哥伦布艺术设计学院(Columbus College of Art and Design,缩写:CCAD)成立于1879年,位于美国俄亥俄州哥伦布市区,是美国最古老的私立艺术设计类学院之一,开设有本科、研究生阶段课程以及面向1~12年级学生和教育工作者所有年龄段人士开设的社区课程。学校与中国美术学院和西安美术学院合作开设有国际交流项目。
哥伦布艺术设计学院成立于1879年,原作哥伦布艺术学校(Columbus Art School)。起初在1878年,当时数名女性成立了哥伦布艺术协会,主要致力于在哥伦布创立一所艺术学校。学校第一次开课是在1979年1月6日,只有3名学生和1名教师,到年底时即有118名学生,目前共有14栋大楼,其中两栋为学生公寓,毗邻哥伦布艺术馆。*(2)
Campus Housing: There are about two building within the campus. The Schotts building is the oldest building within the college. I have my fair share in the place. There isn't much room, but it's enough to bring whatever necessary stuff you need. Plus, you get close to your roommate, getting to know them, and the students in the building are friendly so you'll get along great. Design Studio Building or DSA is very spacious. So, there is a lot of room to store many belonging. But I heard that not a lot of students interact with each other since they have their own space.
Overall Experience: The staff and student body are very friendly. The staff make you feel at home and do help you the best they can if there is any problem need working. The students are friendly and do give you advice to help you out the college years.
Health & Safety: Our security is very dependable and really focus on keeping us safe.
Campus Housing: It is very nice especially the upperclassman dorms are very very nice.
Athletics: Its an art school its not made with sports in mind yes we do have sport clubs but it isn't the focus.
Health & Safety: The private security staff on campus does a great job keeping us safe. I have never felt at risk on our campus.
Campus Housing: Living on campus as a freshmen really builds a foundation for your social life at CCAD. Being involved and getting to know the other residents makes adjusting to your college life much easier. Schottenstein is a great building for that, DSA tends to be more independent and less community driven.
Overall Experience: Teachers are wonderful and once you make some friends everything is so much better! Wide verity of classes. Class size is normally 25 kids (gen classes).*(5)
(1)Columbus College of Art and DesignUSNEWS
(2)Columbus College of Art and DesignWikipedia
(3)Columbus College of Art and DesignCollege Board
(4)At a GlanceColumbus College of Art and Design
(5)Columbus College of Art and DesignCollege Prowler
82 |
学费(/年) |
$32,400 |
2月15日 |
61 |
食宿(/年) |
$9,150 |
开学时间 |
8月-9月 |
6.0 |
申请费 |
$50 |
可申请学期 |
秋季 |
SAT均分 |
1380-1760 |
录取率 |
38% |
奖学金形式 |
Need-aware&Merit-based |
平均GPA |
3.1 |
申请人数 |
1,048 |
是否提供双录取 |
No |
本科生人数 |
2,842 |
小班比例(<20) |
66.3% |
Semester |
研究生人数 |
748 |
中班比例(20-49) |
18.6% |
教授水平满意度 |
100% |
国际学生比例 |
31% |
大班比例(>50) |
15.1% |
校园融洽度 |
76% |
师生比 |
1:10 |
六年毕业率 |
60.23% |
学生满意度 |
82% |
四年毕业率 |
54.83% |
新生保持率 |
76% |
教授博士学位比率 |
- |
班级排名 |
分段 |
占比 |
分段 |
占比 |
3.75以上 |
12% |
TOP10% |
3.5-3.74 |
21% |
TOP25% |
3.25-3.49 |
15% |
TOP50% |
3.0-3.24 |
14% |
50%以下 |
2.50-2.99 |
27% |
75%以下 |
2.49以下 |
10% |
- SAT:阅读500-520,数学540-550,写作470-500;
- ACT:综合21-22*(2)(5)
- AP课程:对于AP课程取得4分以上,少数课程取得3分以上,即可抵大学学分;
- IB课程:IB高水准课程取得5分以上,可抵大学学分
- 完整在线申请表(A completed online application);
- 申请费(nonrefundable $50 application fee);
- 个人陈述(A personal statement);
- 个人作品(A portfolio with 1–20 pieces);
- 高中正式成绩单(Official (signed and sealed) academic records);
- 推荐信(One or more letters of recommendation):至少1封,最多3封;
- 当前护照个人信息页影印件(A photocopy of your current passport photo identification page);
- 语言成绩单(Proof of English proficiency);
- 资金证明(Documentation of financial support);
- SAT/ACT成绩单(ACT or SAT test scores):可选;
- AP/IB成绩单(AP/IB exam results):可选*(5)
Admissions Office
Columbus College of Art & Design
60 Cleveland Ave.
Columbus, OH 43215
United States
哥伦布艺术设计学院向国际学生提供CCAD Scholarship奖学金,此奖学金共有2类,分别是学术奖学金(Academic Scholarship)和成绩优异奖学金(Merit-based Scholarship),前者奖学金主要以学费减免形式发放,且针对递交入学申请较早,且被录取的学生,后者主要以递交的申请材料,如个人作品的创新程度,当然,还有递交的其它申请材料,如成绩单、推荐信和个人陈述作为评判标准。除此之外,还有一些外部机构或比赛设置的奖学金名额。*(7)
关于该校提供的Need-aware奖学金,请咨询该校国际学生顾问(International Student Advisor):Jonathon Neeley, at 614.222.3265 orjneeley@ccad.edu。*(8)
支出项目 |
项目英文名 |
2016-2017学年费用 |
学费 |
Tuition and fees |
$32,400 |
住宿费用 |
Room and board |
$9,150 |
书本费 |
Books and supplies |
$4,000 |
个人花费 |
Estimated personal expenses |
$200 |
交通费 |
Transportation expenses |
$1,300 |
合计 |
Estimated Total |
$47,050 |
注:上表为College Board给出的费用列表
支出项目 |
项目英文 |
2016-2017学年就读费用 |
学费 |
Tuition |
$32,400/学年,$16,200/学期(12-18个学分),$1,350/学分(大于18个学分) |
夏季学费 |
Summer tuition |
$680/学分 |
新生住宿费和餐费 |
Schottenstein Residence Hall |
双人间(含餐费) |
Shared double room |
$9,150/年,$4,575/学期 |
Design Square Apartments |
四人间 |
Four-bedroom |
$11,190/年,$5,595/学期 |
餐费 |
Meal plans |
金餐 |
Gold Plan (250 meals and $100 flex) |
$3,400/年,$1,700/学期 |
银餐 |
Silver Plan (175 meals and $125 flex) |
$2,660/年,$1,330/学期 |
铜餐 |
Bronze Plan (125 meals and $150 flex) |
$2,040/年,$1,020/学期 |
通勤餐A(住家在学校吃饭) |
Commuter Plan A (45 meals and $50 flex) |
$790/年,$395/学期 |
通勤餐B(住家在学校吃饭) |
Commuter Plan B (75 meals and $100 flex) |
$1,300/年,$650/学期 |
暑期住宿与餐食 |
Design Square Apartments |
双人间 |
Two-bedroom |
$1,815 |
四人间 |
Four-bedroom |
$1,675 |
住宿押金 |
Housing deposit |
$250 |
注册费 |
Registration fee |
$120/年,$60/学期(不退还) |
杂费 |
General fee |
$360/年,$180/学期(不退还) |
医疗与意外保险费(估) |
Health and accident insurance |
$1,650/年,$825/学期,2017春季学期入学新生需缴纳$970 |
实验室费用 |
Lab fees |
$600/年,$300/学期(可能会有变化) |
艺术材料与书本费 |
Art supplies and books |
$995 |
校外租房费用 |
Area off-campus apartments |
$350~$850/月 |
食物与其他费用 |
Food and other costs |
$250~$550/月 |
61 |
GPA要求 |
2.0 |
申请截止日期 |
8月1日 |
6.0 |
SAT要求 |
Not Required |
开学时间 |
8月-9月 |
最高可转学分 |
60 |
最低学分要求 |
- |
可申请学期 |
秋季、春季 |
申请人数 |
243 |
录取人数 |
86 |
录取率 |
35% |
- 完整在线申请表(A completed online application);
- 申请费(nonrefundable $50 application fee);
- 个人陈述(A personal statement);
- 个人作品(A portfolio with 1–20 pieces);
- 大学正式成绩单(Official (signed and sealed) academic records):如在原学校未修够45个学分,还须递交高中成绩单;
- 推荐信(One or more letters of recommendation):至少1封,最多3封;
- 当前护照个人信息页影印件(A photocopy of your current passport photo identification page);
- 语言成绩单(Proof of English proficiency);
- 资金证明(Documentation of financial support);
- SAT/ACT成绩单(ACT or SAT test scores):可选;
- AP/IB成绩单(AP/IB exam results):可选*(5)(9)
专业名称 |
专业英文名称 |
专业名称 |
专业英文名称 |
广告设计与平面设计 |
AdvertisingDesign & Graphic Design |
Studio Art with an emphasis inHistoryof Art and Visual Culture |
动漫设计 |
Animation |
插画艺术 |
Illustration |
电影艺术 |
Cinematic Arts |
Industrial Design |
连环画与叙事实践 |
Comics & Narrative Practice |
Interior Design |
Fashion Design |
Photography |
美术 |
美术(Fine Arts)专业设有以下专业方向,分别是:
方向名称 |
方向英文名称 |
方向名称 |
方向英文名称 |
绘图艺术 |
Drawing |
Printmaking |
(玻璃)灯工吹制 |
Glassblowing |
Sculpture |
Painting |
(1)Columbus College of Art and DesignUSNEWS
(2)Columbus College of Art and DesignCollege Board
(3)At a GlanceColumbus College of Art and Design
(4)Columbus College of Art and DesignCollege Prowler
(5)International StudentsColumbus College of Art and Design
(6)Tuition and FeesColumbus College of Art and Design
(7)CCAD ScholarshipColumbus College of Art and Design
(8)How to StartColumbus College of Art and Design
(9)Transfer StudentsColumbus College of Art and Design
(10)AcademicsColumbus College of Art and Design
- 语言要求:TOEFL总分不低于80分,IELTS总分不低于6.5分,两者均无单项要求
- 学位背景要求:正规大学本科毕业并取得学士学位,无需BFA学位
- GPA:3.0
- GRE:未做要求
- 申请时间:仅接受秋季学期入学申请,EA申请截止日期为12月1日,RD建议申请截止日期为2月15日,此日期之后直至8月1日采取滚动录取(注:上述日期在international students FAQ页面,未区分本科生和研究生,如打算申请研究生项目,可邮件咨询校方)*(1)
- 完整在线申请表;
- 申请费(Application Fee:$65);
- 个人作品(Portfolio):选取20份个人最棒的作品,3份影像作品或两者兼有;
- 项目计划(Project Proposal):描述入学后第一学期最想做的项目;
- 个人简历(Resume/CV);
- 推荐信(Letters of Recommendation):3封;
- 大学成绩单(College Transcripts);
- 语言成绩单(Proof of English Proficiency)*(1)
614.222.3261 orinternationalinfo@ccad.edu
支出项目 |
项目英文 |
2016-2017学年就读费用 |
学费 |
Tuition |
$32,400/学年,$16,200/学期(12-18个学分),$1,350/学分(大于18个学分) |
夏季学费 |
Summer tuition |
$680/学分 |
新生住宿费和餐费 |
Design Square Apartments |
双人间 |
Two-bedroom |
$8,380/年,$4,190/学期 |
四人间 |
Four-bedroom |
$7,790/年,$3,895/学期 |
餐费 |
Meal plans |
金餐 |
Gold Plan (250 meals and $100 flex) |
$3,400/年,$1,700/学期 |
银餐 |
Silver Plan (175 meals and $125 flex) |
$2,660/年,$1,330/学期 |
铜餐 |
Bronze Plan (125 meals and $150 flex) |
$2,040/年,$1,020/学期 |
通勤餐A(住家在学校吃饭) |
Commuter Plan A (45 meals and $50 flex) |
$790/年,$395/学期 |
通勤餐B(住家在学校吃饭) |
Commuter Plan B (75 meals and $100 flex) |
$1,300/年,$650/学期 |
暑期住宿与餐食 |
Design Square Apartments |
双人间 |
Two-bedroom |
$1,815 |
四人间 |
Four-bedroom |
$1,675 |
住宿押金 |
Housing deposit |
$250 |
注册费 |
Registration fee |
$120/年,$60/学期(不退还) |
杂费 |
General fee |
$360/年,$180/学期(不退还) |
医疗与意外保险费(估) |
Health and accident insurance |
$1,650/年,$825/学期,2017春季学期入学新生需缴纳$970 |
实验室费用 |
Lab fees |
$600/年,$300/学期(可能会有变化) |
艺术材料与书本费 |
Art supplies and books |
$500~$1,500/年 |
校外租房费用 |
Area off-campus apartments |
$350~$850/月 |
食物与其他费用 |
Food and other costs |
$250~$550/月 |
- 交互设计硕士(Master of Design in Integrative Design):为期2年,共需修读60个学分*(3)
- 新产品美术硕士(Master of Fine Arts in New Progjects):为期2年,共需修读60个学分,是以项目(Project)的形式进行的,所以申请者的项目陈述(Project Proposal)可以基于以下方向撰写:绘画艺术、绘图艺术、摄影艺术、动漫艺术、雕塑艺术、影像艺术、交互设计、版画艺术、插画艺术、安装艺术、玻璃艺术、陶瓷艺术和设计。该项目为小班规模教学,每年招收9-15名学生*(4)
(1)International StudentsColumbus College of Art and Design
(2)Tuition and FeesColumbus College of Art and Design
(3)Master of DesignColumbus College of Art and Design
(4)Master of Fine ArtsColumbus College of Art and Design