

哈佛成功ESSAY之梦想篇 大时代成就父亲的留学之路

荏苒柔木Mon Apr 21 08:10:54 CST 2014阅览2610评论













—Anita Hofschneider



In the rural Chinese village where my father spent his adolescence, people believed that upon a man’s death, he must collect all the footprints he has ever laid before being allowed to enter heaven. The villagers concluded that it therefore must be best not to venture far from home, and so they allowed the myth to bind them to their simple, everyday lives. My father saw things differently.

The son of a Shanghai doctor, my father grew up with dreams of studying and, later, working in a university for the benefit of society. But when that society, in the chaos of the Cultural Revolution, seemingly betrayed him by shutting down its universities and shipping him off into the countryside to “learn from the peasants,” he was forced to reconsider his options. Separated from his family and without even a middle-school education, he remained hopeful, but uncertain, about his future. He began to learn on his own, believing that knowledge would serve him well regardless of his surroundings.

Ten years later at the end of the Cultural Revolution, my father took the national college entrance examination, competing with tens of millions of high school graduates for a limited number of places in the newly reopened schools. Remarkably, he received one of the highest scores on the examination and was admitted to Peking University, the nation’s most prestigious institution. Later, he realized his dreams of studying neuroscience abroad and becoming a professor in the United States.

Although I have never lived in China, or in a rural farming village, I draw daily inspiration from my father’s stories. He has bestowed in me a deep appreciation for life, a love of learning, and the courage to pursue my dreams. I have learned that there is no one “stairway” to heaven—we make our own path.

I keep this in mind as I prepare for the day when I, too, must venture away from the comfort of my own “village.” While my father struggled to obtain opportunities to succeed, I endeavor to make full use of those that have been offered to me. Constantly striving to improve myself and my surroundings, I take the high road and encourage those around me to do so as well.

Growing up, I heard many stories about my father’s life in the village. Now, I have stories of my own to share with him. Whether they are about the latest issue of the school newspaper, a successful chamber music performance, or this year’s literary magazine theme, they always bring a smile to his face.

One day I hope to visit my father’s old village. It is a long way from home, and I would leave many footprints along the way. But perhaps the real meaning of the villagers’ parable is simply that we must all review and take responsibility for our deeds here on Earth—a theme of universal importance despite its humble origins in a rural Chinese village. When the time comes to collect my footprints, I hope to have left some lasting, positive impression on the lives of others.

Then, the journey will have been worth it.


The main strengths of this applicant’s essay lie in the first half. Contrasting the mind-set of the villagers with his father’s—and by extension his own—is an effective way to convey the applicant’s sense of adventure and courage. It also cleverly grabs the reader’s interest and makes him or her want to learn more. Another strength is the inclusion of the story of the author’s father’s struggle for success.

Though the tale is simple and compelling, it does not convey the applicant’s own ambition loudly enough. The latter part of the essay could be improved by driving home this point. The applicant’s assertion that he takes the high road and encourages others comes off as a little self-congratulatory. As that sentence comes right after the statement about taking advantage of opportunities, it might serve the applicant better to give more specific examples of the opportunities he has pursued.

One challenge that comes with this type of essay, which includes so much about another person’s life, is the danger of conveying very little about the applicant. It might have served the author better to use a larger portion of the latter half of the essay to share more about himself through relating his life to his father’s. Devoting more time to communicating information about how the applicant shares the virtues he admires in his father would have made for more illuminating prose.

—Anita Hofschneider

参考资料:50 Successful Harvard Application Essays third Edition


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