | Environmental Science & Policy | $47,300 | $90,700 |
266 | 乳业科学 | Dairy Science | $49,500 | $90,600 |
266 | 销售与市场营销 | Sales & Marketing | $48,500 | $90,600 |
268 | 焊接工程技术 | Welding Engineering Technology | $72,000 | $90,400 |
269 | 工业心理学 | Industrial Psychology | $47,000 | $90,200 |
269 | 市场营销管理 | Marketing & Management | $47,200 | $90,200 |
269 | 运输与物流管理 | Transportation & Logistics Management | $52,700 | $90,200 |
272 | 市场营销管理 | Marketing Management | $48,300 | $90,100 |
272 | 流域水文与管理 | Watershed Hydrology & Management | $45,500 | $90,100 |
274 | 机电工程 | Electromechanical Engineering | $67,100 | $90,000 |
274 | 运输 | Transportation | $59,100 | $90,000 |
276 | 广告设计 | Advertising Design | $49,300 | $89,700 |
276 | 管理与财务 | Management & Finance | $52,500 | $89,700 |
276 | 风险管理与保险 | Risk Management & Insurance | $56,300 | $89,700 |
279 | 地质学 | Geology | $48,200 | $89,600 |
280 | 信息安全保障 | Information Assurance | $55,600 | $89,500 |
280 | 政治学 | Political Science | $47,900 | $89,500 |
282 | 哲学 | Philosophy | $48,700 | $89,400 |
282 | 放射治疗 | Radiation Therapy | $65,600 | $89,400 |
284 | 细胞生物学 | Cell Biology | $48,200 | $89,300 |
284 | 法国文学 | French Literature | $44,200 | $89,300 |
284 | 网站设计与开发 | Web Design & Development | $50,600 | $89,300 |
284 | 气象学 | Meteorology | $44,500 | $89,300 |
288 | 生物科学 | Biological Sciences | $46,200 | $89,200 |
288 | 职业治疗 | Occupational Therapy (OT) | $55,100 | $89,200 |
290 | 环境政策分析与规划 | Environmental Policy Analysis & Planning | $47,200 | $89,100 |
291 | 创业研究 | Entrepreneurial Studies | $46,700 | $88,900 |
291 | 金融会计 | Financial Accounting | $53,400 | $88,900 |
291 | 政治学/公法 | Political Science/Public Law | $43,900 | $88,900 |
291 | 质量管理 | Quality Management | $53,400 | $88,900 |
295 | 航空学 | Aeronautics | $59,100 | $88,800 |
295 | 应用计算机科学 | Applied Computer Science | $62,900 | $88,800 |
297 | 会计 | Accounting | $51,700 | $88,700 |
297 | 广播技术 | Broadcasting Technology | $40,000 | $88,700 |
297 | 食品科学 | Food Science | $49,900 | $88,700 |
297 | 市场营销与传播 | Marketing & Communications | $46,600 | $88,700 |
301 | 城市规划 | Urban Planning | $48,100 | $88,500 |
301 | 制造管理 | Manufacturing Management | $60,400 | $88,500 |
303 | 保险 | Insurance | $53,000 | $88,400 |
304 | 商业数据分析 | Business Data Analysis | $60,400 | $88,300 |
304 | 环境设计 | Environmental Design | $45,400 | $88,300 |
306 | 广告学 | Advertising | $44,800 | $88,200 |
306 | 电影学 | Cinema Studies | $45,400 | $88,200 |
306 | 金融管理 | Financial Management | $51,000 | $88,200 |
309 | 广告与营销传播 | Advertising & Marketing Communications | $46,000 | $88,100 |
309 | 运营与供应链管理 | Operations & Supply Chain Management | $57,800 | $88,100 |
311 | 计算机信息管理 | Computer Information Management | $46,800 | $88,000 |
312 | 全球与国际研究 | Global & International Studies | $45,900 | $87,800 |
312 | 计算与信息系统 | Computing & Information Systems (CIS) | $50,800 | $87,800 |
312 | 建筑学 | Architecture | $48,300 | $87,800 |
315 | 环境与自然资源经济学 | Environmental & Natural Resource Economics | $49,100 | $87,600 |
316 | 劳动研究 | Labor Studies | $44,100 | $87,500 |
317 | 航空技术 | Aviation Technology | $52,600 | $87,400 |
317 | 社会生态学 | Social Ecology | $46,700 | $87,400 |
319 | 古典文学 | Classics | $45,000 | $87,300 |
319 | 营销传播 | Marketing Communication | $43,600 | $87,300 |
321 | 地理信息系统和空间分析 | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) & Spatial Analysis | $51,700 | $87,200 |
321 | 组织心理学 | Organizational Psychology | $48,300 | $87,200 |
323 | 欧洲历史 | European History | $49,700 | $87,100 |
324 | 城市与区域规划 | Urban & Regional Planning | $47,500 | $87,000 |
325 | 房地产开发 | Real Estate Development | $54,400 | $86,800 |
326 | 应用技术 | Applied Technology | $52,900 | $86,700 |
326 | 昆虫学 | Entomology | $44,000 | $86,700 |
328 | 建筑工程技术 | Architectural Engineering Technology | $49,900 | $86,600 |
328 | 公共事务 | Public Affairs | $49,700 | $86,600 |
330 | 创业学 | Entrepreneurship | $51,400 | $86,500 |
331 | 商业管理与市场营销 | Business Management & Marketing | $45,800 | $86,400 |
332 | 数字艺术 | Digital Arts | $43,200 | $86,300 |
333 | 工业安全 | Industrial Safety | $53,200 | $86,200 |
333 | 物流 | Logistics | $54,800 | $86,200 |
335 | 酒店管理 | Hotel Management | $44,500 | $86,100 |
336 | 细胞与分子生物学 | Cell & Molecular Biology | $48,900 | $86,000 |
336 | 全球业务管理 | Global Business Management | $53,200 | $86,000 |
338 | 技术管理 | Technical Management | $57,800 | $85,900 |
338 | 计算机与网络管理 | Computer & Network Administration | $54,100 | $85,900 |
340 | 警察科学 | Police Science | $53,400 | $85,800 |
340 | 法学预科 | Pre-law | $44,700 | $85,800 |
342 | 商业传播 | Business Communication | $47,600 | $85,600 |
342 | 微生物学 | Microbiology | $46,200 | $85,600 |
342 | 专业航空 | Professional Aeronautics | $57,700 | $85,600 |
345 | 广告与促销 | Advertising & Promotion | $42,400 | $85,500 |
346 | 网络系统管理 | Network Systems Administration | $53,500 | $85,400 |
347 | 施工技术 | Construction Technology | $55,500 | $85,300 |
348 | 电子与计算机技术 | Electronic & Computer Technology | $61,300 | $85,000 |
348 | 营销与广告 | Marketing & Advertising | $47,200 | $85,000 |
350 | 电子系统技术 | Electronic Systems Technology (EST) | $61,800 | $84,900 |
351 | 国际问题研究 | International Studies | $47,500 | $84,800 |
352 | 建筑工程技术 | Construction Engineering Technology | $53,000 | $84,700 |
353 | 应用科学 | Applied Science | $44,100 | $84,600 |
354 | 会计信息系统 | Accounting Information Systems | $60,000 | $84,500 |
354 | 环境卫生 | Environmental Health | $48,100 | $84,500 |
354 | 技术 | Technology | $53,400 | $84,500 |
357 | 生物系统工程 | Biosystems Engineering | $62,000 | $84,200 |
358 | 时尚设计 | Fashion Design | $44,800 | $84,100 |
359 | 农业综合企业管理 | Agribusiness Management | $47,600 | $84,000 |
359 | 德语 | German Language | $48,200 | $84,000 |
361 | 专业飞行员教育 | Professional Pilot Education | $59,800 | $83,900 |
361 | 纺织技术 | Textile Technology | $51,500 | $83,900 |
363 | 制造系统 | Manufacturing Systems | $71,700 | $83,600 |
364 | 诊断医学超声 | Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound | $60,800 | $83,500 |
364 | 营销与大众传播 | Marketing & Mass Communications | $41,800 | $83,500 |
366 | 一般商学 | General Business | $47,600 | $83,400 |
366 | 计算机图形技术 | Computer Graphics Technology (CGT) | $46,800 | $83,400 |
368 | 农业系统技术 | Agricultural Systems Technology | $54,000 | $83,300 |
368 | 卫生保健 | Health Care | $41,700 | $83,300 |
368 | 医院管理 | Hospital Administration | $49,600 | $83,300 |
368 | 个人理财规划 | Personal Financial Planning | $51,200 | $83,300 |
372 | 商业技术管理 | Business Technology Management | $52,900 | $83,200 |
373 | 卫生政策与行政 | Health Policy & Administration | $48,300 | $83,100 |
374 | 数学与科学 | Math & Science | $54,400 | $82,900 |
375 | 建筑设计 | Architectural Design | $46,000 | $82,800 |
375 | 环境科学 | Environmental Science | $46,500 | $82,800 |
377 | 广告与营销 | Advertising & Marketing | $46,300 | $82,700 |
377 | 动画 | Animation | $43,100 | $82,700 |
379 | 一般科学 | General Science | $46,900 | $82,600 |
380 | 生物学与化学 | Biology & Chemistry | $46,700 | $82,500 |
381 | 美国研究 | American Studies | $49,000 | $82,400 |
381 | 产品设计工程 | Product Design Engineering | $61,500 | $82,400 |
383 | 航空维修技术 | Aviation Maintenance Technology | $49,800 | $82,300 |
383 | 电影研究 | Film Studies | $42,500 | $82,300 |
383 | 杂志新闻学 | Magazine Journalism | $44,500 | $82,300 |
386 | 网络与数字媒体开发 | Web & Digital Media Development | $48,400 | $82,200 |
387 | 数字媒体设计 | Digital Media Design | $45,200 | $82,000 |
387 | 英国文学 | English Literature | $45,400 | $82,000 |
387 | 历史与政治 | History & Politics | $47,200 | $82,000 |
387 | 人类生物学 | Human Biology | $48,400 | $82,000 |
391 | 商业管理与人力资源管理 | Business Management & Human Resources Management (HRM) | $44,700 | $81,900 |
391 | 建筑技术 | Architectural Technology | $44,700 | $81,900 |
391 | 设计 | Design | $49,400 | $81,900 |
391 | 哲学与宗教 | Philosophy & Religion | $41,800 | $81,900 |
391 | 生理学 | Physiology | $46,900 | $81,900 |
396 | 工商管理 | Business Administration | $49,700 | $81,700 |
396 | 法国研究 | French Studies | $49,500 | $81,700 |
396 | 土地测量 | Land Surveying | $48,700 | $81,700 |
399 | 管理 | Management | $49,000 | $81,600 |
400 | 地理信息系统 | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) | $47,100 | $81,500 |
400 | 188体育在线客服 媒体设计 | Interactive Media Design | $51,800 | $81,500 |
402 | 建筑学 | Architectural Studies | $43,100 | $81,400 |
403 | 工商管理与会计 | Business Administration & Accounting | $50,300 | $81,300 |
403 | 工业艺术 | Industrial Arts | $46,500 | $81,300 |
405 | 纺织设计 | Textile Design | $47,400 | $81,200 |
406 | 纺织服装研究 | Textile & Apparel Studies | $43,800 | $81,100 |
407 | 会计与管理 | Accounting & Management | $49,700 | $81,000 |
408 | 护理学 | Nursing Science | $63,700 | $80,900 |
409 | 商业管理 | Business Management | $48,800 | $80,800 |
409 | 语言学 | Linguistics | $49,300 | $80,800 |
411 | 农学 | Agronomy | $49,100 | $80,700 |
411 | 企业传讯 | Corporate Communications | $45,300 | $80,700 |
411 | 神经科学 | Neuroscience | $47,800 | $80,700 |
414 | 传播学与新闻学 | Communication Studies & Journalism | $42,500 | $80,600 |
415 | 社会学与组织研究 | Sociology & Organizational Studies | $48,200 | $80,500 |
416 | 护理 | Nursing | $61,700 | $80,400 |
417 | 毒理学 | Toxicology | $43,800 | $80,300 |
417 | 历史 | History | $45,300 | $80,300 |
417 | 农业科学 | Agricultural Science | $46,900 | $80,300 |
420 | 生物学 | Biology | $44,500 | $80,200 |
420 | 作物科学 | Crop Science | $45,200 | $80,200 |
420 | 法语 | French Language | $46,600 | $80,200 |
423 | 环境研究 | Environmental Studies | $45,900 | $80,100 |
423 | 管理 | Management (MGT) | $44,800 | $80,100 |
425 | 传播学 | Communication | $45,300 | $79,900 |
426 | 一般和战略管理 | General & Strategic Management | $48,900 | $79,800 |
426 | 商品管理 | Merchandising Management | $44,200 | $79,800 |
428 | 口腔卫生 | Dental Hygiene | $70,400 | $79,600 |
428 | 水文学 | Hydrology | $45,300 | $79,600 |
430 | 全球商务 | Global Business | $53,200 | $79,500 |
430 | 零售与消费科学 | Retail & Consumer Science | $48,500 | $79,500 |
430 | 文学 | Literature | $44,400 | $79,500 |
433 | 应急管理 | Emergency Management | $49,600 | $79,400 |
433 | 人际与组织沟通 | Interpersonal & Organizational Communication | $40,300 | $79,400 |
433 | 核医学 | Nuclear Medicine | $57,800 | $79,400 |
436 | 历史与政治 | History & Political Science | $48,400 | $79,300 |
437 | 零售商品 | Retail Merchandising | $48,000 | $79,200 |
438 | 农业科学 | Agriculture | $45,300 | $79,100 |
438 | 环境管理 | Environmental Management | $47,300 | $79,100 |
438 | 专业与技术写作 | Professional & Technical Writing | $46,000 | $79,100 |
441 | 国际发展研究 | International Development Studies | $45,500 | $79,000 |
441 | 劳动力教育与发展 | Workforce Education & Development | $57,100 | $79,000 |
441 | 新闻与大众传播 | Journalism & Mass Communication | $43,700 | $79,000 |
444 | 医学预科 | Pre-Medicine | $48,400 | $78,900 |
445 | 科学护理学士学位 | Bachelor in Science Nursing | $61,000 | $78,800 |
445 | 网络技术 | Network Technology | $54,900 | $78,800 |
447 | 戏剧与戏剧研究 | Theatre & Drama Studies | $41,500 | $78,600 |
448 | 法学 | Law | $51,900 | $78,500 |
449 | 执法 | Law Enforcement | $43,800 | $78,400 |
449 | 印刷技术 | Printing Technology | $43,800 | $78,400 |
449 | 公共关系与传播 | Public Relations & Communication | $43,600 | $78,400 |
452 | 外语 | Foreign Languages | $47,800 | $78,300 |
452 | 室内设计 | Interior Architecture | $45,100 | $78,300 |
452 | 海洋科学 | Marine Science | $44,000 | $78,300 |
452 | 公共管理 | Public Management | $47,800 | $78,300 |
452 | 网站开发 | Web Development | $54,100 | $78,300 |
457 | 新闻学 | Journalism | $43,500 | $78,200 |
457 | 景观设计 | Landscape Architecture | $49,000 | $78,200 |
457 | 环境地理 | Environmental Geography | $47,100 | $78,200 |
460 | 护理理学学士 | Bachelor of Science in Nursing | $60,700 | $78,100 |
461 | 数字媒体 | Digital Media | $44,500 | $78,000 |
461 | 焊接技术 | Welding Technology | $46,100 | $78,000 |
463 | 营养科学 | Nutrition Science | $45,900 | $77,800 |
464 | 会计与商务 | Accounting & Business | $49,400 | $77,600 |
464 | 医学超声诊断 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography | $62,200 | $77,600 |
466 | 美国历史 | American History (United States) | $47,800 | $77,500 |
466 | 战略传播 | Strategic Communication | $44,600 | $77,500 |
468 | 公共关系 | Public Relations (PR) | $43,000 | $77,400 |
469 | 自然科学 | Natural Sciences | $41,700 | $77,300 |
470 | 国际事务 | International Affairs | $49,100 | $77,200 |
470 | 戏剧 | Drama | $43,900 | $77,200 |
470 | 网络管理 | Network Administration | $46,900 | $77,200 |
473 | 媒体研究 | Media Studies | $48,300 | $77,100 |
474 | 组织发展 | Organizational Development | $51,600 | $77,000 |
474 | 写作 | Writing | $41,800 | $77,000 |
476 | 集成式营销传播 | Integrated Marketing Communications | $44,600 | $76,900 |
477 | 危机与应急管理 | Crisis & Emergency Management | $46,600 | $76,800 |
477 | 组织传播 | Organizational Communication | $44,000 | $76,800 |
477 | 零售 | Retailing | $48,900 | $76,800 |
477 | 语言传播 | Speech Communication | $43,900 | $76,800 |
481 | 专职医疗 | Allied Health | $41,800 | $76,700 |
481 | 环境生物学 | Environmental Biology | $43,000 | $76,700 |
481 | 核医学技术 | Nuclear Medicine Technology | $58,900 | $76,700 |
484 | 服装和纺织品制造 | Apparel & Textile Manufacture | $45,700 | $76,600 |
485 | 技术管理 | Technology Management | $53,900 | $76,500 |
486 | 电影制作 | Film Production | $42,700 | $76,400 |
486 | 安全管理 | Security Management | $44,800 | $76,400 |
488 | 表演 | Acting | $42,200 | $76,200 |
488 | 广播与电影艺术 | Broadcast & Cinematic Arts | $41,900 | $76,200 |
488 | 商业管理与行政 | Business Management & Administration | $48,600 | $76,200 |
488 | 海洋生物学 | Marine Biology | $40,800 | $76,200 |
488 | 专业研究 | Professional Studies | $42,100 | $76,200 |
488 | 罗曼语 | Romance Languages | $50,300 | $76,200 |
494 | 动画艺术 | Computer Animation | $44,500 | $76,100 |
495 | 细胞技术 | Cytotechnology | $58,100 | $76,000 |
495 | 广播新闻 | Broadcast Journalism | $41,100 | $76,000 |
495 | 地理 | Geography | $46,900 | $76,000 |
498 | 新闻与电子媒体 | Journalism & Electronic Media | $42,100 | $75,900 |
499 | 汽车技术 | Automotive Technology | $45,800 | $75,800 |
499 | 人际沟通 | Interpersonal Communications | $43,100 | $75,800 |
501 | 法律与社会 | Law & Society | $44,400 | $75,700 |
502 | 农业商务 | Agricultural Business | $50,300 | $75,600 |
502 | 古代历史 | Ancient History | $43,900 | $75,600 |
504 | 计算机辅助设计(CAD) | Computer Aided Design (CAD) | $46,500 | $75,500 |
504 | 电脑艺术 | Computer Art | $41,200 | $75,500 |
506 | 行政 | Administration | $43,100 | $75,400 |
506 | 林学 | Forestry | $44,700 | $75,400 |
508 | 城市研究 | Urban Studies | $48,600 | $75,300 |
509 | 商务法 | Business Law | $51,100 | $75,100 |
510 | 广播与电视电影制作 | Radio/Television & Film Production | $42,800 | $75,000 |
511 | 数字设计 | Digital Design | $48,200 | $74,800 |
511 | 法医学 | Forensic Science | $43,800 | $74,800 |
511 | 地球科学 | Geosciences | $46,600 | $74,800 |
511 | 物流管理 | Logistics Management | $52,800 | $74,800 |
515 | 生态 | Ecology | $43,500 | $74,700 |
515 | 英语与历史 | English & History | $43,600 | $74,700 |
515 | 英语语言文学 | English Language & Literature | $43,900 | $74,700 |
518 | 美国手语口译 | American Sign Language Interpreting | $42,500 | $74,600 |
518 | 国土安全 | Homeland Security | $46,800 | $74,600 |
518 | 动物学 | Zoology | $40,300 | $74,600 |
521 | 英语 | English Language | $42,100 | $74,500 |
522 | 人力资源管理 | Human Resources Management (HRM) | $45,300 | $74,400 |
523 | 技术写作 | Technical Writing | $52,000 | $74,300 |
523 | 汽车技术与服务管理 | Automotive Technology & Service Management | $45,400 | $74,300 |
525 | 商业技术 | Business Technology | $49,800 | $74,100 |
525 | 大众传播 | Mass Communication | $42,700 | $74,100 |
527 | 健康科学 | Health Sciences | $42,400 | $74,000 |
527 | 组织领导 | Organizational Leadership | $47,400 | $74,000 |
529 | 音乐学 | Musicology | $38,100 | $73,900 |
530 | 西班牙语 | Spanish Language | $44,900 | $73,600 |
531 | 历史文化保护 | Historic Preservation | $41,300 | $73,500 |
531 | 音乐技术 | Music Technology | $42,900 | $73,500 |
531 | 组织领导与监督 | Organizational Leadership & Supervision | $46,400 | $73,500 |
534 | 人类营养 | Human Nutrition | $45,500 | $73,400 |
534 | 西班牙语师范教育 | Spanish Language Teacher Education | $43,900 | $73,400 |
536 | 植物学 | Botany | $40,300 | $73,300 |
537 | 服装销售 | Apparel Merchandising | $45,400 | $73,200 |
538 | 环境健康科学 | Environmental Health Science | $51,400 | $73,100 |
538 | 媒体与技术 | Media & Technology | $41,400 | $73,100 |
538 | 公共管理 | Public Administration | $44,200 | $73,100 |
541 | 博雅教育 | Liberal Arts | $42,500 | $73,000 |
541 | 推销 | Merchandising | $50,500 | $73,000 |
543 | 环境资源管理 | Environmental Resource Management | $45,700 | $72,900 |
544 | 计算机辅助绘图与设计 | Computer Aided Drafting & Design (CADD) | $46,800 | $72,800 |
544 | 林业管理 | Forestry Management | $44,300 | $72,800 |
546 | 德国语言文学 | German Language & Literature | $46,100 | $72,700 |
546 | 电子与计算机技术 | Electronics & Computer Technology | $51,700 | $72,700 |
548 | 行政管理 | Administrative Management | $50,100 | $72,600 |
548 | 心肺科学 | Cardiopulmonary Science | $45,800 | $72,600 |
550 | 3D动画 | 3D Animation | $49,400 | $72,500 |
551 | 民族研究 | Ethnic Studies | $44,900 | $72,300 |
552 | 成人教育与培训 | Adult Education & Training | $46,200 | $72,200 |
552 | 卫生管理 | Health Administration | $40,700 | $72,200 |
554 | 农业传播 | Agricultural Communication | $42,600 | $72,100 |
554 | 组织管理 | Organizational Management | $46,900 | $72,100 |
556 | 多媒体 | Multimedia | $42,800 | $72,000 |
557 | 传播设计 | Communication Design | $48,700 | $71,900 |
558 | 放射科学 | Radiologic Science | $54,900 | $71,800 |
559 | 运动生理学 | Exercise Physiology | $41,600 | $71,700 |
560 | 刑事司法 | Criminal Justice Administration | $43,700 | $71,600 |
561 | 自然资源管理 | Natural Resource Management | $43,800 | $71,500 |
562 | 诊断医学影像 | Diagnostic Medical Imaging | $57,900 | $71,400 |
562 | 地球科学 | Earth Science | $48,200 | $71,400 |
562 | 酒店与餐饮管理 | Hotel & Restaurant Management | $44,600 | $71,400 |
565 | 放射学 | Radiology | $51,600 | $71,300 |
566 | 艺术史 | Art History | $44,400 | $71,200 |
566 | 医院管理 | Hospital Management | $48,500 | $71,200 |
566 | 零售管理 | Retail Management | $45,700 | $71,200 |
569 | 英语与心理学 | English & Psychology | $41,100 | $71,100 |
569 | 人力资源 | Human Resources (HR) | $44,800 | $71,100 |
569 | 管理与组织 | Management & Organization | $53,900 | $71,100 |
569 | 绘画与版画 | Painting & Printmaking | $32,800 | $71,100 |
569 | 视觉效果与动画 | Visual Effects & Motion Graphics | $47,400 | $71,100 |
574 | 医学实验室技术 | Medical Laboratory Technology | $54,100 | $71,000 |
574 | 时装营销 | Fashion Merchandising | $44,100 | $71,000 |
576 | 多媒体与网页设计 | Multimedia & Web Design | $47,500 | $70,900 |
577 | 广告与平面设计 | Advertising & Graphic Design | $44,600 | $70,800 |
577 | 人类学 | Anthropology | $43,500 | $70,800 |
577 | 广播传播 | Broadcast Communication | $37,900 | $70,800 |
577 | 通讯管理 | Communication Management | $42,500 | $70,800 |
577 | 医疗行政 | Health Care Administration | $43,600 | $70,800 |
582 | 自然资源 | Natural Resources | $44,900 | $70,700 |
582 | 心理学 | Psychology | $42,000 | $70,700 |
582 | 视觉传播 | Visual Communications | $43,000 | $70,700 |
585 | 应用行为分析 | Applied Behavior Analysis | $36,900 | $70,600 |
585 | 旅游行业管理 | Travel Industry Management | $51,800 | $70,600 |
587 | 人文学科 | Humanities | $43,800 | $70,500 |
587 | 社会学与人类学 | Sociology & Anthropology | $41,900 | $70,500 |
587 | 传播艺术 | Communication Arts | $40,400 | $70,500 |
590 | 创意写作 | Creative Writing | $42,800 | $70,400 |
591 | 人类学与英语 | Anthropology & English | $44,900 | $70,300 |
591 | 现代语言 | Modern Languages | $48,600 | $70,300 |
593 | 医疗管理 | Health Care Management | $44,000 | $70,200 |
593 | 健康师范教育 | Health Teacher Education | $35,500 | $70,200 |
593 | 放射技术 | Radiologic Technology | $52,100 | $70,200 |
596 | 健康与健身 | Health & Fitness | $38,000 | $70,100 |
597 | 动物科学与管理 | Animal Science & Management | $42,100 | $70,000 |
597 | 犯罪学 | Criminology | $42,400 | $70,000 |
597 | 接待管理 | Hospitality Management | $43,600 | $70,000 |
597 | 艺术管理 | Art Administration | $36,800 | $70,000 |
597 | 人际关系 | Human Relations | $41,100 | $70,000 |
602 | 卫生信息管理 | Health Information Management | $46,200 | $69,900 |
602 | 医学实验科学 | Medical Laboratory Science | $53,000 | $69,900 |
604 | 通识教育 | Liberal Studies | $42,300 | $69,800 |
604 | 中小学数学师范教育 | Secondary & Middle School Mathematics Teacher Education | $43,100 | $69,800 |
606 | 时装设计与营销 | Fashion Design & Marketing | $42,200 | $69,700 |
607 | 艺术与设计 | Art & Design | $42,400 | $69,600 |
607 | 体质人类学 | Physical Anthropology | $49,300 | $69,600 |
607 | 体育管理 | Sports Management | $42,900 | $69,600 |
610 | 生命科学 | Life Sciences | $51,900 | $69,400 |
611 | 呼吸护理 | Respiratory Care | $52,300 | $69,200 |
612 | 音频工程 | Audio Engineering | $45,900 | $69,100 |
612 | 社会与刑事司法 | Social & Criminal Justice | $42,300 | $69,100 |
614 | 儿童心理学 | Child Psychology | $37,100 | $68,900 |
614 | 室内设计 | Interior Design | $42,400 | $68,900 |
614 | 小型企业管理 | Small Business Management | $43,900 | $68,900 |
614 | 草坪管理 | Turfgrass Management | $47,700 | $68,900 |
618 | 医疗技术 | Medical Technology | $53,300 | $68,800 |
618 | 宗教研究 | Religious Studies | $41,000 | $68,800 |
620 | 酒店与餐饮旅游 | Hotel & Restaurant Tourism | $42,500 | $68,700 |
621 | 社会学 | Sociology | $43,700 | $68,600 |
622 | 艺术与科学 | Arts & Science | $43,900 | $68,500 |
622 | 中学教育 | Secondary Education | $42,700 | $68,500 |
622 | 言语病理学和听力学 | Speech Pathology & Audiology | $41,500 | $68,500 |
625 | 戏剧 | Theater | $42,400 | $68,400 |
626 | 考古学 | Archaeology | $43,900 | $68,300 |
626 | 插图艺术 | Illustration | $42,900 | $68,300 |
626 | X线放射成像 | Radiography | $52,700 | $68,300 |
629 | 媒体艺术 | Media Arts | $44,000 | $68,200 |
630 | 临床实验科学 | Clinical Laboratory Science | $52,400 | $68,100 |
630 | 图形技术与管理 | Graphics Technology & Management | $38,800 | $68,100 |
630 | 心理学与社会行为 | Psychology & Social Behavior | $44,100 | $68,100 |
633 | 健康管理 | Health Management | $42,000 | $68,000 |
633 | 媒体传播 | Media Communication | $44,300 | $68,000 |
635 | 大众媒体 | Mass Media | $38,100 | $67,900 |
635 | 营养学 | Nutrition | $45,100 | $67,900 |
637 | 表演艺术 | Performing Arts | $42,900 | $67,800 |
638 | 社会研究 | SocialStudies | $43,700 | $67,700 |
639 | 意大利语 | Italian Language | $47,800 | $67,600 |
640 | 社会研究 | Social Studies | $44,100 | $67,500 |
641 | 商业摄影 | Commercial Photography | $42,000 | $67,300 |
642 | 广播电视 | Radio & Television | $40,800 | $67,200 |
642 | 呼吸疗法 | Respiratory Therapy | $52,300 | $67,200 |
644 | 艺术疗法 | Art Therapy | $39,200 | $67,100 |
644 | 生物人类学 | Biological Anthropology | $41,900 | $67,100 |
646 | 制图与设计 | Drafting & Design | $48,900 | $66,800 |
646 | 地理学 | Geomatics | $49,000 | $66,800 |
648 | 临床营养 | Clinical Nutrition | $47,600 | $66,700 |
648 | 园艺与农学 | Horticulture & Agronomy | $46,400 | $66,700 |
650 | 图文传播 | Graphic Communication | $44,700 | $66,600 |
650 | 植物科学 | Plant Sciences | $45,800 | $66,600 |
650 | 运动学 | Kinesiology | $42,100 | $66,600 |
650 | 消防科学 | Fire Science | $47,200 | $66,600 |
654 | 时装营销与管理 | Fashion Marketing & Management | $45,200 | $66,500 |
654 | 音乐 | Music | $41,800 | $66,500 |
654 | 营养学与饮食学 | Nutrition & Dietetics | $48,500 | $66,500 |
657 | 卫生 | Health | $41,900 | $66,400 |
657 | 法律研究 | Legal Studies | $44,400 | $66,400 |
659 | 刑事司法 | Criminal Justice | $40,600 | $66,300 |
659 | 野生动物与渔业科学 | Wildlife & Fisheries Science | $38,300 | $66,300 |
661 | 法医心理学 | Forensic Psychology | $40,800 | $66,200 |
662 | 平面设计 | Graphic Design | $42,600 | $65,800 |
663 | 戏剧艺术 | Dramatic Art | $38,900 | $65,700 |
664 | 酒店与旅游 | Hospitality & Tourism | $41,500 | $65,600 |
664 | 宗教学 | Religion | $41,100 | $65,600 |
664 | 兽医学预科 | Pre-Veterinary Medicine | $37,600 | $65,600 |
667 | 运动医学 | Sports Medicine | $45,700 | $65,400 |
667 | 妇女研究 | Women's Studies | $42,700 | $65,400 |
669 | 精美艺术 | Fine Arts | $40,400 | $65,300 |
669 | 公共卫生 | Public Health (PH) | $43,400 | $65,300 |
671 | 现代语言西班牙语 | Modern Language Spanish | $41,100 | $65,200 |
671 | 博物馆学 | Museum Studies | $37,600 | $65,200 |
673 | 商业领导力 | Business Leadership | $47,700 | $65,100 |
673 | 营养学 | Dietetics | $48,700 | $65,100 |
673 | 法务会计 | Forensic Accounting | $44,200 | $65,100 |
673 | 景观管理 | Landscape Management | $49,300 | $65,100 |
673 | 言语病理学 | Speech-Language Pathology | $41,700 | $65,100 |
678 | 动物科学 | Animal Science | $39,000 | $64,900 |
678 | 家庭与消费者科学 | Family & Consumer Science | $40,500 | $64,900 |
680 | 油画与水彩 | Drawing & Painting | $40,600 | $64,500 |
680 | 音乐产业 | Music Industry | $44,400 | $64,500 |
680 | 技术剧院 | Technical Theatre | $39,100 | $64,500 |
683 | 食品与营养 | Foods & Nutrition | $45,000 | $64,400 |
683 | 物理治疗师助理研究 | Physical Therapist Assistant Studies | $49,100 | $64,400 |
683 | 休闲管理 | Recreation Management | $40,300 | $64,400 |
686 | 跨学科研究 | Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) | $42,200 | $64,200 |
687 | 教育学 | Education | $41,800 | $64,100 |
688 | 应用语言学 | Applied Linguistics | $44,100 | $64,000 |
689 | 应用社会学 | Applied Sociology | $40,100 | $63,800 |
689 | 商业与医疗管理 | Business & Healthcare Management | $44,700 | $63,800 |
691 | 音乐创作 | Music Composition | $42,300 | $63,700 |
691 | 体育与运动科学 | Physical Education & Exercise Science | $41,000 | $63,700 |
693 | 行为科学 | Behavioral Science | $40,400 | $63,500 |
694 | 心理学与社会学 | Psychology & Sociology | $40,600 | $63,400 |
695 | 常识教育 | General Studies | $41,200 | $63,300 |
696 | 烹饪艺术与厨艺管理 | Culinary Arts & Culinary Management | $36,100 | $63,200 |
696 | 戏剧艺术 | Theatre Arts | $40,900 | $63,200 |
698 | 技术师范教育 | Technology Teacher Education | $46,400 | $63,100 |
699 | 艺术 | Art | $40,600 | $63,000 |
699 | 纺织服装 | Textiles & Clothing | $42,900 | $63,000 |
701 | 视频制作 | Video Production | $42,800 | $62,800 |
702 | 培训与发展 | Training and Development | $50,200 | $62,500 |
703 | 神学 | Theology | $39,300 | $62,300 |
703 | 餐饮与食品服务管理 | Restaurant & Food Service Management | $41,500 | $62,300 |
705 | 传教 | Missions | $41,400 | $62,200 |
706 | 活动管理 | Event Management | $39,500 | $62,100 |
707 | 临床心理学 | Clinical Psychology | $40,900 | $62,000 |
707 | 发展心理学 | Developmental Psychology | $31,000 | $62,000 |
707 | 体育教学 | Physical Education Teaching | $39,600 | $62,000 |
707 | 剧院 | Theatre | $39,700 | $62,000 |
711 | 体育管理 | Sports Administration | $41,200 | $61,900 |
712 | 制图 | Drawing | $36,400 | $61,800 |
712 | 健康与运动科学 | Health & Exercise Science | $40,100 | $61,800 |
714 | 农业师范教育 | Agricultural Teacher Education | $51,000 | $61,700 |
715 | 印刷艺术 | Graphic Arts | $41,100 | $61,600 |
715 | 新媒体 | New Media | $44,700 | $61,600 |
717 | 卫生服务管理局 | Health Services Administration | $40,800 | $61,500 |
718 | 室内设计与销售 | Interior Design & Merchandising | $40,800 | $61,400 |
719 | 运动科学 | Exercise Science | $38,900 | $61,300 |
720 | 电子媒体 | Electronic Media | $43,700 | $61,200 |
720 | 运动与体育科学 | Exercise & Sports Science | $40,400 | $61,200 |
720 | 精神病学 | Psychiatry | $54,700 | $61,200 |
720 | 监督管理 | Supervision & Management | $39,400 | $61,200 |
724 | 非裔美国人与非洲研究 | African American & African Studies | $43,600 | $61,100 |
725 | 文化研究 | Culture Studies | $44,800 | $61,000 |
725 | 版画复制(术) | Printmaking | $36,800 | $61,000 |
725 | 中学英语教育 | Secondary English Teacher Education | $40,000 | $61,000 |
728 | 社区卫生教育 | Community Health Education | $40,200 | $60,900 |
728 | 烹饪艺术 | Culinary Arts | $36,700 | $60,900 |
730 | 野生动物管理 | Wildlife Management | $37,800 | $60,800 |
730 | 心理学与哲学 | Psychology & Philosophy | $45,400 | $60,800 |
732 | 殡仪馆学 | Mortuary Science | $40,600 | $60,700 |
733 | 律师助理研究 | Paralegal Studies | $37,700 | $60,600 |
734 | 健康科学 | Health Studies | $40,600 | $60,500 |
734 | 社会心理学 | Social Psychology | $44,400 | $60,500 |
736 | 卫生服务管理 | Health Services Management | $39,300 | $60,400 |
737 | 紧急医疗服务 | Emergency Medical Services (EMS) | $41,600 | $60,300 |
737 | 录音艺术 | Recording Arts | $40,500 | $60,300 |
739 | 英语师范教育 | English Teacher Education | $41,300 | $60,200 |
739 | 社会科学师范教育 | Social Science Teacher Education | $42,100 | $60,200 |
739 | 社会研究师范教育 | Social Studies Teacher Education | $42,400 | $60,200 |
742 | 音乐教育 | Music Teacher Education | $39,100 | $60,000 |
742 | 摄影艺术 | Photography | $41,500 | $60,000 |
744 | 对外英语教学 | Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) | $41,600 | $59,900 |
744 | 健康与体育教学 | Health & Physical Education Teaching | $37,000 | $59,900 |
746 | 人类发展 | Human Development | $40,700 | $59,700 |
746 | 绘画 | Painting | $38,700 | $59,700 |
746 | 广播电台 | Radio Broadcasting | $43,200 | $59,700 |
746 | 娱乐研究 | Recreational Studies | $40,500 | $59,700 |
750 | 言语病理学 | Speech Pathology | $40,500 | $59,500 |
751 | 娱乐管理 | Recreation Administration | $45,000 | $59,400 |
752 | 舞蹈 | Dance | $42,600 | $59,200 |
753 | 娱乐与休闲研究 | Recreation & Leisure Studies | $38,800 | $59,100 |
754 | 艺术管理 | Arts Management | $37,400 | $59,000 |
754 | 大学研究 | University Studies | $40,000 | $59,000 |
754 | 摄影新闻 | Photojournalism | $39,700 | $59,000 |
757 | 组织管理 | Organizational Administration | $42,900 | $58,900 |
758 | 卫生与医疗服务管理局 | Health & Medical Services Administration | $37,900 | $58,800 |
758 | 旅游管理 | Tourism Management | $40,600 | $58,800 |
758 | 交际障碍 | Communicative Disorders | $45,200 | $58,800 |
761 | 雕塑 | Sculpture | $38,400 | $58,700 |
762 | 消费事务 | Consumer Affairs | $49,200 | $58,600 |
762 | 社会服务 | Social Services | $38,000 | $58,600 |
764 | 社区卫生 | Community Health | $42,900 | $58,500 |
764 | 司法研究 | Justice Studies | $43,300 | $58,500 |
764 | 景观设计 | Landscape Design | $48,900 | $58,500 |
767 | 园艺学 | Horticulture | $41,300 | $57,800 |
767 | 野生生物生物学 | Wildlife Biology | $41,000 | $57,800 |
769 | 性别研究 | Gender Studies | $43,100 | $57,700 |
770 | 非营利管理 | Nonprofit Management | $40,400 | $57,200 |
771 | 运动训练 | Athletic Training | $39,700 | $57,000 |
772 | 人类发展与家庭学 | Human Development & Family Studies | $38,300 | $56,800 |
773 | 圣经研究 | Biblical Studies | $38,700 | $56,700 |
773 | 健康教育 | Health Promotion | $40,000 | $56,700 |
775 | 家庭经济 | Home Economics | $38,200 | $56,500 |
775 | 戏剧研究 | Theatre Studies | $43,100 | $56,500 |
777 | 教学 | Teaching | $39,600 | $56,400 |
778 | 心理咨询 | Counseling Psychology | $39,200 | $56,200 |
778 | 健康与人类行为 | Health & Human Performance | $36,200 | $56,200 |
780 | 图书馆与情报科学 | Library & Information Science | $44,700 | $56,000 |
781 | 艺术教育 | Art Teacher Education | $37,500 | $55,900 |
781 | 酒店与烹饪艺术 | Hospitality & The Culinary Arts | $37,400 | $55,900 |
781 | 音乐剧院 | Musical Theatre | $41,800 | $55,900 |
784 | 临床社会工作 | Clinical Social Work (CSW) | $41,700 | $55,800 |
785 | 圣经研究与实习牧师 | Biblical Studies & Practical Ministries | $35,100 | $55,700 |
785 | 康复服务 | Rehabilitation Services | $34,100 | $55,700 |
787 | 公园与休闲管理 | Parks & Recreation Management | $40,600 | $55,600 |
787 | 教牧学 | Pastoral Ministry | $37,300 | $55,600 |
789 | 法律助理研究 | Legal Assistant Studies | $36,400 | $55,500 |
790 | 应用管理 | Applied Management | $43,600 | $55,400 |
791 | 社会福利 | Social Welfare | $44,900 | $55,300 |
791 | 旅游观光 | Tourism & Travel | $40,600 | $55,300 |
791 | 声乐表演 | Vocal Performance | $38,900 | $55,300 |
794 | 音频制作 | Audio Production | $43,700 | $54,700 |
794 | 圣经研究与神学 | Bible Studies & Theology | $38,100 | $54,700 |
796 | 教会事工 | Church Ministries | $38,100 | $54,600 |
797 | 家庭研究 | Family Studies | $35,900 | $54,500 |
797 | 特殊教育 | Special Education | $39,200 | $54,500 |
799 | 陶瓷 | Ceramics | $39,900 | $54,400 |
799 | 传播科学与疾病 | Communication Sciences & Disorders | $40,900 | $54,400 |
799 | 家庭与社区服务 | Family & Community Services | $38,500 | $54,400 |
802 | 言语听觉 | Speech & Hearing | $41,400 | $54,300 |
803 | 社区发展 | Community Development | $42,100 | $53,900 |
804 | 卫生与公共服务 | Health and Human Services | $41,500 | $53,700 |
805 | 办公管理 | Office Management | $37,800 | $53,400 |
806 | 心理学与人类服务 | Psychology & Human Services | $35,000 | $53,300 |
807 | 历史师范教育 | History Teacher Education | $45,400 | $53,000 |
808 | 青年事工 | Youth Ministry | $35,300 | $52,300 |
808 | 娱乐疗法 | Therapeutic Recreation | $37,700 | $52,300 |
810 | 社区与人类服务 | Community & Human Services | $40,500 | $52,100 |
811 | 基督教事工 | Christian Ministry | $35,500 | $52,000 |
812 | 小学教育 | Elementary Education | $37,700 | $51,600 |
812 | 社会工作 | Social Work (SW) | $36,600 | $51,600 |
814 | 办公行政 | Office Administration | $38,200 | $51,200 |
815 | 声乐与歌剧 | Voice & Opera | $32,900 | $50,800 |
816 | 小学师范 | Elementary Teaching | $34,400 | $50,700 |
816 | 人类服务 | Human Services (HS) | $36,600 | $50,700 |
818 | 烘焙与糕点艺术 | Baking & Pastry Arts | $36,000 | $50,600 |
819 | 人力服务管理 | Human Services Management | $43,500 | $50,500 |
820 | 咨询 | Counseling | $37,100 | $49,300 |
821 | 娱乐疗法 | Recreational Therapy | $36,400 | $49,200 |
822 | 儿童发展 | Child Development | $35,500 | $49,100 |
823 | 中学教育 | Middle School Education | $39,000 | $48,300 |
824 | 教育心理学 | Educational Psychology | $34,600 | $47,600 |
825 | 早期教育与小学教育 | Early Childhood & Elementary Education | $36,200 | $46,500 |
826 | 康复咨询 | Rehabilitation Counseling | $38,000 | $46,100 |
827 | 成瘾研究 | Addiction Studies | $36,300 | $44,800 |
828 | 室外教育 | Outdoor Education | $35,800 | $44,200 |
829 | 儿童与家庭研究 | Child & Family Studies | $34,100 | $43,600 |
830 | 早期教育 | Early Childhood Education | $34,100 | $43,300 |
831 | 心理健康 | Mental Health | $35,200 | $42,500 |
832 | 医疗协助 | Medical Assisting | $35,100 | $42,300 |
833 | 成瘾咨询 | Addictions Counseling | $38,800 | $42,200 |
834 | 金属加工 | Metalsmithing | $38,300 | $38,400 |