蒙茅斯学院(Monmouth College)成立于1853年,是一所位于美国伊利诺伊州城区蒙茅斯(Monmouth)小镇的小型四年制私立男女合校文理学院;该校只开设本科学位课程;优势专业是心理学;该校受美国中北部学院及学校协会(NCACS)的认证。学校提供校内住宿。*(1)
电话:(309) 457-2131
邮寄地址:700 East Broadway Monmouth, IL 61462 *(1)
- 新英格兰学校及学院协会(NEASC)
- 中部各州学院及学校协会(MSACS)
- 中北部学院及学校协会(NCACS)
- 西部学校及学院协会(WASC)
- 西北学院及大学认证委员会(NWCCU)
- 南部学院及学校协会(SACS)
79 |
学费 |
$35,300 |
SAT均分 |
1440-1620 |
食宿 |
$8,300 |
Semester |
平均GPA |
3.3 |
申请费 |
$0 |
是否提供ESL课程 |
Yes |
申请人数 |
2,657 |
录取率 |
62% |
是否提供奖学金 |
Yes |
四年毕业率 |
48% |
小班比例 |
69.2% |
校友资源强大度 |
62% |
六年毕业率 |
58% |
中班比例 |
30.8% |
课业轻松程度 |
64% |
新生保持率 |
74% |
大班比例 |
0% |
就业实习满意度 |
85% |
毕业2年平均薪水 | $32,100 | 就业率 | 56% | 校友网络认可度 | 90% |
校园安全事件 | Criminal Offenses -- On-Campus | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
谋杀 | Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter | 0 |
0 |
0 |
过失杀人 | Negligent manslaughter | 0 |
0 |
0 |
强奸 | Rape | N/A |
N/A |
3 |
乱伦 | Incest | N/A |
N/A |
0 |
强奸幼童罪 | Statutory Rape | N/A |
N/A |
0 |
猥亵 | Fondling | N/A |
N/A |
1 |
性侵犯-强迫 | Sex offenses - Forcible | 0 |
4 |
N/A |
性侵犯-非强迫 | Sex offenses - non-forcible (incest and statutory rape only) | 0 |
0 |
N/A |
抢劫 | Robbery | 0 |
0 |
0 |
暴力袭击 | Aggravated assault | 0 |
0 |
0 |
盗窃 | Burglary | 0 |
0 |
0 |
汽车盗窃 | Motor vehicle theft | 0 |
0 |
0 |
纵火 | Arson | 0 |
0 |
0 |
班级排名 |
分段 |
占比 |
分段 |
占比 |
3.75以上 |
28% |
TOP10% |
13% |
3.5-3.74 |
11% |
TOP25% |
36% |
3.25-3.49 |
16% |
TOP50% |
70% |
3.0-3.24 |
17% |
50%以下 |
30% |
2.50-2.99 |
24% |
75%以下 |
3% |
2.49以下 |
4% |
支出项目 |
项目英文名 |
2016-2017学年费用 |
学费 |
Tuition and fees |
$35,300 |
住宿费用 |
Room and board |
$8,300 |
书本费 |
Books and supplies |
$1,200 |
个人花费 |
Estimated personal expenses |
$1,150 |
交通费 |
Transportation expenses |
$600 |
合计 |
Estimated Total |
$46,550 |
- The professors on campus are actually worried about your well-being and genuinely care about you not only as a student, but as an individual. The academics here are also premier due to it being a liberal arts college.
- There are lots of majors and registration is easy, but science majors have awful luck - if they fail one class they have to stay a semester longer.
- Monmouth College is unique in that it uses the 4-4 system. This means that each person takes 4 courses per semester (or more if counting ensembles, band, or half-semester courses, not to exceed 5). Each course is worth 4 credit hours. For example, I'm taking 4.5 course credits, so this translates to 18 credit hours. The work load is very difficult. The instructors assign a lot of work, because no student takes a very large number of classes. Very little time is spent in the classes. The perks is that you gain a lot of depth with your classes and, being a liberal arts college, the courses are very discussion based. All of the classes are small. My largest class has 22 students and my fewest has 8. My average class size is 15-18 students. This small class size allows us to grow individually by allowing the professors to get to know us. The facilities are outstanding, especially for business/science majors. The new Center for Science and Business is a state-of-the-art building dedicated to the sciences and business and is full of labs, lecture halls, and small classrooms. Wallace Hall is the traditional building for the humanities. McMichael Academic Hall is known for having wonderful workshops for art. Music majors will spend plenty of time in an actual house called the Austin House.
- My major biology is difficult and rigorous but helpful for the future since it challenges me to think and to try new things.
- I believe thePsychologyprogram is very top notch and the professors seem to care about not only their jobs, but the students as well. I would not know for sure because I am only a freshman and this is my first semester into the program.
- Monmouth focuses a lot on academics and always ready to help a student.
- Challenging classes that you will get a lot from. The professors are great!
- Sports Focused Admission – I chose MC because I thought I would be getting a good education. I later found out most of their admission choices are based on athletics. Other than this the campus is amazing although it is very quiet.* (5)
专业名称 | 专业英文名 | 专业名称 | 专业英文名 |
会计 | Accounting | 图书馆科学 | Library Science |
精算学 | Actuarial Science | 数学 | Mathematics |
建筑学 | Architecture | 医学实验室科学 | Medical Laboratory Sciences |
艺术 | Art | 医学预科 | Medicine(Pre-Prefessional) |
大气科学 | Atmospheric Science | 军事科学 | Military Science |
生物化学 | Biochemistry | 音乐 | Music |
生物学 | Biology | 护理预科 | Nursing(Pre-Prefessional) |
生物心理学 | Biopsychology | 职业疗法预科 | Occupational Therapy(Pre-Prefessional) |
工商管理 | Business Administration | 药学预科 | Pharmacy(Pre-Prefessional) |
化学 | Chemistry | 哲学 | Philosophy |
古典文学 | Classics | 体育 | Physical Education |
传播学 | Communication Studies | 物理疗法预科 | Physical Therapy(Pre-Prefessional) |
计算机科学 | Computer Science | 医师助理预科 | Physician Assistant(Pre-Prefessional) |
牙医预科 | Dentistry(Pre-Prefessional) | 物理学 | Physics |
经济学 | Economics | 政治学 | Political Science |
小学教育 | Elementary Education | 心理学 | Psychology |
工程预科 | Engineering(Pre-Prefessional) | 公共关系 | Public Relations |
英语 | English | 宗教学 | Religious Studies |
环境科学与可持续发展 | Environmental Science and Sustainability | 宣教预科 | Seminary(Pre-Prefessional) |
运动科学 | Exercise Science | 社会服务 | Social Services |
法语 | French | 社会学与人类学-人类服务方向 | Sociologyand Anthropology / Human Services |
希腊语 | Greek | 西班牙语 | Spanish |
历史 | History | 教师资格项目 | Teacher Licensure |
国际贸易 | International Business | 戏剧 | Theatre |
国际问题研究 | International Studies | 兽医预科 | Veterinary Medicine(Pre-Prefessional) |
拉丁语 | Latin | 健康管理 | Wellness Administration |
法学预科 | Law(Pre-Prefessional) |
(1) Monmouth College College Board
(2) Monmouth College Wikipedia
(3) Monmouth College USNEWS
(4) Monmouth College Princeton Review
(5) Monmouth College College Prowler
(6) Our Programs and Majors Monmouth College