

    1. 学生背景:985;面试时间:2016年3月5日

    【申请专业:Master ofFinance】R2 1.15提交 2.23收到面试通知 要求两周之内面完


    1、Why MSF in NEU


    3、What motivates you

    4、What are you looking forward to when living in Boston?

    5、Anything else to share?


    • 985金融g690 t108 gpa3.68 两个水实习,交换一学期。


    2. 学生背景:双非;面试时间:2016年3月5日

    【申请专业:Master ofFinance】具体内容如下:

    1. Why msf

    2. Difficult situation

    3. 最近读的一本书

    4. NEU为什么录你,你有什么别人不会的

    5. Share sth else?


    • 大四在读,学校非985211,商科专业,GPA官方3.75,WES3.86,gmat740,托福101;有三段实习,一个香港保险公司,一个期货,一个私募。在学校里是辩论队负责人和骨干,辩论经历丰富;是创行骨干,项目经理;联合国志愿者,还参加一堆竞赛
    • 录取学校:西门菲莎大学金融硕士;
    • Waitlist:波士顿大学金融硕士
    • 面试学校:东北大学福坦莫大学(计量金融硕士调剂到商业分析硕士),均未详结果如何


    3. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月4日

    【申请专业:Master ofFinance】具体内容如下:

    1. Why should you be admitted to MSF and what can you provide that others can not

    2. Why msf

    3. A difficult situation and how you handle it(大概是这个意思)

    4.A book or article you read for pleasure last time

    5. Anything else you want to share


    • AD: CWRU MSM-Finance ad; Schulich MBAN AD; NEU msf AD; CWRU msba offer; Tulane MFin Ad


    4. 学生背景:985、211;面试时间:2016年2月2日

    【申请专业:MSF/MBA】An interview (18mins) withErnald Furxhi人超好,一来就说你那边很晚了,我争取早点结束,小哥笑起来八颗洁白的牙齿,全程great wonderful,导致完全不能正常审视自己表现的到底怎么样QAQ具体内容如下:

    1. tell me your academic background

    2. Short-term goal and long term goal


    4. Latest internship work, what did you do?


    6. Why dual degree program?

    7. Your questions

    问了career service,和今年招多少人(Max: 75)



    • 本人本科国内211 985学校,本科国贸,成绩的话GPA3.1(学校卡的特别严)托福现95,还要再考,目标105以上,GMAT还没考,目标710,有银行,国企财务部,以及会计事务所实习经验,以及德国慕尼黑工业大学的海外交流经验;研究生想读accounting,本科修了一些相关课程(Principle of accounting...)


    5. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年2月27日

    【申请专业:MSF】第二轮 具体内容如下:

    1、D amore mckim 的msf项目吸引你的三个点

    2、difficult situation

    3、proudest achievement

    4、long term goal


    每题最多两分钟,不到两分钟也可以。录完interview8天后直接收到了寄到家里的正式offer, 没收到任何邮件通知,非常奇怪的学校。

    6.不详 2015年12月18日


    1、 为什么要录你?比其他candidate的优势是什么

    2、 商学院那么多ms项目,为什么选msf

    3、 你经历过的挫折,如何克服

    4、 最近读的for pleasure的一本书或一篇文章

    5、 anything else to share


    1、why msf

    2、long term goal

    3、anything you would like to share

    4、proudest achievement

    5、difficult you face(challenge in Hong Kong)

    1、 why neu should choose you(strength)

    2、 proudest achievement

    3、 friends and co-workers think of you(character)

    4、 why u choose neu

    5、 anything else to share

    1、 how your classmates describe you

    2、 proudest achievement

    3、 why should neu choose you

    4、 what can you learn from msf

    5、anything else to share


    2、long term goal

    3、difficult situation

    4、proudest achievement

    5、anything else to share

    7.华科财务金融 2015年11月30日 AD


    1. 说三点NEU你感兴趣的地方

    2. long-term goal

    3. describe a situation you have to think on your feet to get out of a difficult situation

    4. the proudest thing

    5. anything you would like to share

    2016 FALL MSF Applicant
    本科华科财务金融GPA(WES) 3.63; 南开会计硕士 GPA(WES) 3.57;GMAT730;TOEFL106;GRE326
    Applied: WUSTL, UCSD, lehigh


    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1.why msf why NEU 准备30s 回答60s

    2.改变学习方式, 具体问题有点及不清楚了。 准备45s 回答 90s

    3.写作 组内有different outlook and perspective, 如何解决这个问题 10min

    4.最近读的一本书, 它是如何改变你的看法的。 准备30s 回答60s





    9.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年2月27号

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    2. 面对变化时(项目也好,目标也好),你是怎么应对的,结果如何?
    3. 写作:你在小组里面提出一个意见时,有人不同意你怎么解决?最后结果如何?
    4. 校外,工作外,你是如何融入社区的?

    10.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月24号

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1.What challenge you would expect after get intothe NEU? Why NEU fit you?
    2.Tell me a time you need learn something new inorder to complete a task. How did you handle this and what is the result?
    写作:Please tell us about a time when you wereworking in a group setting and the designated leader was not being an effectivementor or a coach according to your standards. How did you personally helpresolve the problem? What was your solution?

    4. 这里遇到的基本上都是之前的变体,灵活性很强,下面是新题~
    (1)Please tell me about a book you readrecently that changed your perspective in some way. Why did it impact you theway it did?

    (2)Outsideof school and work,什么事很重要?怎么为community做贡献的?

    11.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月30号

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1. What steps did you take both in study and professionals to prepare for your program? and why does the program interests you?(30s准备,60s回答)
    2. 讲述遇到的困难,怎么解决的,获得了什么结果(45s准备,90s回答)

    12.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月29号

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1. 你希望在毕业的时候掌握什么样的技能

    2. why NEU
    3. tell me a time when you decision 被 professor classmates 反对了 怎么做的,结果如何?
    4. outside school and work, what's important.

    13.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2019年1月28号

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    Howdoes completing this program fit into your short-term career goals? Why do youthink that Northeastern is a good fit for you?
    其实第一题应该是问的long term career goals 但是我断网了...这一题我回答的是short-term career goals
    2.口语 (90s)
    Tell mea situation you have no control and to adjust to frequent changes
    与在课上经常会有students和professors challenge your decision.Describe a time how did you defend your decision.Why your decision best?and results.
    outside school and work,你感兴趣的什么,以及你做了什么have positive impact和make a difference

    14.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年11月11号

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1.入学后可能会面临什么挑战?whyneu the best fit for you?准备30s,回答一分钟
    2.遇到过什么new things,怎么应对的?准备45s,回答一分半
    3.written:teamwork两个组员没有像其他人一样contributive,你怎么处理? 十分钟
    4.Tell me the most interesting thing about yourself that I won'tdiscover elsewhere on your application. 准备30s,回答一分钟

    15.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2014年4月4号

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1.Why MSF major?/Why you choose finance?
    2.Why this university?
    3.Why this program in NEU? (1+2)
    4.What attracts you most? (2)+One year program
    5.How do you know my program? Through the official website
    6.What do you expect from MSF program?
    7.What challenges will you face if you are admitted and how to overcome such challenges?
    8.What is your short-term and long-term goals?/What is your career goal?/What do you want to accomplish
    9.Why you have decided to pursue a graduate degree at this point rather than to find a job?
    10.Will you work in the USA or go back to China?
    11.How a NEU degree/this program will help you to achieve your career goal?
    12.Why do you choose to study in the USA?
    13.What are your strengths to apply for this program?
    14.Are there other universities/Business School you have applied? What are they?

    15.Team Experience; What can you learn from these experiences? (最重点最核心的问题)

    (1) As a Leader: Challenges/difficult situation:
    dilemma; someone upsets you; someone doesn’t follow the rules in the group;
    *What can you learn from this experience?

    *How do you prevent your weakness or improve yourself?

    *What challenges have you met? how to overcome them?
    *What is your leadership style?
    *What qualities for your leadership?

    (2)As a Member (successful)

    *What have you done in your team?
    *How to contribute when you are a team member rather than a team leader?

    (3)Do you prefer to be a leader or a member?

    (4)If you can select team members, what is your standard to choose?
    (5)What do you think your coworkers or companions see you?
    16.Introduce yourself (Your Nickname). How about you (interviewer)? What is your hobby?

    17.Go through and highlight your resume.

    18. Academic Questions (Leadership, Finance)
    19. Any Questions?
    (1)Can I have your (the interviewer’s) email address?
    (2)How many applicants for this program this year? How many have been admitted?
    Is this program super competitive this year?
    (3)When can I know the result of final decision?


    16.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年11月12号 已录 7000刀

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1. why NEU (1min)
    2. 也是跟team有关的 (1min30s)
    3. 在小组内有conflict的时候你怎么做的 (写作 10mins)
    4. 不记得了 (1 min)

    17.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年11月12号 已录

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1. What opportunities you will have at NEU? Why you think you fit this program?
    2. Tell me a time when you need to defend your decision in the classroom, facing with the diagreements from professor or classmates. (大概是这样)

    之前看面经以为这个题会问一个new things,challenge方向的东西,没想到会具体化到课堂,临时改了例子
    3. wirting:There is a member in your group disagreeing with you. How do you solve this problem? (和第二题很像)
    4. Outside work and study, tell me the previous experience that you committed to the society. (大概还是课外活动的方向)

    18.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年11月10号

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    Q1 准备30s,说1min

    What are your short-term career goals, andhow will this program help you achieve them? Why do you think Northeastern is agood fit for you?

    What challenge you would expect after getinto the NEU? Why NEU fit you?

    What opportunities would you take advantageof in this program? Why do you think that Northeastern is a good fit for you?


    Q2 准备45s,说1min30s

    In our graduate program, you can expectyour ideas to be challenged in the classroom by the professor and yourclassmates. Please tell me about a time when you had to defend a decision youmade. Why did you feel that your decision was the best choice, and what was theresult?

    Q3 writing 10min

    大意是小组里有个difficulty individual,你如何解决,结果如何

    Q4 准备30s,说1min

    Except for schooland work , what excites you most? How do you bring that excitement into your dailylife?

    19.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2015年1月27号   已录

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1、 为什么要录你?比其他candidate的优势是什么

    2、 商学院那么多ms项目,为什么选msf

    3、 你经历过的挫折,如何克服

    4、 最近读的for pleasure的一本书或一篇文章

    5、 anything else to share

    20.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年11月1号  

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1、neu有哪些可以take advantage,为什么觉得是good choice(1min)

    21.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年1月24号  

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】


    22.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月3号  已录

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1.short-term goal why neu the best fit for you
    2.please give me an example of time when you needed to adjust to frequent changes over which you had to control. How did you manage, and what was the end result?
    3.写作describe a time 你参加团队活动 你的一个团队成员不同意你说的 你的personality 怎么帮你解决的问题 结果是什么
    4.最近读的一本书 学会了什么
    5.describe a time你怎么ajust to 困境

    23.学生背景:T105,G700,GPA3.86/4,澳门本科,中国银行澳门分行&中信建投实习,GBC亚太区总决赛best performance reward 面试时间:2018年2月24号  已录 8千刀

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】


    speaking (pre 30s,1min)Why neu fit you & why neu choose you?

    speaking (pre 45s,1.5min)讲述一个事件工作上或学校里并不按照你计划的那样运行,你怎么解决

    writing (no pre,10min)Please tell us about a time when you were working in a group setting, and one of your team members disagreed with one of the decisions you made. How did you personally help resolve the problem? What was your solution?

    speaking (pre 30s,1min)Tell me the most interesting thing about yourself that I won't discover elsewhere on your application.

    speaking (pre 30s,1min)Tell us a cause and issue that is important to you.

    24.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年12月5号  wl

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】kira

    第二题:at study or work, 有什么不按Plan来的事,你怎么解决的,结果如何(1MIN 30SEC)

    描述一段你group setting,然后insurmountable roadblock surfaced,你personally怎么解决的,结果如何

    25.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年2月26号  

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    问题1 why msf why NEU 准备30s 回答60s

    问题2 改变学习方式, 具体问题有点及不清楚了。 准备45s 回答 90s

    问题3 写作 组内有different outlook and perspective, 如何解决这个问题 10min

    问题4 最近读的一本书, 它是如何改变你的看法的。 准备30s 回答60s

    26.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年1月23号  

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1.(30/60)去东北学习有哪些challenge?why NEU fits you?

    27.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2018年1月25号  

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1. why pursue degree now,why neu?
    2. describe a time that you have to change your learning/working styles
    3. written , in a group setting, decribe a time 你们有意见不合,影响了productivity, 你怎么解决的
    4. 这道题卡了好几次。。。心塞。。所以见到了好几个题。。work和school之外,你对someone有什么影响,why it is important; work/school 之外,what you dedicate most of you time, why it is important; 在work/ academic当中,有什么事 给你很大的改变

    28.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2015年12月18号  

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1、 为什么要录你?比其他candidate的优势是什么
    2、 商学院那么多ms项目,为什么选msf
    3、 你经历过的挫折,如何克服
    4、 最近读的for pleasure的一本书或一篇文章
    5、 anything else to share

    1、why msf
    2、long term goal
    3、anything you would like to share
    4、proudest achievement
    5、difficult you face(challenge in Hong Kong)

    1、 why neu should choose you(strength)
    2、 proudest achievement
    3、 friends and co-workers think of you(character)
    4、 why u choose neu
    5、 anything else to share

    1、 how your classmates describe you
    2、 proudest achievement
    3、 why should neu choose you
    4、 what can you learn from msf
    5、anything else to share

    2、long term goal
    3、difficult situation
    4、proudest achievement
    5、anything else to share

    29.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年12月18号  

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    Q1 (speaking,60s) what steps did you take both in study and professionals to prepare for your program? and why does the program interests you?
    Q2 (speaking,90s) tell me one of the difficulty you have ever met, and what strategy did you take? what was the result?
    Q3 (writing, 10min) in the work setting, what kind of ethical dilemma did you come across, what contribution did you personally make? and what was the solution?
    Q4 (speaking, 60s) outside school and work, what activity you've done most that commited to the society?

    30.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月14号  已录 1w奖

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】kira

    第一题:怎么fit你的short-term goal,why fit?

    31.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年12月17号  已录 1w奖

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1. What advantages would you like to take from this program? Why NEU is a good fit to you?
    2. Tell me about time when you faced an unexpected change or challenge. What is your solution?
    3. Written: Describe a time when you met an ethical problem in a team setting. How did you personally solved it and moved forward?
    4. Out of school and work, how do you remain committed to you community? Tell me about it.

    32.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2016年2月29号  

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1、Why MSF in NEU(让你Interest的点,LZ第一题答成了Why MSF了哭)
    3、What motivates you(看到题目的我是懵的- -)
    4、What are you looking forward to when living in Boston?
    5、Anything else to share?

    33.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年2月8号  

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1.What will you contribute to D'Amore-McKim community?
    2.short term career goal,
    3.friends and co-workers think of you
    4.What would you look forward most in moving to Boston?
    5.anything you would like to share

    34.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月12号  已录 1w刀带奖

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1.Why should we offer you a seat in this program this year? Why do you think that Northeastern is a good fit for you?
    2.Please give me an example of a time when you needed to adjust your learning or working style in order to achieve an objective. How did you approach and manage this adjustment, and what was the end result?
    3. Outside of school and work, what do you do for fun? Why?

    35.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月11号  

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1. what you want to learn from graduate program? How do you think Northeastern will fit you?
    2. a overwhelming situation. How did you deal with it and what is the result?
    4. Outside school and work, what activity you've commited most? why is it important?

    写作what ethical problem you met in a group setting? How did you solve to move forward?

    36.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月5号  已录+1w奖

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    30s 准备- 60s答

    1.What opportunities would you takeadvantage of in this program? Why do you think that Northeastern is a good fitfor you?


    2.Please give me an example of a time whenyou needed to quickly adapt to changing priorities. How did you remainproductive, and what was the end result?


    3. Outside of school and work, what excites you? How do you makesure that you are able to bring this excitement into your everyday life?


    写作好像是在团队合作中遇到了insurmountable roadblock surfaced,然后怎么处理的

    37.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年11月5号

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1. 你认为东北大学哪些方面intrest you most, 这个没有记住原题目,大概的意思应该就是NEU的哪些方面你最感兴趣,为什么会申请NEU
    2. Please give me anexample of a time when you needed to adjust your learning or working style inorder to achieve an objective. How did you approach and manage this adjustment,and what was the end result?
    4. Pleasetell me about a book you read recently that changed your perspective in someway. Why did it impact you the way it did?

    38.学生背景:不详 面试时间:2017年2月21号 已录

    【申请专业:金融硕士(MS inFinance)】

    1.What will you contribute to D'Amore-McKim community?What you can do that other people cannot
    3.difficult situation you face
    4.a book or article you read for pleasure
    5.anything you would like to share


    Fri May 24 15:19:13 CST 2019