Investing in your education is crucial to your future success and career goals. Monetary awards are available to assist students in paying for higher education.

Graduate Fellowships, Assistantships, and Awards

Department Fellowships

Crop sciences awards over $200,000 in fellowships each year to graduate students enrolled in our program. Prospective students should indicate their desire to be considered for financial aid on the admission application form. Credentials submitted with the application are used in determining financial aid awards by the department. Applicants receive notification of admission and funding via email in March.


Department Research Assistantships

Students enrolled in an on-campus degree program in the Department of Crop Sciences receive research assistantships that waive tuition and service fees, leaving approximately $600 in other fees (health insurance, etc.) for which students are responsible each semester.

Department Awards

In addition to fellowships and assistantships, the department also provides monetary awards to students who meet specific award criteria. Nominations for graduate students are requested during the fall term, and most awards are deposited directly to their student accounts.

Graduate College Fellowships, Traineeships, and Assistantships

The Graduate College also offers financial aid awards to help you pay for graduate school and resources to locate fellowships outside of the University of Illinois. Visit theGraduate College Websitefor more information.