• 美国/明尼苏达州/明尼阿波利斯



明尼苏达大学双城分校机械工程博士(PhD in Mechanical Engineering)

辛辛那提大学机械工程硕士(MS in Mechanical Engineering)

华中科技大学机械工程学士(BS in Mechanical Engineering)

助教(TA Experience)

  • Worked as the TA for three different courses from Fall 2013 to Summer 2014 in the mechanical department of U;
  • Worked as the TA for the course of Vibration Engineering in Spring 2016 in mechanical department of UMN.

助研(Research Experience)

  • UC Nanoworld Lab: Research into long carbon nanotube (CNT) floating catalyst CVD growth method and material characterization; Design and conduct electromagnetic, radio frequency and diamagnetic experiments to manipulate nanoparticles.
  • UMN MacAlpine Research Group: 3-D printing silicon nanocrystal based light emitting diodes.

发文(Published Paper):

  • G. Hou, R. Su, A. Wang, V. Ng, W. Li, Y. Song, L. Zhang, M. Sundaram, V. Shanov, D. Mast, D. Lashmore, M. Schulz, and Y. Liu, “The effect of a convection vortex on sock formation in the floating catalyst method for carbon nanotube synthesis,” Carbon, 102, pp. 513–519, (2016)