Pathways to VU

'Pathways' offer an easy transition between courses at different levels, so that you can start with a certificate and progress right through to postgraduate study.

Our pathways are designed to suit all types of students. Whether you've just finished secondary school, are looking for career advancement, want to develop new skills or change your career direction, we can offer you a solution.

We are also committed to recognising all of the learning, experience and qualificationsthat you have obtained to date.

By applying for credit for your skills and past study, you can get your dream qualification as soon as possible. Use our credit calculator to find out what credits you may be eligible to receive towards completion of your course.

Student pathway success stories

How Eman’s teaching dreams are becoming a reality
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Eman Abdulahamid
How Eman’s teaching dreams are becoming a reality
Diploma of Education Studies, Bachelor of Education Studies
"So often I've started a new block full of nerves, only to be blown away by the hospitality, respect, and understanding of my teachers."
So often I've started a new block full of nerves, only to be blown away by the hospitality, respect, and understanding of my teachers.
Leading the IT crowd
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Eriwati Eriwati.
Leading the IT crowd
Diploma of Information Technology, Bachelor of Information Technology
"I chose to do the Diploma first, because it gave me a lot of confidence, and the lecturer was able to give us more individual attention."
I chose to do the Diploma first, because it gave me a lot of confidence, and the lecturer was able to give us more individual attention.
A pathway to a dream
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A pathway to a dream
Diploma of Nursing HLT51607, Bachelor of Nursing
"The best thing about VU is the friendly, multicultural environment, and the amazing support I received from the teachers."
The best thing about VU is the friendly, multicultural environment, and the amazing support I received from the teachers.