Ideation Laboratory (iLab)
TheiLAB, a collection of hardware, software and relationships that will rapidly convert intangible ideas into tangible representations and intellectual property (IP) protection, will serve as a platform for the development of STEM programs that will encourage interest in future engineering students by demonstrating the rapid conversion of their ideas to practical implementation.
Logistics, Transportation, and Supply Chain Engineering Lab (LTS)
TheLTSlab applies Operations Research, Simulation, Traffic Modeling, Statistical Analysis, Cost/Benefit Analysis, and other engineering techniques to address issues in logistics, transportation, and supply chain.
Optimization Lab
TheOptimization Labhas expertise, hardware, and software to conduct research in optimization and simulation and apply optimization techniques in power systems, healthcare systems, and other systems.
Natural Interaction Lab
TheNatural Interaction Lab (NIL)concentrates on the impact and application of the Natural Interaction, which enables enhanced human-machine interaction using natural behaviors that is no burden to learn and highly efficient in bi-directional communication, to the industry in the perspective of industrial engineering.
Factory Floor Lab
TheFactory Floor Laboratoryhas the ability to create alternative physical simulations of manufacturing and supply chain systems to allow one to model and analyze the complex interactions among the operational variables and as they impact the system KPI’s with an objective of developing Smart Manufacturing Systems.