Fellowships, Awards, and Grants

There are a variety of resources for funding a graduate education, both internal to the University and external. Becoming familiar with the available sources of funding can help you navigate the variety of sources available.

students conversing

UCR offers a variety of multi-year funding opportunities for incoming students that may include stipends, full or partial payment of tuition and fees, and appointment as a Teaching Assistant (TA) or Graduate Student Researcher (GSR). An applicant is judged on the basis of the quality of previous academic work, the evidence of ability to do research and other creative accomplishments, and the promise of becoming a productive scholar. A contribution to the campus goal of achieving a diverse student body may also be a consideration. Fellowship/grant awards are paid from a variety of funding sources, some of which require financial data. Students who receive fellowships and full or partial teaching and research positions must register for and complete a full program of study and research each quarter, remain in good academic standing, and make acceptable progress toward their degree.

In addition to UCR funding opportunities, students may also explore external funding sources. More information about these types of sources can be found below.

CHASS Grant Writing Workshop Video:https://ucr.yuja.com/V/Video?v=2801304&node=9874391&a=1819800754&autoplay=1


UCR Fellowships

Eligibility criteria for recipients of fellowships:

  • must be making acceptable progress toward their degrees (For these purposes, acceptable progress for a Ph.D. student means students must be advanced to candidacy within 12 quarters after entry and must complete the degree by the normative time to degree for the particular program plus one year; for most master's students, acceptable progress is represented by enrollment for not more than three years)
  • must have less than 8 units of Incomplete grades
  • must maintain a 3.00 GPA
  • must enroll in and complete a full course load (12 graduate units or the equivalent)
  • changes in degree objective and/or degree program may affect eligibility for continuation of the award

Important tax information for recipients of fellowships:

  • taxes are not automatically withheld from domestic student stipends. You may be responsible for taxes on your fellowship stipend. Any questions about taxable income should be directed to a tax professional.

    The Dissertation Research Grant provides funds to doctoral candidates for research-related expenses associated with the dissertation. Applicants must be advanced to candidacy and plan to be registered during the period of the award. Proposals may be funded up to a maximum of $2,000. Dissertation Research Grant Application


    The Master’s Thesis Research Grant is for students enrolled in the Anthropology (M.S. degree only), Art History, Creative Writing and Writing for the Performing Arts (main campus), Experimental Choreography, Southeast Asian Studies, and Visual Art graduate programs for the purposes of expenses directly related to thesis research.Master's Thesis Research Grant Application


    Travel funds are available for PhD students who have advanced to candidacy in the biological, physical, agricultural, engineering, mathematics, and health sciences fields, and in interdisciplinary approaches to these fields, to attend national or international meetings/conferences. Earle C. Anthony Graduate Student Travel Awards Application


    UCR Emeriti Association Graduate Student Travel Award supports PhD students in any field who travel to a national or international professional society conference, symposium, or workshop to present and defend research, or who travel for dissertation research to access resources available at another institution, museum, private collection, or field site. A student can win this award only once. Current or previous recipients of the Earl C. Anthony Graduate Student Travel Awards are not eligible.

    The Winter 2024 deadline for submissions is onFebruary 16th, 2024 at 5:00pm.UCR Emeriti Graduate Student Travel Award Application


    The GSA Conference Travel Grants help to meet the financial needs of graduate students who have been invited to present scholarly papers or posters at regional and national professional conferences. The program, administered by the UCRGraduate Student Association, and with support from the Chancellor and Graduate Division, provides funding support for both conference presenters and, to a lesser degree, attendees. The per conference and annual caps are updated annually and are available on the GSA website.


    The Humanities Graduate Student Research Grants financially assist graduate students doing original research or creative projects in the humanities, as broadly defined by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Awards are up to $1500. The grant period runs from May through April. Extensions of the grant period should be requested in writing. Awards terminate upon leaves of absence, filing fee status, withdrawal or graduation. A student must be registered in the Spring Quarter to use these funds during the summer months. For more information go to:http://chass.ucr.edu/research/student.html


    The purpose of Dissertation Fellowships is to relieve students of teaching or equivalent to focus on their dissertation work and to complete their PhD in a timely manner. TheDissertation Year Fellowship Awards (DYFAs)provide a year of funding to PhD students who expect to complete their degree program in the upcoming academic year.Dissertation Completion Fellowship Awards (DCFAs)provide support to students to support the completion of their PhD in the current academic year. For all Dissertation Fellowships, advisors will be required to acknowledge the student's thesis timeline and plan to graduate within the period of award.

    • For the DYFA and DCFA application forms, please contact your graduate advisor.  Each graduate program will be submitting their nominees to Graduate Division.

Funding Resources for International Graduate Students and Postdocs

Below you may download a resource curated byGradSuccessfor international graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. These funding opportunities do not require U.S. citizenship or permanent residence. This list is updated annually, so for the most up-to-date information about each funding opportunity, visit funding agency's website.

Fellowships-Scholarships for International Grad Students-Postdocs.pdf

You may also see Immigrants Rising’s List of Graduate Scholarships available onthis pagefor graduate scholarships that do not require proof of citizenship or legal permanent residency.

UCR Postdoc Awards for Excellence

As UCR continues to grow, as does our postdoc community. These individuals are an integral part of our research efforts and frequently play important roles as mentors, teachers and links to our communities. A focused and productive postdoctoral scholar is a key component of many research facilities conducting skilled experiments, technical support in the lab and field and providing graduate students with near-peer mentorship. This part of the UCR community should be celebrated. Therefore, in partnership with the Riverside Postdoctoral Association (RPA), the Graduate Division and the Office of Research would like to recognize our postdoctoral scholars with a new set of awards aimed at recognizing excellence in research, mentorship and service.

The Graduate Division, the Office of Research and the Riverside Postdoc Association is pleased to announce the call for the annual Postdoc Awards for Excellence. This award honors postdocs who have demonstrated excellence in research, mentorship and service to the community. The awards will consist of a plaque and a $1000 check to be awarded at the Graduate Division’s Award Ceremony. We are seeking nomination letters from department chairs, faculty, students, and postdocs in support of an excellent individual in your area.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Be a current postdoc at UCR and have held the position for at least 6 months in any of UCR’s departments and must be holding the position at the time of application.
  • Work described must have taken place while at UCR.
  • Additional service to the community does not have to be associated with UCR

How to Apply

  • Submit a research statement describing your research achievements.
  • Submit a personal statement to include activities such as mentorship, philosophy on diversity and outreach activities.
  • Statements are a maximum 2 pages, 1 inch margin, 12pt Arial, single space.
  • Submit a CV (NIH biosketch or NSF formatting allowed).
  • Letters of support from UCR mentor and/or mentees, such as current or former students should address how the mentoring relationship provided training or boosted their professional development, and describe the positive impact on their own scholarship and well-being. We encourage the authors to use specific examples in their letter.
The deadline for the 2024-2025 academic year is January 16th, 2024. Please submit your application to the Postdoc Awards here.

Fellowship Opportunities Outside of UCR

There are many databases and search engines that may be used to find sources of funding outside the University. Here are some links that will help you get started:

HACU (Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities) National Internship Program
The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, founded in 1986, represents more than 500 colleges and universities in the United States, Latin America, Spain, and school districts throughout the U.S. HACU is the only national association representing existing and emerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). The Association’s headquarters are in San Antonio, Texas, with regional offices in Washington, D.C. and Sacramento, California.

UCR is a member with the Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities (HACU) which givesALL UCR STUDENTSaccess to the HNIP and other HACU resources. Learn about HNIP and benefits forALL UCR students, like assistance with internship searches, placement, and housing costs.


Writing Resources for Grants and Fellowships

The goal of writing a successful funding proposal is convincing a review panel that your project is worthwhile and unique and that you are the best person to carry it out. Visit theGraduate Writing Centerfor tips and guidance for putting together a strong proposal.


The Office of Financial Aid(2106 Student Services Building, Riverside, CA 92521, (951) 827-3878) assists students in meeting educational expenses they cannot afford from personal resources. Applicants must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be considered for any need-based loans. FAFSA applications are available in December for the following academic year and must be filed annually. Apply online at theFAFSAwebsite. In addition to submitting the FAFSA, various supporting materials to determine individual financial need may be required. UCR accepts applications on a year-round basis. Students are encouraged to apply early in order to ensure adequate processing time for loan funds to be available by the fee payment deadlines.

Additional information:

Employment Supplementation for Fellowship Holders

Fellowships are awarded to students to free them from the need for employment. Employment supplementation may be considered up to a total of 75% time for the year with no more than 50% employment in any one quarter.

Fellowship awards with less than a $10,000 stipend may be supplemented as stated above without approval of the Dean. Fellowship awards with a stipend of $10,000 or higher may be supplemented as stated above only after approval of the Graduate Dean. The Graduate Advisor in your program must make the request of the Dean in writing. Fellowships that do not allow supplementation are the Eugene Cota-Robles Award (ECRA) and the Dissertation Year Fellowships (DYFA and DYP). The Graduate Research Mentorship Program (GRMP) allows only limited supplementation as a 25% Graduate Student Researcher appointment (GSR).

Policies Governing Award Recipients

There are many policies and guidelines governing students who receive funding awards. Those who receive these awards must maintain satisfactory progress and meet all requirements for their individual awards.

Maintaining Satisfactory Progress

To ensure continued funding of their awards, students must ensure that they continue with satisfactory progress towards their degree. These requirements include:

  • Maintaining the minimum grade point average required by the fellowship
  • Taking and passing all required coursework, exams, etc.
  • Fulfilling all TA requirements satisfactorily
  • Meeting fellowship GPA requirements, even for TA recipients awarded fellowships (normally exceed TA requirement)

Requirements for Students Receiving Multi-Year Awards

Students receiving multi-year awards also have specific requirements. These awards are contingent upon:

  • Meeting academic standards
  • Completing the term(s) in which fellowship funding is received
  • Reporting requirements
  • Maintaining required course load
  • Fulfilling advancement to candidacy requirements
  • Not exceeding maximum (8 units) incomplete, "F" and/or NC grades
  • Reporting any change in status immediately. Any change in degree objective, change of field/department/program, leave of absence, extended absence from class, or withdrawal may affect funding and must be reported to the Graduate Division/Graduate School immediately
  • Reporting fellowship awards when filing taxes
