1. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2011年1月6日
【申请专业:Master of Science inAccounting】
1. Why MSA?
2. 职业规划
3. 实习和实践活动
4. 对于leadership的理解和举例子
5. 以后想去什么样的公司
6. BC会对你有什么帮助呢?
7. 一些私人和常规问题
2. 学生背景:985学校;面试时间:2016年3月6日;录取结果:AD
【申请专业:Master of Science inAccounting】
1. take risk and outcome
2. effective team member quality
3. 如何比其他candidate优秀
4. long&short term career goal, how to realize
5. upon graduation, expected job placement
7. accounting in 5 years
8. leadership style, 别人评价
9. why BC
10. other applications, rank BC
11. 那种老师创造出的最有利于学习的经历
10.5 Complete
3.3 Interview invitation
3.6 Virtual interview recorded4.1 AD
大陆本985,会计专业;GPA(WES)3.69,G730,T107(S23);实习:安永咨询、两个国内所审计、四大行投行部、小公司财务;海外经历:UCLA winter quarter study;无论文,无竞赛
AD小奖:Rochester, W&M, USC
AD无奖:Boston College, Pittburgh, Fordham
Rej:NYU, Notre Dame, UVA
3. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月7日
【申请专业:Master of Science inAccounting】
1. long term, short term goals
2. under current economic situation, what's your job placement expectation
3. an example of leadership style, how other people comment
4. pros&cons of your leadership style
5. ability makes you stand out in classroom & on campus
6. transparency & its importance
7. activities on campus(writing)
8. accounting industries in 5 years
9. any other application
4. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月4日
【申请专业:Master of Science inAccounting】
1) why BC
2) other program you applied
3) long term-short term goal and steps to realize
4) your leadership style and your employees' responding
5) the risk you take and the outcome
6) out of box thinking
7) predict of the accounting industry in 5 years
8)个人觉得有点重复 your opinion of the post graduation job placement of MSA program
9) how you manage conflict
3个月国内银行实习, 就GPA高一些 3.7几
5. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年3月17日
【申请专业:Master of Science inAccounting】
1. Long term, short term goals
2. Under current economic situation, what's your job placement expectation?
3. An example of leadership style, how other people comment?
4. Pros&cons of your leadership style
5. Ability makes you stand out in classroom & on campus
6. Transparency & its importance
7. activities on campus(writing)
8. Accounting industries in 5 years
9 any other application
6. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2016年2月7日
【申请专业:Master of Science inAccounting】 summer
1. 阐述你工作中走出comfort zone的经历
2. why BC?申请的其他学校?
3. 你认为你有什么品质,并解释一下
4. 你认为employers希望看到雇员的什么品质
5. 你的successful time management method
6. 你的长短期职业规划,怎么实现
7. 你是一个什么样的leadership style
8. 业余时间你一般都怎么过
9. 道德困境
ad:BC(MSA), Brandeis, UMD, Tulane, JHU, Fordham($5000),Case(15%)
rej:UR, WUSTL(accounting)
本科金融,美国就业,专业选择投票结果:Brandeis MA(24.36%);BC MSA(37.82
7. 学生背景:美本;面试时间:2016年1月19日
【申请专业:Master of Science inAccounting】
1. what will happen in acct industry, in next five years.
2. efficient management mode
3. What's your opinion about the ethical dilemma for employees?
4. what's the most important ethical dilemma for corporation today?
5. explain transparency and its importance(可能speaking)
6. LIFO FIFO 最近看的书,推不推荐给别人,为什么?
7. 别人对你身上什么感到惊奇
8. what do you do to help your colleagues or peers to perform the best of the abilities.
9. What do you think are the major obstacles to an effective teamwork?
10. talk about a leader you admire most in your working experience.
11. what are your similarities? how different you are?
12. how do you handle conflict name a company you like
13. why analytical experience
14. How to build up accountability and create a strong team
1. what criteria do you use when you apply?
2. what other school have you applied? (这个问题简短回答,给出reasonable的原因即可)
3. why are you interested in pursuing a MSA at this time
4. Why BC
5. What otherschools have you applied to? rank for BC among them?
6. how do you plan to prepare your future studie in BC
7. what will you contribute to your fellow classmates in BC?
8. 如果录取,从现在开始要做哪些准备来适应BC的academic study
9. if you can only keep one thing in your resume
10. which one do you want to keep and why
11. what would you do at BC besides study to broad your resume and make contribution to BC/希望从bc得到什么/what would you do in bc to broad your resume?
12. 你能从BC获得什么来更好地实现你的careel goal?
13. Describe what degree of training do you need before you make valuable contributions to your company something not in the resume
1. short-term&long-term career goal
2. steps to realize your goal
3. how did you investige your career path you just mentioned
4. one of your campus activity that helps you realize your goal
5. any non-academic activity in BC you will take to realize your goal given the current economic climate,
6. what are your expectation for job positioning inside and outside US?
7. 为什么想要从事会计行业 how to balance the interest of your company and your clients?
8. deliverables to the clients
1. an example of how you persuade others to do things in your way
2. tell us about one of your experience
3. which can prove your integrity introduce a time management method proven to be successful for you.
4. an experience of you think "out of box" you took a risk and the outcome
5. 请说一下你做的一次presentation,
6. 你的优势有哪些
7. 你有哪些需要改进的
8. In internship, your experience that you are forced out of the comfortzone and how you deal with it(可能出written)
9. Describe a project thatyou co-managed,
10. what are the challenges and the outcome
11. 你有没有为了什么事改变了自己原来的目的和想法
12. do what to help peers perform at the best of ability?
13. Have you travel abroad? 如果有,去的哪里?如果没有,有机会想去哪里?
14.Are you more energetic at collecting data or collaborating with others?
15.评价一下自己的求知欲(intellectual curiosity)是啥level的, 以及你的求知欲如何帮助你学习和工作上的成功的
16.Descibe the professor who created most benefiting learning experience for you. 好的teacher是什么style的,对你产生了什么样的影响?
17.Describe your leadership style这个对你选择的profession 有什么帮助
18.how this will help you achieve your goal leadership skills inside and outside classroom;请举出几个例子,表现你在课堂内和外的leadership,注意是inside 和outside classroom
19.introduce a time management method proven to be successful for you;
20.AN EXAMPLE YOU MANAGE UR TIMEyou are more of a leader or manager what aspect of your communication style
21.do you think you want to improve.
22.which do you think is more important between creativity and efficiency talk about a recent news and discuss its impact or possible impact on business.
23.how college changes you as a person whose leardership do you like to emulate and why what attributes do you possess to deal with high pressure situation
24.what will you do in a high pressure situation?
25.What are the most important values andethics you demonstrate as a leader? Give me an example of these in practice.
27.What's your career role model and why?
28.What's your ability to deal with conflict, using specific examples.
30.what are your motivators ethical dilemma;
31.please talk about the ethical challenge you face in the workplace.
面试题是很有针对性的。学生大陆非会计本,于是会计专业知识完全没被问到。并且由于essay中描述的career goal是consultancy方面的,所以宏观上对经济的看法和分析、合作、沟通等能力会侧重考查。因此,建议各位准备面试的过程中减少看面经准备答案的时间,将之用于更加深入思考自己的职业目标与规划,以及实现目标所需的能力自己是否具备、如果不具备应该怎样弥补。想想这些,并且要尽量和申请的项目相结合。
8. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2019年2月3日
【申请专业:Master of Science inAccounting】
1. why BC & 还申请了什么其他项目
2. ST & LT goal, 你毕业后对自己的职业定位,take what steps to achieve your career goal?
3. 还有一道career有关的,忘了是啥了... (楼主2&3准备的一样的素材....于是第二道只能胡编了...)
4. skill transferrable to accounting 那道题
5. 有没有跟很难搞的人一起合作过,challenge and outcome
6. 你能给BC的learning environment带来什么贡献
7. 如何评估你的成功
9. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2019年2月3日
【申请专业:Master of Science inAccounting】
2、你会怎么contribute to BC as an individual,怎么对边上的同龄人产生有意义的影响什么的
10. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2017年1月16日 已录
【申请专业:Master of Science inAccounting】
1. Why BC? Other school you applied?(高频)
2. 什么有形的资源 that you want to gain from MSA program?
3. Long term short term goal?(高频)
4. What's you positioning in the future, given the current economic situation?(高频)
5.How do you prepare yourself for BC's future study?
6.What skills have you acquired that are trasferrable to a career in accounting? (高频)