We are a diverse group of thinkers and inventors

Person People
Fadel Adib
Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences; Doherty Chair in Ocean Utilization
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Ekene Ijeoma
Assistant Professor of Media Arts and Sciences
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Edward Boyden
Professor of Media Arts and Sciences; Y. Eva Tan Professor in Neurotechnology
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Cynthia Breazeal
Professor of Media Arts and Sciences; MIT Dean for Digital Learning
Person People
Canan Dagdeviren
Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences; LG Career Development Professor of Media Arts and Sciences
Person People
Kevin Esvelt
Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences; NEC Career Development Professor of Computer and Communications
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Hugh Herr
Professor of Media Arts and Sciences
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Hiroshi Ishii
Jerome B. Wiesner Professor of Media Arts and Sciences; Associate Director, MIT Media Lab
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Joseph M. Jacobson
Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences
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Kent Larson
Professor of the Practice
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Zach Lieberman
Adjunct Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences
Person People
Andrew Lippman
Senior Research Scientist
Person People
Tod Machover
Muriel R. Cooper Professor of Music and Media; Academic Head, Program in Media Arts and Sciences
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Pattie Maes
Professor of Media Technology; Germeshausen Professor
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Dava Newman
Director; Apollo Professor of Astronautics
Person People
Joseph A. Paradiso
Alexander W Dreyfoos (1954) Professor; Associate Academic Head, Program in Media Arts and Sciences
Person People
Alex 'Sandy' Pentland
Professor of Media Arts and Sciences; Toshiba Professor
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Rosalind W. Picard
Professor of Media Arts and Sciences
Person People
Ramesh Raskar
Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences
Person People
Mitchel Resnick
LEGO Papert Professor of Learning Research
Person People
Deb Roy
Professor of Media Arts and Sciences
Person People
Deblina Sarkar
Assistant Professor of Media Arts and Sciences; AT&T Career Development Professor
Person People
Danielle Wood
Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences; Associate Professor (Joint) of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Person People
Shuguang Zhang
Research Affiliate