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  • 纯国外机构的外籍专家负责润色+修改。专家属于外籍,机构属于国外机构,人也在国外
  • 只做翻译+润色,不提供文书代写服务,润色标准为世界一流大学的文书标准
  • 确保行文地道、风格统一、内容完整流畅
  • 反馈及概括您文书的优势与不足,详细标注修改理由,并提供进一步的提高建议,以凸显优势,淡化不足
  • 起步价是400元
  • 一次润色:¥0.7/字,3-5天
  • 二次润色:¥0.8/字,4-6天
  • 翻译+一次润色:¥1.5/字,4-6天
  • 翻译+二次润色:¥1.6/字,5-7天
  • Gail Bethany
    First Class Honors degree in Classics, University of Oxford Gail Bethany has a first class honors degree in Classics from the University of Oxford. Meticulous and with an excellent eye for detail, she is a perfectionist in her work. She began to proofread and edit the dissertations and essays of her fellow students, work which she found immensely rewarding.

  • Wendy Small
    B.S., Texas A&M University M.S., Montana State University Interests Victorian literature and culture; history of the novel; gender and sexuality; history of the emotions, sensation, and experience. She spent a year as a translator and proofreader for a translation firm.

  • Ginny Tori
    PhD in Communication, Stony Brook University Expertise: Gender Studies, IDEA, Marketing Research, Mass Media, Popular Culture, Race and Ethnicity Ginny Tori received her Ph.D. from Stony Brook University in 2006 and now serves as a Clinical Associate Professor, teaching foundational theory courses in the undergraduate program and research methods in the graduate programs. As faculty in the undergraduate program, Dr. Ginny teaches courses that examine the politics of gender in the media, interpretations of popular culture, and the politics of social change and advocacy in the political economy of the entertainment industry.

  • Uhlman Hodgson
    M.Phil/PhD in English Literature, University of Bristol Uhlman Hodgson has wide experience of proofreading CVs, personal statements, essays, dissertations for foreign students and researchers and has received outstanding feedback from clients. She is an Associate of the Society for Editors and Proofreaders. Meticulous and with an excellent eye for detail, she is a perfectionist in his work.

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