students working on robot

Academics & Experiential Learning

Explore Our Engineering Academic Departments

Select from over 100 BS, MS, and PhD programs, minors, and graduate certificates across five engineering disciplines and in applied areas to personalize your path and reach your ambitions. Additional graduate offerings are available through the Gordon Institute of Engineering Leadership. Additional undergraduate program offerings are available through the Lowell Institute School, part of Northeastern's College of Professional Studies.

Experiential Learning

Experiential learning, anchored by our signature cooperative education program, lies at the heart of a Northeastern education. Our broad mix of experience-based education programs—including co-op, student research, service learning, and global learning, as well as clubs and organizations—will enrich your education and transform your life.

World-Renowned Cooperative Education

World-Renowned Cooperative Education

Sharon Melul Steinfeld, BS, Industrial Engineering and MS, Engineering Management, completed co-ops at Hasbro as a project engineer, and at PriceWaterhouseCoopers as a management consultant. Sharon got a full time job offer 18 months before graduating.

Experiential Learning Quick Facts


Co-op Placements (AY2023)


Co-op Employer Partners (AY2021-23)


Countries with Co-op Placements (AY2023)


Student Clubs

Featured Student Organizations

Build Friendships and Gain Experience

With more than 60 student groups, you have the opportunity to be part of a like-mined community while gaining engineering experience, building leaderships skills, and having fun.

See All Student Groups
