格林菲尔德社区学院(Greenfield Community College)位于马萨诸塞州市区的格林菲尔德(Greenfield),是一所中等大小的公立社区学院,成立于1962年,在校学生人数2,437。*(1)(2)(3)
- Campus Resources: they have a good libary to study in.
- Campus Resources: We have a gym for students and faculty, a student lounge, several studios, the library is huge. Everything you could need, it's there.
- Campus Resources: We have a ton of computer labs, or places where you can use a computer. The wifi is open to everyone. The network is fine, but the speed can get a little bogged down, but that's just because there are thousands of people on the network at the same time.
- Academic Experience: My program is pretty general, so there isn't anything special. However I'd say that its set up well because the school knows we will all probably transfer to a four year university, so they are really good at making sure our gen eds are out of the way.
- Academic Experience: Again, the professors are great, as everything else. The only thing I would change would be to add more history classes.
- Academic Experience: The business tranfer is good. Some courses are easy while some are chanlleging, such as accounting.*(4)
(1)Greenfield Community CollegeWikipedia
(2)Greenfield Community CollegeCollege Board
(3)Greenfield Community CollegeUSNEWS
(4)Greenfield Community CollegeCollege Prowler
学校排名 |
99 |
学费(/年) |
$13,667 |
3月15日 |
最低71 |
食宿(/年) |
$5,340 |
开学时间 |
8月-9月 |
SAT要求 |
不需要 |
申请费 |
0 |
可申请入学学期 |
秋季、春季 |
GPA要求 |
无 |
录取率 |
- |
是否提供双录取 |
Yes |
学生人数 |
2,437 |
全日制学生比例 |
38% |
Semester |
国际学生比例 |
不足1% |
全日制新生比例 |
28% |
是否拥有图书馆 |
Yes |
师生比 |
1:14 |
18-24岁学生占比 |
54% |
教授水平满意度 |
100% |
三年毕业率 |
25% |
25-64岁学生占比 |
41% |
性价比认可度 |
95% |
新生保持率 |
60% |
女生比例 |
59% |
个人提升满意度 |
95% |
转学成功率 |
18% |
有无校园住宿 |
No |
学术体验指数 |
B |
(1)性价比认可度:是来源于College Prowler的一个数据。如该校的性价比认可度为85%,则意味着该校有85%的学生,认为自己在该校得到的教育值这个学费
(2)个人提升满意度:同样来源于College Prowler。如该校的个人提升满意度是83%,则意味着该校有83%的学生,认为自己在这所学校获得了相当的提升
(3)学术体验指数:是College Prowler上的一个评价指标,从A+到C-共9等,等级越高,学术体验越好,C-表示体验最差。因该项指标是将美国所有大学——包括哈佛、耶鲁等著名学校——放在一起比较的,所以绝大多数社区学院该项指标的评分都不会高
One College Dr
Greenfield, MA 01301-9739
Phone: (413) 775-1000 *(2)
(1)Greenfield Community CollegeCollege Board
(2)Greenfield Community CollegeUSNEWS
(3)Greenfield Community CollegeCollege Board
(4)Greenfield Community College -Campus RecoursesCollege Prowler
(5)Greenfield Community College-the best and worstCollege Prowler
(6)Greenfield Community College–Academic ExperienceCollege Prowler