加州大学伯克利分校艺术实践系(Department of Art Practice)隶属于该校文理学院,本科和研究生阶段分别开设有BFA和MFA学位项目。*(1)(2)
(1)Undergraduate ProgramUCBerkeley
(2)Graduate ProgramsUC Berkeley
加州大学伯克利分校本科阶段开设有工作室艺术学士学位(BFA in Studio Art),但未开设单独的专业方向,该项目的课程列表如下:
低年级课程(Lower Division Courses): |
Art 8: Introduction To Visual Thinking |
Art 12: The Language Of Drawing |
Art 13: The Language Of Painting |
Art 14: The Language Of Sculpture |
Art 14: Mixed Media / Ceramics |
Art 15: Language Of Sculpture: Ceramics |
Art 16: Language Of Printmaking |
Art 21: Digital Photography: The Image And The Hive Mind |
Art 21: Beginning Digital Photography |
Art 26: Introduction, Digital Moving Image |
Art 39A: Making Sound: F/Ss Seminar (Two Units) |
高年级课程(Upper Division Courses): |
Art 102: Approaches To Painting |
Art 117: Drawing And Composition |
Art 118: Figure Drawing |
Art 119: Global Perspectives In Contemporary Art |
Art 120: Advanced Projects: Print Intaglio |
Art 123: Approaches To Printmaking: Intaglio |
Art 132: Approaches To Sculpture: Ceramics |
Art 133: Sculpture: Meaning And Materials |
Art 138: Approaches To Sculpture: Installation |
Art 160: Special Topics: Material Worlds |
Art 163: Social Practice |
Art 164: Art & Meditation |
Art 171: Digital Video: The Architecture Of Time |
Art 171: Digital Video: The Architecture Of Time |
Art 173: Sound Art |
Art 178: Game Design Methods |
Art 184: Junior Seminar: Meaning And Making |
Art 185: Senior Projects |
Art 197: Bridging The Arts Seminar |
(1)Undergraduate ProgramUC Berkeley
(2)CoursesUC Berkeley
- 语言要求:TOEFL总分不低于90分,IELTS总分不低于7.0分,两者均无单项分数要求。如申请者已在美国正规院校就读1年以上,且GPAB(相当于3.0)以上,可无需递交语言成绩
- 学位背景要求:正规大学本科毕业并取得学士学位
- GPA:3.0以上
- GRE:不要求
- 申请时间:仅接受秋季学期入学申请,截止日期为12月16日*(1)(2)
- 申请表(online application);
- 申请费(application fee is $105);
- 非正式成绩单(Upload unofficial transcripts with the application for the departmental initial review):被录取后递交正式成绩单;
- 语言成绩单(Evidence of English Language Proficiency);
- 推荐信(Letters of Recommendation):至少3封
- 个人作品(Portfolio)*(1)
Graduate Admissions
Phone: (510) 642-7405
Email: gradadm@berkeley.edu
支出项目 |
项目英文 |
2016~2017学年新生学杂费 |
2016~2017学年老生学杂费 |
学生服务费 |
Student Services Fee |
537 |
537 |
学费 |
Tuition |
5,610.00 |
5,610.00 |
伯克利校园费 |
Berkeley Campus Fee |
537.25 |
537.25 |
打分费 |
Class Pass Fee - Transit |
70 |
70 |
医疗保险费 |
Health Insurance Fee |
2073 |
2073 |
非本州学生额外缴纳学费 |
Nonresident Supplemental Tuition |
7,551.00 |
7,551.00 |
文件处理费 |
DocumentManagementFee |
87 |
学杂费合计 |
Total |
$16,465.25 |
$16,378.25 |
加州大学伯克利分校艺术实践系研究生阶段开设有美术硕士(Master ofFine Arts,缩写:MFA),该项目为期2年,每年招收12名学生。按照该系所开设的工作室及课程,该系所开设的专业包括以下7个:
- 版画艺术(Printmaking)
- 绘画与绘图艺术(Painting and Drawing)
- 雕刻艺术(Sculpture)
- 摄影艺术(Photography)
- 视频及音频制作(Vedio & Audio)
- 动漫设计(Animation)
- 陶瓷艺术(Ceramics)*(3)(6)
(1)Admissions RequirementsUC Berkeley
(2)Graduate Programs & Deadlines to ApplyUC Berkeley
(3)Graduate ProgramsUC Berkeley
(4)Fellowships for Entering StudentsUC Berkeley
(5)Tuition and FeesUC Berkeley