Master of Architecture(D7C)

This course is in teach-out and is not accepting new admissions
2025 Course information is now available. View 2025 course information.


Entry Requirements

See entry requirements


Minimum 2 Years, up to a maximum of 5 Years


Duration refers to the minimum and maximum amounts of time in which this course can be completed. It will be affected by whether you choose to study full or part time, noting that some programs are only available part time.


Entry Requirements

See entry requirements


Minimum 2 Years, up to a maximum of 5 Years


Duration refers to the minimum and maximum amounts of time in which this course can be completed. It will be affected by whether you choose to study full or part time, noting that some programs are only available part time.

Entry requirements


‘What I like most about architecture is the process, the nuances … every project has a different challenge and therefore a different solution and it’s really fun finding that solution … I really like the hands-on aspect of design.’

James Emmerson-Armstrong, Master of Architecture student
The Master of Architecture degree is an accredited professional degree that provides advanced education in architecture and is the principal pathway to registration as a practising architect.

The program extends the development of skills and knowledge in architecture built on the undergraduate Bachelor of Architecture and Built Environments degree and draws on a rich treasury of teaching traditions, community partnerships, technical capabilities, design excellence, and questing research. The program aims to foster a profound and enduring engagement with architecture as profession, discipline, and culture.

Project-based design studios form the core of the program. These emphasise professionalism, critical and rigorous design thinking, knowledge of contemporary and emergent theories, technologies and practices, and the development of skills for a diversity of future careers in architecture. Students gain experience tackling a range of challenging design problems, including those relating to urban futures, social and environmental responsibility, and complex buildings.

Studios are complemented by units in Professional Practice, Advanced Technologies, and Design Research, with a choice of options to enable tailored pathways through the field. The program culminates with a research-led final project nurtured by professional and discipline leaders in small studio groups.

Delivery of professional competencies

Ideas-led design exploration facilitated by core units linking research agendas to design propositions. Students are empowered to develop original projects working with ideas and inspirations drawn from cutting-edge areas of enquiry, including digital fabrication, heritage and preservation, regional urbanism, Asian modernity, art-architecture intersections, and therapeutic environments.
An established national research profile in timber products and construction applications also offers specialised expertise in an area of cutting-edge innovation in sustainable resources and industry.

Range of scale and topic in design studios

Within the imperatives of sustainable design, the program injects critical inquiries into the relations between the domains of the human and the non-human, such as buildings for animals, bio-fabrication with organic materials, and intersections between architecture and agriculture.
The location of the Master of Architecture program within the School of Technology, Environments and Design presents exciting interdisciplinary opportunities with the disciplines of geography and information technology.

Local sensitivity; international perspective

A long-standing emphasis on exploring the distinctive Tasmanian ‘sense of place’, enriched through an emerging set of global linkages and projects centred on the Asia-Pacific hemisphere. Current and emerging educational experiences include with partners in Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, and Japan.

Architecture begets architects! The program is housed within the robust and redolent spaces of the Architecture and Design building, an award-winning adaptive reuse conversion of a 1951 diesel locomotive workshop, located in the Inveresk cultural precinct at the heart of the Northern Transformation project, Launceston’s ambitious plan for knowledge-led regional regeneration

  • 1 Justify decisions in architectural practice with professional accountability and social-ecological responsibility.
  • 2 Engage and collaborate with diverse participants and audiences in the generation, communication and procurement of architectural projects.
  • 3 Apply professional knowledge, skills and techniques with mastery and judgement in situating work within historical, contemporary and future disciplinary contexts.
  • 4 Conceptualise and realise design propositions for complex architectural projects by synthesising and critically evaluating multiple and divergent design priorities.
  • 5 Plan and execute a substantial self-directed architectural design research project employing appropriate methods of inquiry and evidence-based argument.
  • Learning-by-Making

    The program’s celebrated Learning-by-Making tradition embeds material experimentation into the curriculum. This is supported by a fully-equipped and staffed digital fabrication workshop, including 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC routers, a six-axis robot, and a suite of Hologram headsets for mixed-reality design and fabrication, which complements a full workshop suite of equipment suitable for fine timber fabrication.

    An evolving constellation of community and industry partnerships bring fledgling designers into contact with real projects. Recent collaborations have included art and music festivals, health and education providers, social enterprises and charities, environmental organisations, and scientific research projects.

    Inveresk Design Forum

    Our Inveresk Design Forum is a public lecture program that brings our students into contact with a broad range of architects and designers working across scales, from the urban to the object. Invited guests share their insights into past, present and future projects. In addition to complementing the core curriculum, these sessions provide an opportunity for our students to build networks between peers, practice and the community.

    ‘I participated in two research internships which opened my eyes to broader issues affecting the built environment in Tasmania and enabled me to work with and present to a variety of stakeholders and clients.’

    Rachel Englund – Master of Architecture graduate.

    Work-Integrated Learning electives provide opportunities for direct experience with leading enterprises in architectural design and construction, building product manufacturers, and cultural organisations. Students can also devise their own work opportunities within this framework and count their experience towards their degree.

    Career outcomes

    Kaelan received the Barry McNeil student prize 2020 for his project "Aeolian".

    He reflects on his time studying at Architecture and Design "My two favourite projects were both electives: the Vietnam bamboo study tour and Learning by making. The opportunity to do some do some study overseas was fantastic, and learning about bamboo, vernacular construction techniques and vernacular design."

    Kaelan Durbin, Master of Architecture

    The accredited professional education provided by the Master of Architecture degree equips graduates with the required competencies to become core members of the architectural profession, working in firms and organisations involved in the definition, design, realisation, and stewardship of buildings, urban spaces, interiors, and the broader built environment.

    More broadly, the lateral problem-solving skills and creative powers developed through the degree – including design thinking, spatial intelligence, visual literacy, digital fluency, and effective communication skills – are highly transferable and resistant to automation, empowering graduates to navigate a future economic landscape disrupted by technology. Ultimately, it is the values of critical thinking, civic responsibility, ecological consciousness, and aesthetic imagination instilled through our architectural education that furnish the fundamental capacity for reshaping the world for the better.

    Graduates of the Master of Architecture degree are globally mobile, equipped to embark on stimulating careers across industries and fields both established and emerging, often located at the intersection of design and the environment. These include:

    • Architectural design and construction
    • Interiors and environmental branding
    • Lighting and acoustic design
    • Scenography and production design
    • Heritage preservation and adaptive reuse
    • Urban design and planning
    • Placemaking and community advocacy
    • Humanitarian architecture and post-disaster reconstruction
    • Forensic architecture and urban activism
    • Property and urban development
    • Management consultancy and strategic planning
    • Building products and construction systems
    • Healthcare architecture and therapeutic environments
    • Sustainability design and assessment
    • Project and facility management
    • Architectural photography and criticism
    • Design curation and writing
    • Architectural education and research

    The Master of Architecture is an externally accredited degree.

    This course is accredited by theBoard of Architects of Tasmania, and theArchitects Accreditation Council of Australia.

    Graduates may meet the requirements for registration as an Architect with the applicable Australian Sate and Territory Architect Registration Board. There may be additional requirements for registration beyond the completion of the course.

    For further registration requirements, please visit theBoard of Architects of Tasmaniawebsite.

    If you have any queries about the accreditation process, pleasecontact usfor further information.

    The Master of Architecture degree is recognised by theAustralian Institute of Architects(AIA), the professional body representing architects in Australia, as fulfilling the academic requirements for full membership. Recognition by the AIA offers opportunities for international recognition of the professional qualification.

    For further membership requirements, please visit theAIAwebsite.

    Course structure

    Master of Architecture has nine core units that cover three streams - design, technology, theory – and 2 units for Work Integrated Learning or cross-disciplinary experience. Students must complete first year units in any stream to progress to final year. Mid-year entry allows flexibility for part time study to facilitate students gaining practice experience. The course structure is comprised of 200 points, with 5 x 12.5% units, 3 x 25% units, 1 x 37.5% units as a capstone in final year as core and 2 x 12.5% WIL/cross-disciplinary elective.

    NOTE: course structure changes are being introduced from Semester 2, 2024 in direct response to the Architects Accreditation Council of Australia
    (AACA) requirements, which includes a revised set of National Standards for Competencies of Architects (NSCA 2021).

    For students admitted in Semester 2, 2024: KDA409 Design Research - Communication is replaced by KDA724 Sustainable Cultures; KDA720 is replaced by KDA726 Proposition Studio and KDA725 Sustainable Technology; and KDA717 Professional Studio has been relocated to Year 5.

    For students admitted prior to Semester 2, 2024, study plans will be adjusted: KDA720 is replaced by either KDA724 Sustainable Cultures or KDA725 Sustainable Technology.

    Research in architecture takes place for a variety of reasons: from architectural professionals using targeted research to find answers to novel problems on a building or design project to specialised researchers identifying and addressing abstract questions to create generalisable new…

    Credit Points:12.5

    This unit is currently unavailable.

    Design Research: Methods and Design Research: Communication are a suite of two units where you will explore the relationship between research and contemporary design practice and develop key skills in undertaking and communicating design research. The units provide the foundation…

    Credit Points:12.5

    Location Study period Attendance options Available to
    Launceston Semester 2

    Key:On-campusOff-CampusInternational studentsDomestic students

    Studios in the Master of Architecture emphasise professionalism, critical and rigorous design thinking, knowledge of contemporary and emergent theories, technologies and practices, and the development of skills for a diversity of future careers in architecture. The Urban Futures Studio positions…

    Credit Points:25

    Location Study period Attendance options Available to
    Launceston Semester 1

    Key:On-campusOff-CampusInternational studentsDomestic students

    Studios in the Master of Architecture emphasise professionalism, critical and rigorous design thinking, knowledge of contemporary and emergent theories, technologies and practices, and the development of skills for a diversity of future careers in architecture. Global Studio explores practices of…

    Credit Points:12.5

    Location Study period Attendance options Available to
    Launceston Semester 2

    Key:On-campusOff-CampusInternational studentsDomestic students

    Advanced Technologies investigates the implications of emerging shifts within the Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry that foster the technological transformation of design workflows, computational processes, material engagement, environmental performance, fabrication tools, and construction methodologies. Through research, case studies, and…

    Credit Points:12.5

    Location Study period Attendance options Available to
    Launceston Semester 2

    Key:On-campusOff-CampusInternational studentsDomestic students

    Professional Studies introduces key principles of professional practice in architecture. A curated program of guest speakers by eminent practitioners locally, nationally and internationally, exposes you to a diversity of organisations and practices within architecture and the building industry. You will…

    Credit Points:12.5

    Location Study period Attendance options Available to
    Launceston Semester 1

    Key:On-campusOff-CampusInternational studentsDomestic students

    Advanced Design Research provides you with the opportunity to undertake in-depth research in design with a focus on areas of research strength in Architecture & Design including environment and sustainability, regional urbanism, advanced materials design (including timber), design for health,…

    Credit Points:25

    Location Study period Attendance options Available to
    Launceston Semester 1

    Key:On-campusOff-CampusInternational studentsDomestic students

    Studios in the Master of Architecture emphasise professionalism, critical and rigorous design thinking, knowledge of contemporary and emergent theories, technologies and practices, and the development of skills for a diversity of future careers in architecture. Integrated Studio focuses on the…

    Credit Points:25

    Location Study period Attendance options Available to
    Launceston Semester 1

    Key:On-campusOff-CampusInternational studentsDomestic students

    Studios in the Master of Architecture emphasise professionalism, critical and rigorous design thinking, knowledge of contemporary and emergent theories, technologies and practices, and the development of skills for a diversity of future careers in architecture. Professional Project is the final…

    Credit Points:37.5

    Location Study period Attendance options Available to
    Launceston Semester 2

    Key:On-campusOff-CampusInternational studentsDomestic students

    The Design WIL options provide flexibility for students to achieve a total volume of approx. 160hrs WIL learning, and to undertake experiences at different scales and locations. Students complete 2 x 12.5cp (Design WIL A and B) units.

    Design WIL (Work Integrated Learning) units provide you with the opportunity to undertake an immersive study experience related to your own interests and professional development goals. You can undertake a broad range of study opportunities including: internships in design-related businesses…

    Credit Points:12.5

    Location Study period Attendance options Available to
    Online Semester 1
    Online Semester 2
    Online Summer school
    Online Winter school (late)
    Online Spring school

    Key:On-campusOff-CampusInternational studentsDomestic students

    Design WIL (Work Integrated Learning) units provide you with the opportunity to undertake an immersive study experience related to your own interests and professional development goals. You can undertake a broad range of study opportunities including: internships in design-related businesses…

    Credit Points:12.5

    Location Study period Attendance options Available to
    Online Semester 1
    Online Semester 2
    Online Summer school
    Online Winter school (late)
    Online Spring school

    Key:On-campusOff-CampusInternational studentsDomestic students

    Entry requirements

    To be eligible for the Master of Architecture you require aBachelor of Architecture and Built Environments(previously called theBachelor of Environmental Design, or an equivalent three-year undergraduate degree in Architecture.

    Eligibility is subject to achieving a minimum credit average (60%) across all core subjects in the final year of the undergraduate degree. Students may also be asked to attend an interview and/or submit a portfolio of their work from their previous studies.

    If you have any questions, pleasecontact usfor further information.


    This course includes compulsory Work Integrated Learning (professional experience placements). In order to participate in placements, all students must:

    • Complete a Safe to Practice Agreement declaring they have the medical, physical or psychological capacity to safely participate in professional experience practice.

    Admission to most postgraduate coursework courses at the University of Tasmania require qualifications equivalent to an Australian bachelor degree. Applicants must achieve the required grade in their qualifying studies, meet any prerequisite subjects, and meet English language requirements to be eligible for an offer.

    English Language Requirements

    For students who do not meet the English Language Requirement through citizenship or prior studies in English in an approved country, evidence of an approved English language test completed within the last 2 years must be provided. See theEnglish Language Requirementspage for more information.

    English Language Requirements are: IELTS (Academic) 6.0 (no individual band less than 6.0)

    Course Specific Requirements

    To be eligible for the Master of Architecture you require aBachelor of Architecture and Built Environments(previously called theBachelor of Environmental Design, or an equivalent three-year undergraduate degree in Architecture.

    Eligibility is subject to achieving a minimum credit average (60%) across all core subjects in the final year of the undergraduate degree. Students may also be asked to attend an interview and/or submit a portfolio of their work from their previous studies.


    This course includes compulsory Work Integrated Learning (professional experience placements). In order to participate in placements, all students must:

    • Complete a Safe to Practice Agreement declaring they have the medical, physical or psychological capacity to safely participate in professional experience practice.
    How to apply for a credit

    If you have incomplete M.Arch studies you can apply for a credit/advanced standing as part of the standardonline applicationprocess for this degree.

    Find out more information about how to apply for credit /advanced standing atRecognition of Prior Learning, or contact us on 1300 363 864 orenquire online.

    Students completing theBachelor of Architecture and Built Environments(previously called theBachelor of Environmental Design) with a major in Architecture and a minimum credit average (60%) across all core subjects in the final year are eligible for entry into the Master of Architecture.

    If you successfully complete this course, you may be eligible to apply for a range of other postgraduate courses including Graduate Certificates and Graduate Diplomas and Masters by coursework and research. Filter the Course list by Postgraduate to view the current courses available.

    Fees & scholarships

    Domestic students

    Options for this course

    This is a full-fee course, which means you’ll need to pay the entire amount for your studies. Commonwealth supported places are not available in this postgraduate course. However, there are still support options available for eligible students to help you manage the cost of studying this course.

    You may be able to fund all or part of your tuition fees by accessing aFEE-HELP loanfrom the Australian Government. FEE-HELP is a loan scheme that assists domestic full-fee students to pay for University, which is repaid through the Australian Tax System once you earn above a repayment threshold. This means you’ll only have to start repaying the loan once you start earning above a specific amount.

    Ourscholarships and prizes programalso offers more than 400 scholarships across all areas of study. You can even apply for multiple scholarships in one easy application.

    An important note on Youth Allowance and Austudy

    The Department of Social Services has approved some accredited and professionally oriented Masters courses for student payments through Youth Allowance or Austudy. This means if you enrol in one of these courses, you may be eligible for student payments. However, please be aware that this is not the case for all Master courses. Please visit ourScholarships, Fees and Costs websitefor further information.

    Further information

    Detailed fee information for domestic students is available atScholarships, fees and costs, including additional information in relation to the compulsoryStudent Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).

    Domestic students enrolled in certain postgraduate coursework programs may not be eligible for student payments through Youth Allowance and Austudy. Visit the Department of Social Serviceswebsiteto find out more about eligibility for Centrelink support and the list of eligible courses

    International students

    2024 Total Course Fee (international students):$ 75,804 AUD *.

    Course cost based on a rate of $37,250 AUD per standard, full-time year of study (100 credit points).

    * Please note that this is anindicative feeonly.

    International students

    International students are charged the Student Services and Amenities Fee but this fee is incorporated in the annual rate. International students do not have to make any additional SSAF payments.


    Scholarships for domestic students

    Each year, the University offers more than 900 awards to students from all walks of life, including those who have achieved high academic results; those from low socio-economic backgrounds; students with sporting ability; students undertaking overseas study; and students with a disability.

    For information on all scholarships available at the University of Tasmania, please visit thescholarships website.

    Applicationsfor most awards commencing in Semester 1 open at the beginning of August and close strictly on 31 October in the year prior to study.

    Scholarships for international students

    There is a huge range of scholarships, bursaries and fee discounts available for international students studying at the University of Tasmania. For more information on these, visit theInternational Scholarshipswebsite.

    How can we help?

    Do you have any questions about choosing a course or applying? Get in touch.

    13 8827 (13 UTAS)
    +61 3 6226 6200
    Online enquiries

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