
学校中文名 学校英文名 专业名称 开设学位 位置
薛顿贺尔大学 Seton Hall University Master of Arts in Diplomacy and International Relations Master South Orange, NJ
圣约翰大学 St. John's University International Communication Master Queens Village, NY
明德学院蒙特雷国际研究院 Middlebury Institute of International Studies International Trade and Economic Diplomacy Master Monterey, CA
明德学院蒙特雷国际研究院 Middlebury Institute of International Studies International Policy and Development Master Monterey, CA
旧金山大学 University of San Francisco Master in Migration Studies Master San Francisco, CA
旧金山大学 University of San Francisco Asia Pacific Studies Master San Francisco, CA
新学校大学 New School, The International Affairs Master New York City, NY
蒙特圣文森特学院 IPSL - College of Mount Saint Vincent MS in International Development and Service Master New York City, NY
宾州州立大学公园分校 Pennsylvania State University International Affairs Master University Park, PA
布兰迪斯大学 Brandeis University Global Studies Master Waltham, MA
布兰迪斯大学 Brandeis University Global Studies Master Waltham, MA
夏威夷太平洋大学 Hawai'i Pacific University Master of Arts in Diplomacy and Military Studies Master Honolulu, HI
夏威夷太平洋大学 Hawai'i Pacific University Graduate Certificate in National Security and Strategic Studies Graduate Certificate Honolulu, HI
美利坚大学 American University Ethics, Peace, and Global Affairs Master, Doctorate Washington, DC
美利坚大学 American University Ethics, Peace, and Global Affairs (MA) Master Washington, DC
美利坚大学 American University International Affairs Master, Graduate Certificate Washington, DC
美利坚大学 American University International Peace and Conflict Resolution Master, Graduate Certificate Washington, DC
美利坚大学 American University Dual Degree Master's Program with Korea University Master Washington, DC
印第安纳波利斯大学 University of Indianapolis Master of Arts in International Relations Master Indianapolis, IN
俄亥俄州立大学 Ohio State University International Studies Master Columbus, OH
美国天主大学 The Catholic University of America Politics-Off Campus Master Washington, DC
美国天主大学 The Catholic University of America Business and Economics Master Washington, DC
美国天主大学 The Catholic University of America International Political Economy, Human Resource Management Master Washington, DC
弗吉尼亚大学 University of Virginia Government and Foreign Affairs Master, Doctorate Charlottesville, VA
罗格斯大学 Rutgers University of New Jersey International Studies Master Newark, NJ
美国天主大学 The Catholic University of America Business and Economics Master Washington, DC
美国天主大学 The Catholic University of America International Political Economy, Human Resource Management Master Washington, DC
美国天主大学 The Catholic University of America Politics-Off Campus Master Washington, DC
德保罗大学 DePaul University International Studies Master Chicago, IL
乌普萨拉大学 Uppsala University International Economics Master, Graduate Certificate Uppsala, Sweden
爱荷华大学 University of Iowa International Studies Master Iowa City, IA
惠氏大学 Whitworth University Master of International Management (MIM) degree Master Spokane, WA
旧金山州立大学 San Francisco State University International Relation/Affairs Master San Francisco, CA
中密歇根大学 Central Michigan University Graduate Certificate, International Administration Graduate Certificate Mount Pleasant, MI
中密歇根大学 Central Michigan University Graduate Certificate, International Administration Graduate Certificate Andrews Air Force Base, MD
北卡罗来纳州立大学 North Carolina State University International Studies Master Raleigh, NC
俄克拉荷马州立大学 Oklahoma State University International Studies Master, Graduate Certificate Stillwater, OK
俄亥俄大学 Ohio University Southeast Asian Studies Master Athens, OH
乔治敦大学 Georgetown University Government Doctorate, Master Washington, DC
乔治敦大学 Georgetown University Security and Society, 4-week Security Studies Summer Program Graduate Certificate Washington, DC
乔治敦大学 Georgetown University Foreign Service Master, Doctorate Washington, DC
弗吉尼亚理工学院 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Public and International Affairs Master Falls Church, VA
弗吉尼亚理工学院 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Political Science Master Blacksburg, VA
佩伯代因大学 Pepperdine University International Business Master Malibu, CA
南卡罗来纳大学 University of South Carolina Interantional Studies Doctorate, Master Columbia, SC
瑞金特大学 Regent University International Politics Master Virginia Beach, VA
东北大学 Northeastern University Graduate Certificate in Global Studies and International Affairs Graduate Certificate Boston, MA
东北大学 Northeastern University Master of Science in Global Studies and International Affairs Master Boston, MA
塔夫斯大学 Tufts University Professional Graduate Program in International Affairs Master, Doctorate Medford, MA
俄亥俄州立大学 Ohio State University International Studies Master Columbus, OH
美利坚大学 American University International Affairs Graduate Certificate, Master Washington, DC
美利坚大学 American University International Peace and Conflict Resolution Graduate Certificate, Master Washington, DC
美利坚大学 American University Ethics, Peace, and Global Affairs Doctorate, Master Washington, DC
美利坚大学 American University Ethics, Peace, and Global Affairs (MA) Master Washington, DC
美利坚大学 American University Dual Degree Master's Program with Korea University Master Washington, DC
迈阿密大学(俄亥俄) Miami University Graduate Program in Political Science Doctorate, Master Oxford, OH
圣地亚哥大学 University of San Diego International Relations Master San Diego, CA
摩根州立大学 Morgan State University Intemational Studies Master Baltimore, MD
自由大学 Liberty University Master of Arts in Global Studies Master Lynchburg, TN
德州农工大学 Texas A&M University International Affairs Master College Station, TX
德州农工大学 Texas A&M University Advanced International Affairs Graduate Certificate, Master College Station, TX
德州农工大学 Texas A&M University Certificate in Advanced International Affairs Graduate Certificate College Station, TX
印第安纳波利斯大学 University of Indianapolis Master of Arts in International Relations Master Indianapolis, IN
南卡罗来纳大学 University of South Carolina Interantional Studies Master, Doctorate Columbia, SC
密歇根大学安娜堡分校 University of Michigan Asian Studies: China Graduate Certificate, Master Ann Arbor, MI
纽约州立大学水牛城分校 University at Buffalo Political Science Doctorate, Master Buffalo, NY
佐治亚大学 University of Georgia International Affairs Master Athens, GA
佐治亚大学 University of Georgia International Policy Master Athens, GA
乌普萨拉大学 Uppsala University International Economics Graduate Certificate, Master Uppsala, Sweden
科罗拉多矿业学院 Colorado School Of Mines International Political Economy Graduate Certificate Golden, CO
波士顿大学 Boston University Master of Arts in International Affairs Master Boston, MA
厄勒布鲁大学 Orebro University International Economics Graduate Certificate, Master Orebro, Sweden
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 University of Texas at Austin International Studies Master Austin, TX
克雷顿大学 Creighton University International Relations Master Omaha, NE
罗格斯大学 Rutgers University of New Jersey International Studies Master Newark, NJ
圣约翰费舍尔学院 St. John Fisher College International Studies Master Rochester, NY
自由大学 Liberty University Master of Arts in Global Studies Master Lynchburg, TN
加州大学圣地亚哥分校 University of California - San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy Master La Jolla, CA
加州大学圣地亚哥分校 University of California - San Diego Master of Pacific International Affairs Doctorate, Master, Graduate Certificate La Jolla, CA
加州大学圣地亚哥分校 University of California - San Diego International Relations and Pacific Studies Master, Doctorate La Jolla, CA
北德克萨斯大学 University of North Texas International Studies Master Denton, TX
俄亥俄大学 Ohio University Southeast Asian Studies Master Athens, OH
东卡罗来纳大学 East Carolina University International Studies Master, Graduate Certificate Greenville, NC
东卡罗来纳大学 East Carolina University International Management Graduate Certificate Greenville, NC
佐治亚理工学院 Georgia Institute Of Technology International Affairs Master Atlanta, GA
东密歇根大学 Eastern Michigan University International Business Master, Graduate Certificate Ypsilanti, MI
德保罗大学 DePaul University International Studies Master Chicago, IL
德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 University of Texas At Dallas International Management Studies Master, Doctorate Richardson, TX
德克萨斯大学安东尼奥分校 University of Texas At San Antonio International Business Master San Antonio, TX
宾州州立大学公园分校 Pennsylvania State University International Affairs Master University Park, PA
圣路易斯华盛顿大学 Washington University in St Louis International Affairs Master Saint Louis, MO
南卡罗来纳大学 University of South Carolina Interantional Studies Doctorate, Master Columbia, SC
欧道明大学 Old Dominion University International Studies Master, Doctorate, Graduate Certificate Norfolk, VA
北卡罗来纳州立大学 North Carolina State University International Studies Master Raleigh, NC
吕勒奥工业大学 Lulea University of Technology International Economics Master, Graduate Certificate Lulea, Sweden
隆德大学 Lund University International Economics Graduate Certificate, Master Lund, Sweden
隆德大学 Lund University European Affairs Master Lund, Sweden
旧金山州立大学 San Francisco State University International Relation/Affairs Master San Francisco, CA
丹佛大学 University of Denver International Human Rights Master, Graduate Certificate, Doctorate Denver, CO
丹佛大学 University of Denver International Administration Graduate Certificate, Master, Doctorate Denver, CO