

    I have a Chinese friend who is going to apply in USA, he is studying CS.

    As an experienced professor, would you help me to help him answer several questions about how you pick your gradate students from China?

    For example, when you pick your students, which capability is most important thing that your are favor of? Do you thinkGPAis important? Do you thinkGREandTOEFLscores are important? Do you think the rank of the Chinese University where th student is from is important? Do you think you'd rather pick students who has several years of working experiences or fresh granduated students?

    Thanks you so much for your help! I really appreciate your time!

    Thanks for asking my opinion.

    GPA (as long as is in upper rank),GREand TOEFL are not important. They just measured the abilities of students but not necessary their capabilities.

    BTW, Since GRE score are so high for most Chinese apllicants, most of us just ignore them.

    For our applied research programs like ours, work experience is definitelt an advantage. Critical thinking and independence are traits for successful PhD students.

    For CS, I believe critical thinking is very important since many of their reseach work is abstract.

    Best Regards.


    Q:根据您在 UT-Austin和 UK的经历,PhD申请中最重要的因素有哪些?如何成功申PhD美国 PhD委员会处理申请过程是什么?


    • 高GPA
    • 不错的研究成果
    • 教授的熟人强烈推荐









    Q:在 UT-Austin读 CS PhD是一种怎样的体验?



    Q:成功取得 PhD学位的关键因素是什么(譬如能力、热爱、坚持)?


    Q:计算机网络和分布式系统等研究方向的 PhD毕业以后在学术界和工业界就业去向如何


    Q:PhD相比于 MS毕业工作三四年来说,有哪些优势?




    Dear Sir,

    I have ever heard that the secretary of graduate school will first shift some application materials according to applicants\' GRE, TOEFL scores and GPA. Then the graduate committee make decisions according to the shifted materials. Is that true for seas@uUpenn? My GRE score is not competitive, V: 150, Q: 170, AW:3. But I have some publications publicated on important and famous international journals.

    I have taken TOELF exam, and I am not sure whether my TOEFL is above 100 or not.

    But seas@Upenn is my dream school. How I wish I could persue the doctoral program in seas@Upenn. Would you please tell me if my TOEFL is not above 100, do I still get chance to be addmitted by seas@Upenn?



    Your description of the admissions process is roughly accurate, althoughit better describes the MSE process.

    It is _possible_ to gain admission even with a low TOEFL, GRE-Verbal, etc (the GRE-Verbal isn't terribly important) - none of these are immediate summary disqualifiers. The most important things are academic/research ability, trancripts, the schools you've attended – of course papers published in international journals are very significant.





    我现在的导师正好刚在Umich做过一年多的访问学者,而且就是在那里ME系里的Graduate Chair手下做的,又都是中国人所以和他很熟。所以我申请的时候就把Umich做为了我的一个重点学校准备:申请材料精心填写、交申请费、给TG正式成绩。





    I think the most important thing during your application process is to show your research POTENTIAL as much as possible. Your T&G scores needn't to be very high. Neither is your GPA. In general, the scores are not so important for the first class schools than for the less famous schools. However, you do need to get a minimum score, eg. T≥100 G≥300 and the GPA is not too low.

    You should contact with your interested professor as early as possible to get your application results as soon as possible. As for the application fees, you can neglect it completely. If a department really want to recruit you, it will pay for you in some cases.


    角色的不同造成相异的视野与角度,所谓“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同”,同样的峰 山石,竟有不同的面貌。我想从一个年轻教师的角度,报告一下教授对研究生如何评鉴,有怎样期许。

    我任教的耶鲁大学地质与地球物理学系每年收到一百到一百八十份入学申请,从中选取十至十五人发出入学许可。我们审查委员会首先根据学生的学业成绩、修习科目、推荐信个人陈述、GRE、TOEFL 分数、研究成果(学、硕士论文)等将学生分成上、中、下三等,提报教授会议,教授们就个人的专业范畴对个别的学生可以更改评鉴的级别或从中等“解救”到上等,或从上等降级;然後再把上等生根据其研究兴趣分到本系的四个学术分科里去,再逐一讨论,评定名次,各组的前四人列入“够格”的候选名单,这是第一阶段。

    这第一阶段的选拔根据一些比较硬性的标准,譬如说外籍学生 TOEFL 在100分以下不予考虑、基本学科训练不足者剔除、中国学生GRE数学在95%以下,阅读145分以下出局。






    Dear Micheal,

    I read your statement again during the weekend. It is clearly that there is a cultural difference here. In the US, the criteria to admit a student primarily rests on merits (connection may count in some private elitist schools where that the parents being an alumni will or a big contributor add points). Especially in public university, the admission process is very transparent and conducted in a committee. When I was atBerkeley, I ran for one of the two student representatives to the doctoral admission committee.I read admission files with my other 5 faculty members. During the three rounds of discussion, I had one vote just like each of my professors. We admitted the students purely based on merits. There was a separately financial support committee composing with faculty and students who do not need financial aids (for fear of conflict of interests).

    We developed a table by GRE, TOFEL, SAT and GPA. It is easy to screen off about 70% of the applicants who were obviously unqualified -- low scores, lack of supporting documents, incomplete forms, major errors, missing deadlines, etc.Then we divided the remaining 30% into three groups -- must accept (students we love to get when they may go to other better schools), should accept (those who are good enough), and the marginal case (usually we put them on waiting list). Doctoral admission also relies on another important factor -- whether there is a professor in the department who has common research interest to take care of the applicant for the next 5 years. This is not very important for a master applicant because most master programs are fairly standardized.

    So, with a reasonably good TOFEL and GRE score, how can you market yourself better? Your academic training, your academic interest, your future career or scholastic plan, and your dedication are the stuff the admission committee will examine. Letters of reference are very important but you don't have that advantage because unless you are applying to a school where your professor at *** graduated (or your professor is known in the field worldwide); otherwise, these letters from China (sometimes with translation) will not help too much. Of course, you must make sure none of these letters hurt you. Then what makes you different from other applicants and deserving a fellowship?

    Some work sample, prior studies, project reports will give the committee a chance to gauge your level of competence. So only send stuff that is good -- it is tough because of the translation requirement.

    Life is full of constraints and opportunities. So you try your best and hope of the best. When opportunities present to you, seize them. Your score is good enough to get to most schools (don't worry about the verbal part of the GRE -- which you are very good as a non-English speaker and your TOFEL is OK because it is above 100. You will be accepted by some schools but then what?

    You have several options:

    • Get to the cheapest and most affordable place that accepts you -- it may be in a remote, isolated place. But if you are lucky, you study a subject you like in a program that is solid.
    • Get to a good university but financially you are bit vulnerable -- you may be in the field you like or not.

    Here good university means the fame of the whole university -- not the standardof the department. You should do some research about the reputation by department in the fields you applied for. The fame of the whole university is more relevant for undergraduates. For graduate

    school, the department's reputation counts more because of the network of professors in that field. For example, computer science at Penn is lousy but itsMBAis the best in the world (better than Harvard and Yale). Also my previous university FIU is lousy but its hopitality/sea cruise program is one of the best two in the country (the other one in Las Vegas). It is about the niche.

    All this related back to your goals. It seems to me that you just want to study in the US regardless interest. If you show such desperation in your application, it may raise a red flag. Committees want to accept good students in terms of academic potential. So try your best to hide that motivation. Since it is a practical concern to you, you may like to go for option a. as defined above.

    Use the 2 years as a time to get adjusted, obtain a very high GPA, complete one or two excellent term papers. You should know the niche of graduate schools in your field, so you may consider transfer in the second year, or get another master degrees or a doctoral. Also develop your connection and identify your true academic interest in those two years. Make sure that when you applied for Ph.D. or for a job, you have 2 to 3 American professors who are fully supportive.

    Given your ability, you would like the US because this is a place that appreciates handwork and individual merit. It is a country full of opportunities.Guanxi helps but not a factor that limits you.However, you must be very independent and always lonely in mastering your future and taking your responsibilities.

    Another matter is about the long-term career future. Computer, IT & biotech will be the future of the world just like electricity, telephone, telegram around the turn of the 20th century. Despite the setback of the high-tech industries (dot.com, etc.) in the past 10 months, these fields have lot of future.

    However what I saw in the past decade was that most Asian students came and stayed in engineering and then computer; then make a good living. Few of them were entrepreneurial enough to have their own companies. Most of them lived in an isolated social and cultural setting that they did not fully integrate into the US mainstream. The main reason is that they lack the language skill, so they could not get to marketing or key positions which \ require bargaining, negotiation, and management skill -- all in English.

    It is clear that when they were studying here, they did not use English. They found a place to excel in their technical and mathematical expressions. This specialization hurts them in the long-term, so some of them returned to Taiwan and Korea. Some try to work in import and export trade between Asian and the US. Some worked for Dell, I BM, Microsoft but worked in China. I just let you know you can choose if you prepare yourselves early enough. It is up to you to pick the best path for you.You will be on your own most time but I am happy to discuss with you if I have less time pressure.

    Take care and good luck!













    最后Professor只能和我说“I can help you, but the help needs a reasonable ranking.”


    MIT & CMU CS教授谈招生

    去年曾经听过MIT的CSAIL的co-director Prof. Zue还有CMU的计算机系主任Prof. Wing的讲座。他们都讲了他们是如何选择申请者的。当时我各写了一篇blog,现在我把里面关于申请的这一段贴出来吧,看看最牛的学校是怎么选择申请者的。

    Prof. Zue:


    1. 成绩,但是这是你在申请时已经不能改变的;

    2. 推荐信,我们要求写推荐信的人是了解你的老师,而且不是写“该同学在该科表现出色,获得95分”之类,这些都是在成绩单上可以看出来的,我们要知道的是你有什么与众不同的表现;

    3. 也是最重要的,Statement of Objective(也即一般所讲的Personal Statement),这一段老教授讲得非常有趣,把能想起来的写一下:

    1) If you say, I was dreaming of going to MIT when I was very young...扔到垃圾桶里! Everyone is dreaming of going to MIT!

    2) And if you say, MIT is the best university of the world, it has the 1st ranking CS department...扔到垃圾桶里,这些我们都知道...

    3) But if you say, 我对你们的某个专业或者某个方向感兴趣...um? 可以看一下…

    如果是说,我对某教授研究的课题比较有兴趣,希望能参与它的研究,it's better!

    4) And if you say, I'm interested in ..., but I have a better idea. That's great!


    1. Why do you come here?

    2. Who do you want to study with?

    3. What do you want to do?

    从始至终,他都在强调一句话:Make yourself different. 这才是申请的最关键之处。

    Prof. Wing:

    The depardment of CS of CMU is very selective, We only adimit 177 students this year from over 1000 applications... But we are looking fro very bright students from China, because you received very good training in math...And our requirement is:

    1. Good grade

    2. Good recommendation

    3. the most important is yourresearch potential.

    That means you must have strong ability to do research. So you'd better get involved to project, have creativity and communacation skill, which means skill to speak and write. And as the most popular language in CS field is English, so your English must be good enough....Please work hard and apply for us and have good luck!


    昨天问了一个米国老师为什么要面试,他说I think they want to know how good your English is. They may also ask you questions on your career goal, and see how much you know about XXX school.


    前几个星期,我去参加了系给本科生举办的一个Grad school talk,邀请了本校的CS Grad admission 的负责人和斯坦福的EE grad admission的负责人。其中,伯克利的负责人展示了一个图表,里面显示了去年斯坦福、CMU、MIT、伯克利 4所大学的计算机科学PhD的录取情况。很可惜,我记忆力不太好,所以具体的数字记不太清楚了,不过以下是几点我记得的东西:

    1. 4所大学加在一起招收了260多个人

    2. 伯克利招收了80-90多个PhD学生

    3. 有10名左右的学生,同时被3或4所大学录取

    4. 有30名左右的学生,同时被斯坦福和伯克利录取

    5. MIT特别喜欢搞后门(直升)

    6. 伯克利一共受到了大约1.1-1.3k份application

    7. 斯坦福的PhD录取不是按照Field来分的,也没有任何Field的Quota

    8. 伯克利的PhD是按照field来分的,因此申请AI的同学将和别的想搞AI的同学竞争几个位置

    9. GRE太高没啥用

    10. 牛推大于一切

    11. 伯克利的负责人建议:大二开始做研究

    12. 大于3.7-3.8的gpa是基本的

    13. 从1,2,3,4点可以看出,每个学校选择的时候口味是有一定的区别的,因此多报的话,很有利于提高机会

    14. 任课老师的推荐信基本不会有任何帮助

    15. 你去业界作研究后,让你负责人写的推荐信很大程度上取决于你负责人的知名度和学历

    16. 如果你拿到Fellowship的话,一定要通知学校,会对你的录取有一定的帮助

    17. 在CS PhD出路方面,貌似很大部分最后是去业界带研究team

    18. 在被录取后的下载188金宝搏app 方面,他们推荐以你想要研究的Field的导师来选择学校,而不是以名声

    19. Admission的结果很大程度上取决于你所什么方面的教授对你的看法,因此....


    陆奇是代表微软来作每个学期的 microsoft executive talk,他当时一件汗衫,看起来感觉和学生差不多,完全不像李开复那种一看就是高管的样子。

    这些是陆奇对在一名(也许是伯克利的)CS PhD留学生的提问之后作出的回答。他的主题是:在当今社会,中国留美CS PhD越来越多的情况下,怎么才能够脱颖而出,做到像他那样的成功。

    1. 机会就像公车,错过一班永远有下一班,但不要以为一班车就是把你从你现在的位置带到你自己所期望的位置。

    2. Make yourself uncomfortable,如果你的日子很舒服轻松了,那他觉得move on的时间到了,如果你的日子不舒服,那他觉得是一件很好的事情,因为你在进步在成长。

    3. If you are smart and you work hard, you can achieve anything. (他反复强调的这点)


    International applicants seeking assistantship/admission: please do not send me emails blindly without reading this.

    Every day I receive emails from international candidates for information, for advice, and especially requesting financial assistance. Unfortunately, I delete most of them without even reading them carefully. I get so many irrelevant emails that cannot reply to each. Extremely rarely has one caught my attention. Please do not send me emails without reading this first. I am only interested in corresponding to candidates who are exceptional, and have a strong interest and experience in my immediate area of specialization, and I highly prefer ones with a Master's degree.

    For your benefit, I have included in this page, some writing tips, when corresponding to me, and perhaps also in writing to other faculty members in US Universities. When corresponding, do not mention your age/date of birth, your gender, nationality etc. These are superfluous information.

    I am NOT interested in:Extra-curricular activities, performance in high school or before, TOEFL scores, hobbies, software skills, UNIX/ORACLE/NOVELL certification and other items unrelated to my research area*.

    I am SOMEWHAT interested in:Your awards/academic honors, academic records, GPA, GRE score (2200+), experience.

    I am HIGHLY interested in:Your publications, research interests (have supporting evidence for your claim, don't just claim you are interested, unless you actually have done some work in the area).

    (Incidentally,I do not know what NOVELL or Microsoft certification are. Research is more concerned with things like advanced mathematical skills, creativity etc. Too much software skill actually may even count negative in my group).


    Boss刚好认识某藤校 CS Master Program的系主任,帮我强推了。系主任说他们有bias towards Universities in China,然后说会look out for his application.

    GRE Sub只是浮云

    Although this is specified in the main documents, we do overlook this requirement if we find a good student. So please do apply, and then lets keep our fingers crossed. Let me know what you have decided.


    Letters of recommendation all tend to say that so and so is the best student, etc. So, not much differentiation exists there.

    GRE and TOEFL are heavily counted at the beginning of the screening process. Once you pass that phase, the scores are not emphasized all that much.


    Well, since you want an honest evaluation, I'll tell you what I can. What we've found in the past is that students from China generally put so much effort into their GRE and TOEFL, that the scores mean nothing.

    We've admitted students who got perfect GRE scores and high TOEFLs who didn't turn out to be all that bright or to speak English all that well. Also, what we've seen are letters of recommendation that were clearly written by the students and only signed by the professors. Since we're just reading the student's words, we tend to focus on the statement of purpose (where you describe your skills and what you want to do), and on the grade transcripts.

    I've read many statements of purpose that are two pages long and say nothing. If somebody can actually describe their skills and the work they want to do, that stands out. Likewise, we'll look at grades from all the students applying from a particular school.

    Usually, you can find one or two classes that have professors who grade more harshly. If somebody gets a good grade from a hard professor, that stands out as well.

    It's obviously easier to consider students from schools like Tsinghua because we get enough applications from there that you can really compare the students to each other.Coming from a less famous school certainly hurts your chances, but it doesn't ruin them.

    That's what I look for when I consider students from China. So, I hope you understand that nothing that you've sent me allows me to tell you how well you might do if you applied here.

    I would need to see your whole application.





    该同学背景:本科gpa2.3,硕士gpa3.7(但是学分很少,课程也很少),gre311,toefl100,无文章。推荐信一个普通教授(本科毕设导师),经理(毕业实习经理),副教授(硕士专业课和我交往不错的一个老师)。2012年毕业,2013Fall找启德遭遇全拒,2014Fall DIY依靠套磁申到美国TOP50学校全奖PhD,生物技术专业。






    1. GRE重要,因为总需要一项指标来给所有学生排序,而这项的成绩是对所有人统一的。
    2. GPA是要和本科学校结合起来看的,他认为中国top校的中上等学生要好于第十名学校的第一名学生(泛指)。
    3. 我问他最看重phd applicants的什么,他脱口而出的是leadership,然后解释说要有independence,能够独立地解决问题,有成为领域领军者的潜力。
    4. 教授们喜欢能够阅读文献、能真正理解、能把自己放在作者的角度上思考下一步要做什么的学生。
    5. Be yourself,每个学生都是非常不同的,不必关心别人什么样。一些特殊的经历,比如双学位等,可以引起教授的兴趣。
    6. 我怨念的大一GPA低问题:他说可以向教授解释
    7. 不要上太多课,做research不关注你能上多少课,得多少高分,因为课程往往广而不深。
    8. 套磁要有针对性,他作为一个做通信网络的人,收到一封声称对他方向感兴趣,但个人简历全是电磁场研究的邮件,唯一的想法就是这个人把同一封邮件发给了一百个人。
    9. 感觉他们很重视国际学生的reading, writing and communication skills,他说要给我写推荐信时多次提到我的这方面能力。


    Wed Jul 31 04:55:32 CST 2019