Geophysics—MS, PhD

Geophysics is highly quantitative, requiring a firm background in mathematics and physics. Students study a wide-range of topics including the physics of earthquakes and seismic energy propagation, development and integration of several aspects of reservoir characterization using data from actual oil and gas fields, or numerical techniques for mathematical modeling of various earth-system phenomena — along with many other areas of research. Are you ready?

Program Overview

Students in themaster's or doctorate geophysicsprogram study the earth through physical measurements, employing theory, laboratory and/or field experimentation, and modeling. Departmental research activities span from fundamental and precise laboratory studies of rocks and minerals to field studies in remote and rugged locations to high-performance computing and subsurface visualization.

  • Delivery Options

    • On-Campus: MS, PhD

Geophysics Program Details

Choose a specific degree option or delivery type to learn more about the geophysics program at Michigan Tech. For international students,Geophysics is a designated STEM program.

On-Campus Programs

Additional Program Information

Want to learn more about geophysics at Michigan Tech? Visit the department for more information:


Graduate Director

Luke Bowman

Graduate Assistant

Brittany Buschell

Sample Areas of Interest

Select areas of interest to help customize your geophysics MS and PhD. Sample areas include:

  • Geomagnetism
  • Earthquake Seismology
  • Exploration Seismology
  • Volcano Seismology

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Application Process and Admissions Requirements

Applications are reviewed on an individual basis using a holistic approach. Fill out our freegraduate application onlineto apply to any of our programs. Official transcripts and scores are not required for the initial application, although you will need to upload them later.

Accredited by HLC

Michigan Tech has beenaccreditedby the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) since 1928. Our Graduate School offers over 125 certificates, master's, and PhD programs to provide our students and the world with what tomorrow needs.

Who You'll Work With

Our faculty are as diverse as their specialties. Join Greg Waite as he studies seismic source mechanisms of tectonic and volcanic earthquakes, or Simon Carn as he uses satellite measurements to constrain global volcanic SO2 production and emissions from individual volcanoes.

Where You'll Work

The Earth Magnetism Laboratory features a magnetically shielded room and the equipment needed for paleomagnetism studies

Researchers in our Subsurface Visualization Lab help companies extract oil from abandoned or nearly abandoned fields, enhancing US energy independence.

Faculty Spotlight

John Gierke

John Gierke
Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering Sciences

"Understanding earth systems are vital to locate and develop natural resources and mitigate natural hazards"

Satellite, airborne, and ground- based technologies are rapidly evolving to enhance our abilities to characterize and understand earth landscapes and underlying geologic systems, water bodies, and the atmosphere. Strategies to mitigate for natural hazards, explore for and develop natural resources, and forecast human and natural impacts are also evolving as we grow our understanding of earth systems.

Program Faculty
