
学校中文名 学校英文名 专业名称 开设学位 位置
哈特福德大学 University of Hartford MFA - Limited Residency in Photography Master West Hartford, CT
新学校大学 New School, The Photography (MFA) Master New York City, NY
马里兰艺术学院 Maryland Institute College of Art Photographic and Electronic Media (MFA) Master Baltimore, MD
田纳西大学 University of Tennessee Photography Master Knoxville, TN
莱斯利大学 Lesley University MFA in Photography Master Cambridge, MA
康考迪亚大学 Concordia University Printmaking and Photography Master Montreal, QC
芝加哥哥伦比亚学院 Columbia College Chicago Photography MFA Master Chicago, IL
肯德尔艺术设计学院 Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University MFA Master of Fine Art Photography Master Grand Rapids, MI
贝瑞大学 Barry University Photography Master Miami, FL
纽约市立大学布鲁克林学院 Brooklyn College Of The City University Of New York Photography Master Brooklyn, NY
布鲁克斯摄影学院 Brooks Institute Of Photography Photography Master Santa Barbara, CA
芝加哥艺术学院 School of The Art Institute Of Chicago Photography Master Chicago, IL
俄亥俄大学 Ohio University Photography Master Athens, OH
休斯敦大学 University of Houston Photography Master Houston, TX
旧金山艺术大学 Academy of Art University Photography Master San Francisco, CA
芝加哥哥伦比亚学院 Columbia College Chicago Photography MFA Master Chicago, IL
马里兰艺术学院 Maryland Institute College of Art Photographic and Electronic Media (MFA) Master Baltimore, MD
肯德尔艺术设计学院 Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University MFA Master of Fine Art Photography Master Grand Rapids, MI
纽约国际摄影中心 International Center Of Photography Photography Master New York City, NY
伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校 University of Illinois at Chicago Photography Master Chicago, IL
罗切斯特理工学院 Rochester Institute of Technology Imaging Arts/Photography (MFA) Master Rochester, NY
马萨诸塞艺术设计学院 Massachusetts College Of Art and Design Photography MFA Master Boston, MA
贝瑞大学 Barry University Photography Master Miami, FL
圣何塞州立大学 San Jose State University Art Master San Jose, CA
巴德学院 Bard College ICP-Bard Program in Advanced Photographic Studies Master New York City, NY
新墨西哥大学 University of New Mexico Art Studio Master Albuquerque, NM
康考迪亚大学 Concordia University Printmaking and Photography Master Montreal, QC