

芭比公主的高跟鞋 哈佛优秀ESSAY之青春闪亮自信

荏苒柔木Wed Mar 26 09:00:28 CST 2014阅览3610评论



想象着每一位梦女孩的衣柜里都会珍藏一双颜色艳丽、魅力十足、闪闪发亮的高跟漆皮鞋,没人的时候穿上靓丽的服饰在屋内或像公主那样很淑女的走路,或像灰姑娘那样与王子跳着浪漫的舞曲,你看,昂贵的木质地板上都留下了它们的足迹(一道道浅浅的刮痕)。这种“生活必需品”在每一个家庭来说都是必不可少的,几乎每一位母亲都会随身准备一双这样的皮鞋备用做舞会等正式的场合,自然而然的,皮鞋也就成为了少女心中难舍的“情结”。我也不例外。但 “时尚”在我身上体现最多的就是“紧张”。

具体细节已经记不得了,只有一些很模糊的碎片:每到周末,母亲就会拽着五岁的我按照购物清单上罗列的商品数目开始逛街购物。事发当天,我们来到了这家商场的鞋店(the Stride-Rite),我皱着眉头在母亲的“胁迫”下极度不情愿的把小脚丫放在冰冷的金属度量器上(测验鞋码大小)。最后母亲给我买了一双黑色的皮鞋,并用糖果纸包裹装在了一个绿色的鞋盒里。










更重要的是细节描写,如:“I . . . wore them with my Barbie nightgown and hopped between my pink sheets with a contented smile”。一位活泼可爱的小女孩形象跃然纸上。但除了细节描写外,最绝的要属作者敏锐的洞察力和落脚点。




With endless colors to choose from, a glamorous, sparkly shine, and the unparalleled ability to create spectacular scuff marks on your mom’s prized wooden floors, a staple in any fashionable young girl’s wardrobe is the patent leather shoe. This shoe, often overlooked and almost never fully appreciated, is the go-to solution for all moms in need—it goes with any party dress, and their daughters always adore the selection! When I was a young girl, my style was no exception to this continuing trend—I wore these shoes with many an outfit. However, my childhood fashion experiences were rather heightened by something not so typical:my intense, borderline aberrant obsession.

I can’t remember the exact details of the day that started it all, but I do have a hazy recollection. On those weekend days that you devote entirely to errands, my mom always dragged my cranky five-year-old self with her to each store written on her to-do list. On the day in question, there was an unexpected stop: the shopping mall. In the Stride-Rite shoe store, our destination, there is no doubt in my mind that I scowled and whined belligerently at having to place my foot on the cold metal measure to find my size. However, my mom obviously forced me through it, and we left the store with my new black shoes, wrapped in confetti tissue paper and nestled in a green shoebox.

At home, with these wondrous, magical shoes ensconcing my small feet, my infatuation bloomed. I don’t know what it was—maybe the unique luster or perhaps their dainty flowery cutouts?—but something about them captivated my attention. No matter what the occasion, I wore them with an effervescent, immutable glow and flaunted them incessantly. Quite simply, I thought my “party shoes” were the coolest!

When bedtime arrived, I refused to take the shoes off. “They’re too pretty!” I would stubbornly resist. All of my mother’s efforts to convince me otherwise were futile. So, she acquiesced, and I, reveling in my glorious success, wore them with my Barbie nightgown and hopped between my pink sheets with a contented smile. However, after I fell asleep, my mom would always sneak back into my room, pry the shoes from my feet, and place them back in the closet where they belonged.

When my mom took my shoes from me, I was not happy. In the throes of my indignant angst, I thought it was the deepest form of betrayal. But, the driven never accept defeat. If my mom took my beloved shoes from me, I would spring from my bed and scour the room, searching passionately until I found them. Inevitably, by the following morning, I would be wearing my shoes once more.

Today, I am happy to say that I am no longer addicted to wearing shiny black party shoes. And, I can confidently tell you that my passions and desires are far less materialistic and selfish. However, my determination has not wavered; to this day, it is this single trait that carries me forward. My drive, previously centered on my adorable patent leather shoes, has intensified and redirected itself to cover a wide range of activities—whether it’s my tennis serve, Spanish-speaking skills, or political acumen, if I am ever dissatisfied with something, I devote myself completely to perfecting it.

In the future, I doubt I’ll be furiously pushing for a reunion with a pair of shoes. Patent leather just isn’t my style anymore! However, rest assured: With whatever path I choose, I will do everything within my power to succeed. And, just as important, I will be wearing some killer stilettos.


The author’s well-thought-out piece accomplishes with ease what any college essay should first and foremost aim to do: display the author’s ability to write clearly and effectively. She displays her facility with language, imbuing her essay with colorful details and quirky observations, like the all-important patent leather shoes and her mother’s “prized wooden floors.” The writer describes this peculiar pastime with a familiar and comfortable ease, inviting the reader into her world. In discussing her affinity for fashion as a young girl, the writer goes one step beyond simple storytelling and clues the admissions officers in to one aspect of her personality through a fun and fanciful recollection.

The essay’s greatest strength lies in its author’s descriptive abilities, coupled with her charm and humor. Whether she is reminiscing about a shoe-shopping adventure with her mother or recounting the physical details of her patent leather sandals, the author carries the reader to the scenes of her youth with a mature and well-developed voice, balanced with a childlike fancifulness that ensures that the essay does not fall too deep into the common mold of the serious college essay. Through her careful usage of both adult language and controlled humor, the author is able to convey a convincing whimsy that few others would be able to generate.

Furthermore, her attention to detail—sentences such as “I . . . wore them with my Barbie nightgown and hopped between my pink sheets with a contented smile”—ensures that the admissions officers are left with a clear picture of her girly and happy-go-lucky nature. But it’s not merely her use of description—the author is selective about her details, careful to choose images that most accurately depict her character.

However, the essay ultimately reverts to referencing overusedclichésin its concluding paragraphs. The writer relies on stating outright to the reader that she is a determined and persistent person. This issue may stem from her need to establish a more direct link between her determination to wear her patent leather shoes and her drive to succeed in other aspects of her life, perhaps suggesting that her topic choice may have been a weak metaphor for displaying this aspect of her character. Indeed, the downfall of a topic choice that makes itself an optimal subject of humor is the potential problem of an essay that strives too hard to connect the humor with the profound, the whimsy with the meaningful. Despite this concern, this piece ultimately succeeds in showcasing her writing abilities and her humorous and fun-loving personality.

—Lucy Chen

参考资料:50 Successful Harvard Application Essays third Edition


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